7 research outputs found

    The Role of Islamic Banking in Jordan in Supporting Industries

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    This paper aims to point out if Islamic banks in Jordan depend on Islamic Investment "Istisna" in supporting industries? At the beginning there are some definitions of the Islamic investment that the Islamic banks should offer to support industries, "Istisna", the research discussed if Islamic banks in Jordan apply this investment tool, at last the results will show that on average, the Islamic Banks in Jordan do not offer "Istisna". So they do not have any effective role in supporting industries in Jordan. Keywords: Islamic banking, Islamic investments "Istisna", Industrie

    The Relationship between Unemployment and Economic Growth Rate in Arab Country

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    The main purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between unemployment and GDP growth in Arab countries. We consider 9 Arab Countries between 1994 and 2010. The model adopted for testing the relationship is the Pooled EGLS (Cross-section SUR). It has been found that economic growth has negative and significant effect upon the unemployment rate it means that 1% increase in economic Growth will decrease the unemployment rate by 0.16%.. Keywords: Economic growth, Unemployment, GDP, Okun’s law, panel, Arab countries

    The Relationship between Unemployment and Economic Growth Rate in Arab Country

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    The main purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between unemployment and GDP growth in Arab countries. We consider 9 Arab Countries between 1994 and 2010. The model adopted for testing the relationship is the Pooled EGLS (Cross-section SUR). It has been found that economic growth has negative and significant effect upon the unemployment rate it means that 1% increase in economic Growth will decrease the unemployment rate by 0.16%.. Keywords: Economic growth, Unemployment, GDP, Okun’s law, panel, Arab countries

    Reality of the Industrial Sector in Jordan

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    The study aims to examine Jordan's industrial sector by using descriptive statistical and econometric methods. For the purposes of analysis, we used a time series data for the Jordanian industrial sector (Mining, manufacturing, and electricity) from 1990 to 2017. The study came out of the importance of the Jordanian industrial sector. During the study period, the industrial sector ranked first among the sectors in terms of relative importance in its contribution to GDP at an annual average rate of 16% . Comparing the industry's contribution to Jordan's GDP with other countries, Jordan is still relatively late compared to semi-industrialized developing countries, like Singapore, Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, and Egypt. In addition, there was a fluctuating rise in labor productivity in the industrial sector, this may be due to the increase in the amount of fixed capital, as expressed by high capital intensity technology, or to the development of labor’s skills and competencies. The study recommended the need to work to improve the output of the educational system in line with the requirements of revitalization of the industrial sector, and work to increase the efficiency of vocational training institutions in order to raise the productive efficiency of local labor because of the impact of the revitalization of the industrial sector. Keywords: industry , manufacturing, Mining, market , Jordan, electricity, Value added DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-18-11 Publication date:September 30th 201

    Legislative and Regulatory Framework for the Stock Exchange market in Jordan

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    This paper attempts to shed light on the legislative and regulatory framework of Stock Exchange market in Jordan, with a focus on the instructions related to the protection of competition and preventing monopoly. The researcher recommends that the supervisors of the Amman Stock Exchange Securities must activate all the ways that will work on accessing information for all investors and thus raise the efficiency of the market and in order to prevent the possibility of achieving extraordinary profits