173 research outputs found

    The Ethology of Stress in Nematodes

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    Animals can respond to stress in two ways: one is through innate, reflexive behaviors and physiological responses. For example, bees sting invaders when they feel threatened, and heat shock proteins in our body ensure the proper folding of proteins under stressful conditions. The other strategy is through the more active and dynamic phenotypic plasticity responses, for example the transformation of spadefoot tadpoles into cannibals in crowded environments. When Caenorhabditis elegans roundworms face harsh environmental conditions they can develop into the dauer larvae stage instead of reproductive adult. Dauers are long-lived, stress-resistant, and specialized for dispersal. Dauer biology has much to reveal about stress resistance, neural state, and tissue coordination. Using RNA-seq we compared dauers vs non-dauers and found 8,042 genes that are differentially expressed. By bioinformatically clustering these genes, we discovered the significant up-regulation of neuropeptide genes during dauer development. In particular, the FMRFamide neuropeptides are coordinatelly up-regulated as a family. Peptidergic signaling downstream of sbt-1 promotes dauer entry decision and nication coordination, and it is necessary for CO2 chemoattraction. We further identified that flp-10 and flp-17 together have the same effect as sbt-1 on nictation and CO2 attraction. Finally, we showed that the upregulation of flp might be a shared strategy in the host-seeking parasitic infective juvenile (IJ) stage. From the RNA-seq data we also identified four good marker genes for labeling the dauer entry decision and driving gene expression, specifically during dauer commitment. By overexpressing daf-9 in the hypodermis during dauer-commitment, we can manipulate the decision and promote reproductive development. Combining the markers with partial dauer mutants allowed me to confirm their subtle phenotypes in tissue-coordination breakdown. Furthermore, this approach allowed me to uncover the novel neuronal partial dauer phenotype for daf-18 mutants. In work done outside of the lab, I investigated the innate stress response of extremophiles to Mono Lake. I isolated nine new nematode species that were diversely related in phylogeny, morphology, and feeding lifestyles. We were able to culture one of the species, Auanema tufa, in the laboratory, and demonstrated a high level of arsenic stress-resistance in the species. These data suggest that Mono Lake—particularly its more buffered tide zone—has been invaded independently and multiple times by nematodes. We also speculate that pre-adaptation to arsenic in the tide zones on Mono Lake could lead to the genomic evolution necessary to adapt to the high pH and salinity of inner Mono Lake. Altogether, I have investigated innate and plastic stress responses in and outside of the lab through my work on dauer development and arsenic resistance in Mono Lake. This has allowed me to survey the strategies nematodes use to maximize the use of their simple body plans. In particular, dauers up-regulate 64 neuropeptide genes that encode for 215 peptides to massively rewire their neural state. This likely allows them to overcome the physical limitations of their un-compartmentalized nervous system, and I speculate that such a strategy would be useful in other organisms lacking compartmentalized brains, as well as in local regions of a brain that are low complexity.</p

    Genetic markers enable the verification and manipulation of the dauer entry decision

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    Phenotypic plasticity allows animals to survive in changing environments through the alteration of phenotypes or development. One of the best-studied examples of phenotypic plasticity is dauer larval development in the free-living roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans. When faced with hostile environments, C. elegans larvae can exit reproductive development and enter the stress-resistant and spore-like dauer larval stage. However, knowledge about how the dauer entry decision is made, and how the different tissues of the animal coordinate to execute transformation into dauer, is limited. This is because identifying animals that make the entry decision, or that fail to coordinately remodel their tissues during dauer development, is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Utilizing our previously reported RNA-seq of animals going through dauer or reproductive development (Lee et al., 2017), we have identified genetic markers for conveniently tracking and manipulating the dauer entry decision. These include col-183 (which tracks dauer fate in the hypodermis), ets-10 (neurons and intestine), nhr-246 (intestine and hypodermis), and F53F1.4 (reproductive fate in the hypodermis). Using condition shift experiments, we demonstrate that the dauer-specific fluorescent expression of the markers correspond to the commitment event of the dauer entry decision, and therefore label when the decision is made. We show that these markers can be used to manipulate the entry decision by driving the reproduction-promoting gene daf-9 under the control of the dauer-specific marker col-183, through which we could shift animals into non-dauer development. We further demonstrate that the markers can be used to track tissue coordination during the decision. daf-9, daf-15, and daf-18 partial dauers exhibit incomplete expression of the ets-10 marker, with our results indicating that the same gene (e.g. daf-9 or daf-18) can affect dauer development differently in different tissues. Our findings provide molecular tools for studying phenotypic plasticity during a whole animal decision

    Newly Identified Nematodes from Mono Lake Exhibit Extreme Arsenic Resistance

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    Extremophiles have much to reveal about the biology of resilience, yet their study is limited by sampling and culturing difficulties [1, 2, 3]. The broad success and small size of nematodes make them advantageous for tackling these problems [4, 5, 6]. We investigated the arsenic-rich, alkaline, and hypersaline Mono Lake (CA, US) [7, 8, 9] for extremophile nematodes. Though Mono Lake has previously been described to contain only two animal species (brine shrimp and alkali flies) in its water and sediments [10], we report the discovery of eight nematode species from the lake, including microbe grazers, parasites, and predators. Thus, nematodes are the dominant animals of Mono Lake in species richness. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the nematodes originated from multiple colonization events, which is striking, given the young history of extreme conditions at Mono Lake [7, 11]. One species, Auanema sp., is new, culturable, and survives 500 times the human lethal dose of arsenic. Comparisons to two non-extremophile sister species [12] reveal that arsenic resistance is a common feature of the genus and a preadaptive trait that likely allowed Auanema to inhabit Mono Lake. This preadaptation may be partly explained by a variant in the gene dbt-1 shared with some Caenorhabditis elegans natural populations and known to confer arsenic resistance [13]. Our findings expand Mono Lake’s ecosystem from two known animal species to ten, and they provide a new system for studying arsenic resistance. The dominance of nematodes in Mono Lake and other extreme environments and our findings of preadaptation to arsenic raise the intriguing possibility that nematodes are widely pre-adapted to be extremophiles

    FMRFamide-like peptides expand the behavioral repertoire of a densely connected nervous system

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    Animals, including humans, can adapt to environmental stress through phenotypic plasticity. The free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans can adapt to harsh environments by undergoing a whole-animal change, involving exiting reproductive development and entering the stress-resistant dauer larval stage. The dauer is a dispersal stage with dauer-specific behaviors for finding and stowing onto carrier animals, but how dauers acquire these behaviors, despite having a physically limited nervous system of 302 neurons, is poorly understood. We compared dauer and reproductive development using whole-animal RNA sequencing at fine time points and at sufficient depth to measure transcriptional changes within single cells. We detected 8,042 genes differentially expressed during dauer and reproductive development and observed striking up-regulation of neuropeptide genes during dauer entry. We knocked down neuropeptide processing using sbt-1 mutants and demonstrate that neuropeptide signaling promotes the decision to enter dauer rather than reproductive development. We also demonstrate that during dauer neuropeptides modulate the dauer-specific nictation behavior (carrier animal-hitchhiking) and are necessary for switching from repulsion to CO_2 (a carrier animal cue) in nondauers to CO_2 attraction in dauers. We tested individual neuropeptides using CRISPR knockouts and existing strains and demonstrate that the combined effects of flp-10 and flp-17 mimic the effects of sbt-1on nictation and CO_2 attraction. Through meta-analysis, we discovered similar up-regulation of neuropeptides in the dauer-like infective juveniles of diverse parasitic nematodes, suggesting the antiparasitic target potential of SBT-1. Our findings reveal that, under stress, increased neuropeptide signaling in C. elegans enhances their decision-making accuracy and expands their behavioral repertoire

    Serologic Status for Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Virus, Taiwan

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    We studied preexisting immunity to pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus in persons in Taiwan. A total of 18 (36%) of 50 elderly adults in Taiwan born before 1935 had protective antibodies against currently circulating pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus. Seasonal influenza vaccines induced antibodies that did not protect against pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus

    Quantification and recognition of parkinsonian gait from monocular video imaging using kernel-based principal component analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The computer-aided identification of specific gait patterns is an important issue in the assessment of Parkinson's disease (PD). In this study, a computer vision-based gait analysis approach is developed to assist the clinical assessments of PD with kernel-based principal component analysis (KPCA).</p> <p>Method</p> <p>Twelve PD patients and twelve healthy adults with no neurological history or motor disorders within the past six months were recruited and separated according to their "Non-PD", "Drug-On", and "Drug-Off" states. The participants were asked to wear light-colored clothing and perform three walking trials through a corridor decorated with a navy curtain at their natural pace. The participants' gait performance during the steady-state walking period was captured by a digital camera for gait analysis. The collected walking image frames were then transformed into binary silhouettes for noise reduction and compression. Using the developed KPCA-based method, the features within the binary silhouettes can be extracted to quantitatively determine the gait cycle time, stride length, walking velocity, and cadence.</p> <p>Results and Discussion</p> <p>The KPCA-based method uses a feature-extraction approach, which was verified to be more effective than traditional image area and principal component analysis (PCA) approaches in classifying "Non-PD" controls and "Drug-Off/On" PD patients. Encouragingly, this method has a high accuracy rate, 80.51%, for recognizing different gaits. Quantitative gait parameters are obtained, and the power spectrums of the patients' gaits are analyzed. We show that that the slow and irregular actions of PD patients during walking tend to transfer some of the power from the main lobe frequency to a lower frequency band. Our results indicate the feasibility of using gait performance to evaluate the motor function of patients with PD.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This KPCA-based method requires only a digital camera and a decorated corridor setup. The ease of use and installation of the current method provides clinicians and researchers a low cost solution to monitor the progression of and the treatment to PD. In summary, the proposed method provides an alternative to perform gait analysis for patients with PD.</p

    Altered cofactor regulation with disease-associated p97/VCP mutations

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    Dominant mutations in p97/VCP (valosin-containing protein) cause a rare multisystem degenerative disease with varied phenotypes that include inclusion body myopathy, Paget’s disease of bone, frontotemporal dementia, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. p97 disease mutants have altered N-domain conformations, elevated ATPase activity, and altered cofactor association. We have now discovered a previously unidentified disease-relevant functional property of p97 by identifying how the cofactors p37 and p47 regulate p97 ATPase activity. We define p37 as, to our knowledge, the first known p97-activating cofactor, which enhances the catalytic efficiency (k_(cat)/K_m) of p97 by 11-fold. Whereas both p37 and p47 decrease the K_m of ATP in p97, p37 increases the k_(cat) of p97. In contrast, regulation by p47 is biphasic, with decreased k_(cat) at low levels but increased k_(cat) at higher levels. By deleting a region of p47 that lacks homology to p37 (amino acids 69–92), we changed p47 from an inhibitory cofactor to an activating cofactor, similar to p37. Our data suggest that cofactors regulate p97 ATPase activity by binding to the N domain. Induced conformation changes affect ADP/ATP binding at the D1 domain, which in turn controls ATPase cycling. Most importantly, we found that the D2 domain of disease mutants failed to be activated by p37 or p47. Our results show that cofactors play a critical role in controlling p97 ATPase activity, and suggest that lack of cofactor-regulated communication may contribute to p97-associated disease pathogenesis