1,520 research outputs found

    Ultrastructural analysis of low-threshold mechanoreceptive vibrissa afferent boutons in the cat trigeminal caudal nucleus

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    Ultrastructural parameters related to synaptic release and their correlation with synaptic connectivity were analyzed in the low-threshold mechanoreceptive vibrissa afferent boutons in laminae III and IV of the trigeminal caudal nucleus (Vc). Rapidly adapting vibrissa afferents were intra-axonally labeled, and quantitative ultrastructural analyses with serial sections were performed on the labeled boutons and their presynaptic endings (p-endings). The volume of the labeled boutons was widely distributed from small to large ones (0.8~12.3 µm3), whereas the p-endings were small and uniform in size. The volume of the labeled boutons was positively correlated with the ultrastructural parameters such as mitochondrial volume (correlation coefficient, r=0.96), active zone area (r=0.82) and apposed surface area (r=0.79). Vesicle density (r=-0.18) showed little correlation to the volume of labeled boutons, suggesting that the total vesicle number of a bouton is proportional to its volume. In addition, the bouton volume was positively correlated with the number of p-endings (r=0.52) and with the number of dendrites postsynaptic to the labeled bouton (r=0.83). These findings suggest that low-threshold mechanoreception conveyed through vibrissa afferents is processed in a bouton size-dependent manner in the Vc, which may contribute to the sensory-motor function of laminae III/IV in Vc

    On the Action of Sodium Glycocholate on Nuclei and Chromosomes

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    ProteoFind : A script for finding proteins that are suitable for chemical synthesis

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    ProteoFind is a computational script for finding proteins that are suitable for fragment ligation-based chemical synthesis. This paper describes the development and case studies of ProteoFind, which searches protein lists obtained from the UniProt website. Its application to visualize areas covered by several one-pot three-fragment ligation methods is also discussed. The results demonstrate that ProteoFind not only saves time when searching for synthetic target proteins, but also proposes many candidate proteins from among which biomedically interesting proteins could be found. It also enables clarification of the features of ligation methods by comparing the areas to which each ligation reaction is accessible

    言語活動を充実させる具体的手立て : 思考ツールを活用した授業実践 <第2部 教科研究>

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    クリティカルシンキングの育成をめざす授業実践 : 「羅生門」の授業での課題設定の工夫を中心に <第2部 教科研究>

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    思考力の育成は,学校教育の今日的課題になっている。思考力の育成をめざす授業実践で問題になるのは, どのような実践上の工夫を行っているかであり,そのエ夫がどの程度有効かということである。育成が求められている思考力の一つに,クリティカルシンキングがあげられる。本稿はクリティカルシンキングの育成をめざして行った自身の授業実践と,実践を考察することで明らかになった成果と今後の課題を示すことを目的とする。特に,課題設定の工夫について取立てて論じた

    学習課題作りの授業実践 <第2部 教科研究>

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    On the complement class to the torsion theory

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    Mitochondrial decay in aging

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    AbstractSeveral mitochondrial functions decline with age. The contributing factors include, the intrinsic rate of proton leakage across the inner mitochondrial membrane (a correlate of oxidant formation), decreased membrane fluidity, and decreased levels and function of cardiolipin, which supports the function of many of the proteins of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Oxidants generated by mitochondria appear to be the major source of the oxidative lesions that accumulate with age. Evidence supports the suggestion that age-associated accumulation of mitochondrial deficits due to oxidative damage is likely to be a major contributor to cellular, tissue, and organismal aging