391 research outputs found

    Indirect Probe of Electroweak-Interacting Particles with Mono-Lepton Signatures at Hadron Colliders

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    Electroweak-interacting massive particles (EWIMPs) exist in a broad class of new physics models beyond the Standard Model. Searching for such particles is one of most primary goal at the LHC and future colliders. The EWIMP generally affects the LHC signatures through quantum corrections even without direct productions. By measuring the Standard Model processes precisely, we can indirectly probe the EWIMPs. In this paper, we study the current constraint and future prospect of the EWIMPs by using the precision measurements of mono-lepton production from the charged Drell-Yan processes at hadron colliders. We found the mono-lepton signature can be a better probe than dilepton signature from the neutral Drell-Yan processes.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Serial-parallel conversion for single photons with heralding signals

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    We present serial-parallel conversion for a heralded single photon source (heralded SPS). We theoretically show that with the heralding signal, the serial-parallel converter can route a stream of n photons to n different spatial modes more efficiently than is the case without using a heralding signal. We also experimentally demonstrate serial-parallel conversion for two photons generated from a heralded SPS. We achieve a conversion efficiency of 0.533 \pm 0.003, which exceeds the maximum achievable efficiency of 0.5 for serial-parallel conversion using unheralded photons, and is double the efficiency (0.25) for that using beamsplitters. When the losses in the optical converter are corrected for, the efficiency of the current setup can be increased up to 0.996 \pm 0.006.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Nonlocal Position Changes of a Photon Revealed by Quantum Routers

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    Since its publication, Aharonov and Vaidman's three-box paradox has undergone three major advances: i). A non-counterfactual scheme by the same authors in 2003 with strong rather than weak measurements for verifying the particle's subtle presence in two boxes. ii) A realization of the latter by Okamoto and Takeuchi in 2016. iii) A dynamic version by Aharonov et al. in 2017, with disappearance and reappearance of the particle. We now combine these advances together. Using photonic quantum routers the particle acts like a quantum "shutter." It is initially split between Boxes A, B and C, the latter located far away from the former two. The shutter particle's whereabouts can then be followed by a probe photon, split in both space and time and reflected by the shutter in its varying locations. Measuring the former is expected to reveal the following time-evolution: The shutter particle was, with certainty, in boxes A+C at t1, then only in C at t2, and finally in B+C at t3. Another branch of the split probe photon can show that boxes A+B were empty at t2. A Bell-like theorem applied to this experiment challenges any alternative interpretation that avoids disappearance-reappearance in favor of local hidden variables.Comment: Revised versio

    Demonstration of an optical quantum controlled-NOT gate without path interference

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    We report the first experimental demonstration of an optical quantum controlled-NOT gate without any path interference, where the two interacting path interferometers of the original proposals (Phys. Rev. A {\bf 66}, 024308 (2001), Phys. Rev. A {\bf 65}, 012314 (2002)) have been replaced by three partially polarizing beam splitters with suitable polarization dependent transmittances and reflectances. The performance of the device is evaluated using a recently proposed method (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 94}, 160504 (2005)), by which the quantum process fidelity and the entanglement capability can be estimated from the 32 measurement results of two classical truth tables, significantly less than the 256 measurement results required for full quantum tomography.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure