3 research outputs found

    Comparison of V̇O2 for buoyancy and propulsion during swimming between male and female

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    体脂肪は人体の水中体重を小さくするから, 水泳には体脂肪の多いことが有利な条件となる可能性がある。本研究は水泳の際に浮くために使われるV̇O2と推進のために使われるV̇O2を測定し, 水中体重の大小が実際の水泳にどれほどの影響を与えているかという点について検討したものである。 男女各3名, 計6名の泳者に, 泳速が0.6, 0.8及び1.0m/secのクロール泳を行わせ, V̇O2を測定した。その際腰に錘をつけて水中体重を増加させ, あるいは滑車を介した錘で腰を引き上げるようにして水中体重を減少させ, 各水中体重において上記の測定を行った。V̇O2値を水中体重に対してプロットすることによって得られる回帰直線の勾配から浮くためのV̇O2を, またY切片から安静時V̇O2を差し引くことによって推進のためのV̇O2を求めた。 1 浮くために必要なV̇O2は泳速とは無関係であり, その平均値は男子の方(352±140ml/min)が女子のそれ(186±83ml/min)より有意に大であった。この差は水中体重に大きく依存していて, 単位水中体重当りに換算すると男女の値は接近した(男子: 117±46ml/min, 女子: 91±36ml/min)。 2 推進のために用いられるV̇O2は, 泳速の増加に伴って指数関数的に増大した。その増加率は男子よりも女子の方が大であったが, それは女子の水泳能力が男子のそれより劣ることに関連していると考えられる。 3 総V̇O2に対する推進のためのV̇O2の割合は, 男子よりも女子において大きく, この点女子の水中体重の小さいことは水泳において有利な条件になっている。男子の世界記録に対する女子のそれの比率は, 競泳の場合には競走の場合より大きいが, この差は女子の体脂肪の多いことが水泳では有利に作用していることに由来するものと考えられる。Body fat lessens underwater body weight and may offer an advantage for swimming performance. The present study was undertaken to measure separately V̇O2 for buoyancy and that for propulsion during swimming in the swimming flume and to elucidate the advantage of lower underwater body weight in female. Three male swimmers and three female swimmers participated as the subjects. V̇O2 was measured during free style swimming at a constant speed of 0.6, 0.8 and l.0m/sec.Underwater weight was increased stepwisely by loading an extra-weight around the subject's waist or decreased by suspending a weight which pulls the waist upward via a wire and pulleies. V̇O2 at a given speed depended proportionally on the underwater weight. V̇O2 for propu1sion was estimated by subtracting resting V̇O2 from the intercept on the ordinate, and V̇O2 for buoyancy was calculated from the slope. 1) V̇O2 for buoyancy was independent of swimming speed and the average value for female swimmers was much smaller than that for male swimmers (352±140m1/min for male, 186±83m1/min for female). This difference in V̇O2 for buoyancy depended largely on the difference in underwater weight as the calculated values of V̇O2 for buoyancy per kg of underwater weight revealed much smaller difference between sexes (117±46m1/min for male, 91±36m1/min for female). 2) V̇O2 for propulsion increased exponentially with increasing speed. The increasing rate was larger in female than in male. This is probably because of relative inferiority of swimming ability in the female group in this study. 3) The rate of propulsion V̇O2 to total V̇O2 during swimming was larger in female than in male. This represents the advantage of lower underwater weight in female for swimming. This result offers the probable explanation for the discrepancy which exists in male-female ratio of the world records between swimming and running

    Differences between the Sexes, Competitive Levels and Events in the Athletes\u27 Psychological Competitive Ability

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    Based on the data of 1,940 athletes who were tested at Fukuoka prefectural sports facilities, we analyzed the differences in athletes\u27 psychological competitive ability in terms of the differences between the sexes, competitive levels and events. The following are the main results: 1.Between the sexes, males scored higher in the total score. For the respective scales, males were higher in strategic ability (judgement, predictive ability), confidence (self-confidence, decision), and volition for competition (patience, aggressiveness, volition for winning). Scores of females were higher in volition for self-realization, and slightly higher in cooperation. There were no significant differences for mental stability and concentration (self-control, concentration, ability to relax). 2.Between competitive levels, a significant difference was noted in the scores of both males and females, in the descending order of the international level, national level, Kyushu level, prefectural level, district level and municipal level. The higher the athlete\u27s competitive level was, the higher his or her confidence (self-confidence, decition) and strategic ability (predictive ability, judegment) were. However, no significant difference was observed for cooperation between the levels. 3.Comparison of different types of events showed differences in scores among them in the descending order of net type, baseball type, one-on-one type, individual record type, and goal type. In addition, although differences in the scores were recognized among different events, these differences are considered to be reflective of the competitive level of the subject event, rather than the differences among events. 4.In comparison of the individual athletes\u27 total scores for psychological competitive ability, no gender difference was observed. However, more athletes for higher competitive level were judged to be superior in the psychological competitive ability, and more athletes for lower competitive level were judged to be inferior.県立のスポーツ施設で受検したスポーツ選手1,940 名の資料をもとに心理的競技能力の性差,競技レベル 差,スポーツ種目差を考察した。その主な結果は,つ ぎのとおりである。 1.性差については,総合得点で男子が優れ,内容的 には男子は作戦能力(判断力,予測力),自信(自 信,決断力),競技意欲(忍耐力,闘争心,勝利意 欲)で優れ,女子は自己実現意欲で優れ,協調性 でやや優れていた。しかし,精神の安定・集中 (自己コントロール,集中力,リラックス)には顕 著な差は認められなかった。 2.競技レベル差については,男女とも,国際レベル, 全国レベル,九州レベル,県レベル,地区レベル, 市町村レベルの順に高得点を示し,顕著な差が認 められた。内容的には,競技レベルの高い選手ほ ど自信(自信,決断力),作戦能力(予測力,判断 力)で顕著に優れ,そのほか競技意欲(忍耐力,闘 争心,自己実現意欲,勝利意欲)や精神の安定・ 集中(自己コントロール,リラックス,集中力)で 優れていた。しかし,協調性については,顕著な 差は認められなかった。 3.スポーツ種目差については,類型別では,ネット 型,野球型,個人対人型,個人記録型,ゴール型 の順に高得点を示し,類型差が認められた。また, スポーツ種目別では得点差は認められたが,種目 差というより,その対象種目の競技レベルが反映 しているものと思われた。 4.心理的競技能力の総合得点の個人差については, 性差は認められなかったが,競技レベルの高い選 手ほど優れていると判定される者が多く,競技レ ベルの低い選手ほど,劣っていると判定される者 が多く,男女や競技レベルに個人差がみられた

    Abstracts Of Selected Papers Presented At The 75Th General Meeting Of The Japanese Society Of Gastroenterology March 27–29, 1989 — Yokohama, Japan

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