182 research outputs found

    Headache Associated with Myasthenia Gravis: The Impact of Mild Ocular Symptoms

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    Myasthenia gravis (MG) patients visiting outpatient clinics frequently complain of headache. However, there have been few reports on the relation between chronic headache and myasthenia gravis (MG). We aimed to investigate whether MG symptoms affect the development or worsening of chronic headache. Among the 184 MG patients who were followed at the MG clinics, tension-type headache was observed in 71 (38.6%) patients and 9 (4.9%) complained of migraine. Twenty-five (13.6%) complained that headache appeared or was exacerbated after the MG onset. The investigation into differences in the clinical characteristics of the MG patients showed that women tended to suffer from MG-associated headache more often than men. Logistic regression analyses revealed that female gender and mild ocular symptoms were independently predictive of headache associated with MG. Our results suggest that treatment of chronic headache should be required to improve the quality of life in MG patients

    Diffuse infiltrating retinoblastoma invading subarachnoid space

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    We report herein an unusual case of diffuse infiltrating retinoblastoma involving the brain, which caused a patient’s death 27 months after enucleation. An eight-year-old boy complained of blurred vision in his right eye (OD) in October 2006. Funduscopic examination showed optic disc swelling, dense whitish vitreous opacity, and an orange-colored subretinal elevated lesion adjacent to the optic disc. Fluorescein angiography revealed hyperfluorescence in the peripapillary region at an early-phase OD. Because the size of the subretinal lesion and vitreous opacity gradually increased, he was referred to us. His visual acuity was 20/1000 OD on June 20, 2007. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy showed a dense anterior vitreous opacity. Ophthalmoscopically, the subretinal orange-colored area spread out until reaching the mid peripheral region. A B-mode sonogram and computed tomography showed a thick homogeneous lesion without calcification. Gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging showed a markedly enhanced appearance of the underlying posterior retina. Enucleation of the right eye was performed nine months after the initial presentation. Histopathology demonstrated retinal detachment and a huge choroidal mass invading the optic nerve head. The tumor was consistent with diffuse infiltrating retinoblastoma. The patient died due to brain involvement 27 months after enucleation. Ophthalmologists should be aware that diffuse infiltrating retinoblastoma may show an unfavorable course if its diagnosis is delayed

    Myasthenia Gravis

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    Contribution of the LIM Domain and Nebulin-Repeats to the Interaction of Lasp-2 with Actin Filaments and Focal Adhesions

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    Lasp-2 binds to actin filaments and concentrates in the actin bundles of filopodia and lamellipodia in neural cells and focal adhesions in fibroblastic cells. Lasp-2 has three structural regions: a LIM domain, a nebulin-repeat region, and an SH3 domain; however, the region(s) responsible for its interactions with actin filaments and focal adhesions are still unclear. In this study, we revealed that the N-terminal fragment from the LIM domain to the first nebulin-repeat module (LIM-n1) retained actin-binding activity and showed a similar subcellular localization to full-length lasp-2 in neural cells. The LIM domain fragment did not interact with actin filaments or localize to actin filament bundles. In contrast, LIM-n1 showed a clear subcellular localization to filopodial actin bundles. Although truncation of the LIM domain caused the loss of F-actin binding activity and the accumulation of filopodial actin bundles, these truncated fragments localized to focal adhesions. These results suggest that lasp-2 interactions with actin filaments are mediated through the cooperation of the LIM domain and the first nebulin-repeat module in vitro and in vivo. Actin filament binding activity may be a major contributor to the subcellular localization of lasp-2 to filopodia but is not crucial for lasp-2 recruitment to focal adhesions

    Molecular analysis of holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency: a missense mutation and a single base deletion are predominant in Japanese patients

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    AbstractHolocarboxylase synthetase (HCS) deficiency is an inherited disease of biotin metabolism characterized by a unique pattern of organic aciduria, metabolic acidosis, and skin lesions. By analysis of five patients in four unrelated families, two mutations were identified: a transition from T to C which causes an amino-acid substitution of proline for leucine at position 237 (L237P) and a single deletion of guanine (delG 1067) followed by premature termination. One patient was homozygous for the L237P mutation, three patients in two families were compound heterozygotes of the missense and deletion alleles, and the other patient was heterozygous for the L237P mutation. Inheritance was successfully demonstrated in all of the patients' families by a modified PCR followed by restriction enzyme digestion. The two mutations accounted for seven of eight mutant alleles, while neither mutation was detected in 108 normal healthy Japanese children (216 alleles). Transient expression in cultured fibroblasts from a patient showed that the L237P mutation was responsible for decreased HCS activity. These results suggest that the L237P and delG1067 mutations are frequent disease-causing mutations in Japanese patients with HCS deficiency. This PCR-based technique may therefore be useful for detecting mutations among Japanese patients

    Reversing Stealthy Dopant-Level Circuits

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    A successful detection of the stealthy dopant-level circuit (trojan), proposed by Becker et al. at CHES 2013, is reported. Contrary to an assumption made by Becker et al., dopant types in active region are visible with either scanning electron microscopy (SEM) or focused ion beam (FIB) imaging. The successful measurement is explained by an LSI failure analysis technique called the passive voltage contrast. The experiments are conducted by measuring a dedicated chip. The chip uses the diffusion programmable device: an anti-reverse-engineering technique by the same principle as the stealthy dopant-level trojan. The chip is delayered down to the contact layer, and images are taken with (1) an optical microscope, (2) SEM, and (3) FIB. As a result, the four possible dopant-well combinations, namely (i) p+/n-well, (ii) p+/p-well, (iii) n+/n-well and (iv) n+/p-well are distinguishable in the SEM images. Partial but sufficient detection is also achieved with FIB. Although the stealthy dopant-level circuits are visible, however, they potentially make a detection harder. That is because the contact layer should be measured. We show that imaging the contact layer is at most 16-times expensive than that of a metal layer in terms of the number of image

    Uterine Carcinosarcoma in a 2-year-old Female Wistar Hannover GALAS Rat

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    Carcinosarcomas are rare tumors in humans as well as rats and most commonly occur in the uterus. Recently, we observed a case of incidental carcinosarcoma of the uterus in a female Wistar Hannover GALAS [BrlHan:WIST@ Jcl (GALAS)] rat at 2 years of age. Histopathologically, the tumor was characterized by an admixture of malignant epithelial and nonepithelial elements. The carcinomatous components represented a type of endometrial carcinoma, consisting of glandular and solid proliferation of large-sized tumor cells. Prominent mitoses and tumor cell invasion were observed. The sarcomatous components were characterized by multifocal proliferation of severe atypical cells with cartilage matrix and were diagnosed as chondrosarcoma. Transitions between carcinomatous and sarcomatous components were observed, and many tumor cells in the solid lesion showed immunohistochemical reactivity with both cytokeratin and vimentin. Based on these findings, this tumor was diagnosed as a uterine carcinosarcoma. This is the first report of uterine carcinosarcoma in Wistar Hannover GALAS [BrlHan:WIST@Jcl (GALAS)] rats

    Physical Fitness and the Attitude of Exercise in Adolescence

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    Present study was aimed to examine the relationship between physical fitness and the attitude of exercise in adolescence. A total of 684 adolescence (341 boys and 343 girls) were included in the study. Body size (stature, body weight, skinfold thickness), physical fitness and performance (50-m dash, endurance run, vertical jump, running jump, softball throw, and PWC_, leg power) were measured. There were three items as the attitude of exercise : preference of exercise and perceived skill or fitness, importance of exercise. Tukey\u27s multiple range test was shown that there were significant differences of physical fitness and performance between adolescence, whose attitude of exercise was positive or negative. The results of stepwise multiple regression analysis indicated that the attitude of exercise could explain about 10 to 20% of the variance in all fitness items in both boys and girls. All the results of this study suggested that attitude of exercise might influence physical fitness and to make opportunity of physical activity in adolescence