608 research outputs found

    Exits Among U.S. Burley Tobacco Growers After the End of the Federal Tobacco Program

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    This study explores the relationship between family/farm characteristics and the probability of exiting burley tobacco farming in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia. Following the termination of the federal tobacco program in 2004, 54% of burley tobacco–growing households in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia exited burley tobacco farming by 2006. Tobacco yield, tobacco farm cash receipts, tobacco price, off-farm employment, and farm size are the most dominant variables discriminating between exiting and surviving tobacco farms. Data for this study came from a mail survey of burley tobacco producers in Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina in May 2006.burley tobacco, exit, federal tobacco program, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Financial Economics, Land Economics/Use, Risk and Uncertainty, C25, Q12, Q18,

    Structure and functioning of chickpea markets in Ethiopia: evidence based on analyses of value chains linking smallholders and markets

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    This paper looks into one of the key policy questions - understanding of how rural grain markets function in the context of market liberalization and how the emerging architecture of marketing channels determines the distribution of costs, margins and prices for different participants in the marketing chains. We explore these issues using the case of chickpeas, one of the newly emerging export commodities being promoted for expansion in Ethiopia. Despite its important role and good potentials, the chickpea production system is not adequately market-oriented and competitiveness of smallholders is limited by low productivity and poor quality of traditional varieties (Shiferaw et al. 2007). Despite the policy interest to expand chickpea production for exports, there is lack of empirical evidence on the structure, conduct and performance of the chickpea marketing systems in the country. This study attempts to narrow this gap by examining the chickpea marketing system in one of the major growing areas and provides new insights on how the performance of the marketing system may be enhanced to improve competitiveness. Using primary data collected from a survey of marketing channels in one of the major chickpea growing areas in the country (Ada';a-Liben), we map the marketing channels and value chains for chickpeas and estimate the distribution of costs, margins and prices for the different participants in the identified value chains. The first section presents the conceptual issues in the analyses of marketing channels, value chains and measurement of marketing costs. This is followed by description of the study area, the survey data and the empirical approach and methods used in the analysis. The next section presents the main result with emphasis on identification and mapping of chickpea marketing channels and the distribution of costs, margins and prices across different market participants. The last section presents a summary of the key findings and conclusions, highlighting implications for policy

    Analysis of production costs, market opportunities and competitiveness of Desi and Kabuli chickpeas in Ethiopia

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    This study was conducted to examine the existing conditions of chickpeas in relation to production and marketing and outlines the major technological and institutional constraints for harnessing market opportunities in the chickpea sub-sector. The study determines variety introduction, market conditions and seed delivery systems in Ada'a-Liben woreda. This district is one of the major chickpea growing areas in which new market-preferred and high-value Kabuli types are being tested and promoted. Section two of this paper presents the research process and methods. This is followed by discussion of production trends, available technologies, costs and opportunities for chickpeas. An overview of the structure and organization of the chickpea marketing system is given in section four. Section five presents market conditions with emphasis on opportunities for Kabuli exports, quality requirements, grading systems, competitiveness of smallholder producers, and existing potentials in domestic markets. The final section summarizes the key findings and highlights issues for policy and future research

    Methods for Assessing the Impacts of Natural Resource Management Research A Summary of the Proceedings of the ICRISAT-NCAP/ICAR International Workshop

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    The perceived risks to sustainability of production systems and livelihood security of the poor in the many developing countries in recent years have prompted increased investment in natural resource management (NRM) research and development efforts. The national and international agencies, and non-governmental organizations making these investments are anxious to assess the effectiveness of these interventions on attaining the stated environmental and livelihood objectives. But measuring changes in natural resource and environmental outcome is notoriously difficult, as is assigning a monetary value to those tangible and nontangible changes. Yet, accountability is impossible without measurement of impacts. These methodological difficulties have hindered impact assessment studies in this area. This publication contains a summary of papers and discussions from the international workshop 'Methods for Assessing the Impacts of Natural Resource Management Research' held at ICRISAT-Patancheru, 6-7 December 2002. The workshop aimed to review recent advances in methods for assessing the economic and environmental outcomes of NRM practices in agriculture. It was attended by researchers from various national and international agencies, with specific expertise in applied methods for assessing the impacts of integrated NRM innovations. The presentations and discussions highlighted the special features and challenges of NRM impact assessment; indicators for monitoring biophysical and environmental impacts; methods for valuation of various ecosystem services derived from NRM investments; and economic methodologies and approaches for integrated assessment of economic and environmental impacts of NRM interventions in agriculture. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of ICRISAT. The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of ICRISAT concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area, or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Where trade names are used this does not constitute endorsement of or discrimination against any product by ICRISAT

    Assessing the Impact of NRM Research: Methodological Paucity Recent Progress and Future Directions.

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    Thirty years ago, the focus of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) was almost exclusively on improving agricultural productivity and increasing input-use efficiency (reducing costs) for its mandate crops via genetic improvement. Yet, natural resource management (NRM) research can enhance crop productivity growth and sustainable use of natural resources (soils, water, forestry, etc.), and significantly contribute to poverty reduction and improving human welfare. These considerations have prompted the CGIAR to expand its research portfolio in the area of NRM...........

    Solvable model of a polymer in random media with long ranged disorder correlations

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    We present an exactly solvable model of a Gaussian (flexible) polymer chain in a quenched random medium. This is the case when the random medium obeys very long range quadratic correlations. The model is solved in dd spatial dimensions using the replica method, and practically all the physical properties of the chain can be found. In particular the difference between the behavior of a chain that is free to move and a chain with one end fixed is elucidated. The interesting finding is that a chain that is free to move in a quadratically correlated random potential behaves like a free chain with R2∼LR^2 \sim L, where RR is the end to end distance and LL is the length of the chain, whereas for a chain anchored at one end R2∼L4R^2 \sim L^4. The exact results are found to agree with an alternative numerical solution in d=1d=1 dimensions. The crossover from long ranged to short ranged correlations of the disorder is also explored.Comment: REVTeX, 28 pages, 12 figures in eps forma

    Valuation methods and approaches for assessing natural resource management impacts

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    This chapter provides an overview of the valuation methods and methodological approaches used to evaluate the economic and environmental impacts of natural resource management (NRM) interventions. First, the multiple agro-ecosystem services associated with NRM are summarized. The core issues involved in the valuation of agro-ecosystem services are then discussed. This is followed by a presentation of the theoretical foundations of valuation methods along with some examples of applications in the area of natural resources. The next part summarizes how economic and environmental impacts can be integrated to provide an assessment of the social net benefits from NRM interventions, and the conclusion highlights the major issues and most promising valuation method

    Localization of a polymer in random media: Relation to the localization of a quantum particle

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    In this paper we consider in detail the connection between the problem of a polymer in a random medium and that of a quantum particle in a random potential. We are interested in a system of finite volume where the polymer is known to be {\it localized} inside a low minimum of the potential. We show how the end-to-end distance of a polymer which is free to move can be obtained from the density of states of the quantum particle using extreme value statistics. We give a physical interpretation to the recently discovered one-step replica-symmetry-breaking solution for the polymer (Phys. Rev. E{\bf 61}, 1729 (2000)) in terms of the statistics of localized tail states. Numerical solutions of the variational equations for chains of different length are performed and compared with quenched averages computed directly by using the eigenfunctions and eigenenergies of the Schr\"odinger equation for a particle in a one-dimensional random potential. The quantities investigated are the radius of gyration of a free gaussian chain, its mean square distance from the origin and the end-to-end distance of a tethered chain. The probability distribution for the position of the chain is also investigated. The glassiness of the system is explained and is estimated from the variance of the measured quantities.Comment: RevTex, 44 pages, 13 figure

    Towards comprehensive approaches in assessing NRM impacts: what we know and what we need to know

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    This chapter synthesizes the conceptual, methodological and empirical issues for evaluating the impacts of natural resource management (NRM) technology and policy interventions. It offers insights on key lessons, policy conclusions, knowledge gaps, and areas that need further researc
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