8 research outputs found

    Assessment of community health volunteers' knowledge regarding infant and young child feeding in Tewor District, Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia

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    The objectives of the study were to determine infant and young child feeding (IYCF) knowledge of Household Health Promoters (HHPs) and examine its relationship with demographic characteristics. Quantitative, non-experimental descriptive design was used. Seventy-one randomly selected HHPs participated in the study. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. The results showed that the mean IYCF knowledge score was 77.8% (N=71). The knowledge of the respondents was not uniform across the components of IYCF which ranged between 19.72% for duration of breastfeeding to 100% for colostrums feeding. None of the socio-demographic characteristic was significantly associated to the mean knowledge score. The study identified that refresher training should be provided to the HHPs on IYCF with emphasis on the aspects of IYCF with scores below the meanHealth Studie

    Community engagement strategy for increased uptake of routine immunization and select perinatal services in north-west Ethiopia: A descriptive analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Routine immunization coverage has stagnated over the past decade and fallen short of WHO targets in Ethiopia. Community engagement strategies that reach beyond traditional health systems may reduce dropout and increase coverage. This evaluation assesses changes in immunization, postpartum family planning, and antenatal care coverage after implementation of an enhanced community engagement and defaulter tracing strategy, entitled "Fifth Child" project, across two districts in Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State (BGRS), Ethiopia. METHODS AND FINDINGS: A formative evaluation was conducted to examine the contribution of the strategy on immunization, postpartum family planning and antenatal care utilization in Assosa and Bambasi districts of BGRS. The quantitative findings are presented here. Routine and project-specific data were analyzed to assess changes in uptake of childhood vaccinations, postpartum family planning and antenatal care. Between January 2013 and December 2016, pentavalent-3 coverage increased from 63% to 84% in Assosa, and from 78% to 93% in Bambasi. Similarly, measles vaccine coverage increased from 77% to 81% in Assosa, and from 59% to 86% in Bambasi. Approximately 54% of all eligible infants across both woredas defaulted on scheduled vaccinations at least once during the period. Among defaulting children, 84% were identified and subsequently caught up on the vaccinations missed. Secondary outcomes of postpartum family planning and antenatal care also increased in both woredas. CONCLUSION: The "Fifth Child" project likely contributed to enhanced immunization performance and increased utilization of immunization and select perinatal health services in two woredas of BGRS. Further research is required in order to determine the impact of this community engagement strategy

    What mechanisms drive uptake of family planning when integrated with childhood immunisation in Ethiopia? A realist evaluation.

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    BACKGROUND: Maternal and child health are key priorities among the Sustainable Development Goals, which include a particular focus on reducing morbidity and mortality among women of reproductive age, newborns, and children under the age of five. Two components of maternal and child health are family planning (FP) and immunisation. Providing these services through an integrated delivery system could increase the uptake of vaccines and modern contraceptive methods (MCMs) particularly during the post-partum period. METHODS: A realist evaluation was conducted in two woredas in Ethiopia to determine the key mechanisms and their triggers that drive successful implementation and service uptake of an intervention of integrated delivery of immunisations and FP. The methodological approach included the development of an initial programme theory and the selection of relevant, published implementation related theoretical frameworks to aid organisation and cumulation of findings. Data from 23 semi-structured interviews were then analysed to determine key empirical mechanisms and drivers and to test the initial programme theory. These mechanisms were mapped against published theoretical frameworks and a revised programme theory comprised of context-mechanism-outcome configurations was developed. A critique of theoretical frameworks for abstracting empirical mechanisms was also conducted. RESULTS: Key contextual factors identified were: the use of trained Health Extension Workers (HEWs) to deliver FP services; a strong belief in values that challenged FP among religious leaders and community members; and a lack of support for FP from male partners based on religious values. Within these contexts, empirical mechanisms of acceptability, access, and adoption of innovations that drove decision making and intervention outcomes among health workers, religious leaders, and community members were identified to describe intervention implementation. CONCLUSIONS: Linking context and intervention components to the mechanisms they triggered helped explain the intervention outcomes, and more broadly how and for whom the intervention worked. Linking empirical mechanisms to constructs of implementation related theoretical frameworks provided a level of abstraction through which findings could be cumulated across time, space, and conditions by theorising middle-range mechanisms

    Integrated community case management: quality of care and adherence to medication in Beneshangul-Gumuz Region, Ethiopia.

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    BACKGROUND: The International Rescue Committee (IRC) supports implementation of integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in all 20 woredas (districts) of Benishangul Gumuz Region (BSG) in Ethiopia. OBJECTIVES: To identify the gaps in the provision of quality iCCM services provided by Health Extension Workers (HEWs) and to assess caregivers' adherence to prescribed medicines for children under five years of age. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional descriptive study with both quantitative and qualitative study methods. We interviewed 233 HEWs and 384 caregivers, reviewed HEW records of 1,082 cases, and organized eight focus groups. RESULTS: Most cases (98%) seen by HEWs were children 2-59 months old, and 85% of the HEWs did not see any sick young infant. The HEWs' knowledge on assessments and classification and need for referral of cases was above 80%. However; some reported challenges, especially in carrying out assessment correctly and not checking for danger signs. Over 90% of caretakers reported compliance with HEWs' prescription. CONCLUSION: Partners have successfully deployed trained HEWs who can deliver iCCM according to protocol; however, additional support is needed to assure a supply of medicines and to mobilize demand for services, especially for young infants

    Context-acceptability theories: example of family planning interventions in five African countries.

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    BACKGROUND: Family planning (FP) can lengthen birth intervals and potentially reduce the risk of foetal death, low birthweight, prematurity, and being small for gestational age. Effective FP is most easily achieved through access to and acceptability of modern contraceptive methods (MCMs). This study aimed to identify mechanisms of acceptability and the contexts in which they are triggered and to generate theories to improve the selection and implementation of effective interventions by studying an intervention integrating FP with childhood immunisation services. METHODS: Qualitative interpretative synthesis of findings from realist evaluations of FP interventions in five African countries was guided by an analytical framework. Empirical mechanisms of acceptability were identified from semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with key stakeholders (N = 253). The context in which these mechanisms were triggered was also defined. Empirical mechanisms of acceptability were matched to constructs of a theoretical framework of acceptability. Context-acceptability theories (CATs) were developed, which summarised constructs of acceptability triggered for specific actors in specified contexts. Examples of interventions that may be used to trigger acceptability for these actors were described. RESULTS: Seven CATs were developed for contexts with strong beliefs in religious values and with powerful religious leaders, a traditional desire for large families, stigmatisation of MCM use, male partners who are non-accepting of FP, and rumours or experiences of MCM side effects. Acceptability mechanisms included alignment with values and beliefs without requiring compromise, actors' certainty about their ability to avoid harm and make the intervention work, and understanding the intervention and how it works. Additionally, acceptability by one group of actors was found to alter the context, triggering acceptability mechanisms amongst others. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated the value of embedding realist approaches within implementation research. CATs are transferable theories that answer the question: given the context, what construct of acceptability does an intervention need to trigger, or more simply, what intervention do we need to apply here to achieve our outcomes? CATs facilitate transfer of interventions across geographies within defined contexts

    "As a woman who watches how my family is… I take the difficult decisions": a qualitative study on integrated family planning and childhood immunisation services in five African countries.

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    BACKGROUND: Family planning (FP) has the potential to improve maternal and child health outcomes and to reduce poverty in sub-Saharan Africa. However, substantial unmet need for modern contraceptive methods (MCMs) persists in this region. Current literature highlights multi-level barriers, including socio-cultural norms that discourage the use of MCMs. This paper explores women's choices and decision-making around MCM use and examines whether integrating FP services with childhood immunisations influenced women's perceptions of, and decision to use, an MCM. METHODS: 94 semi-structured interviews and 21 focus group discussions with women, health providers, and community members (N = 253) were conducted in health facilities and outreach clinics where an intervention was delivering integrated FP and childhood immunisation services in Benin, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi and Uganda. Data were coded using Nvivo software and an analytical framework was developed to support interpretative and thematic analyses on women's decision-making about MCM use. RESULTS: Most women shared the reproductive desire to space or limit births because of the perceived benefits of improved health and welfare for themselves and for their children, including the economic advantages. For some, choices about MCM use were restricted because of wider societal influences. Women's decision to use MCMs was driven by their reproductive desires, but for some that was stymied by fears of side effects, community stigma, and disapproving husbands, which led to clandestine MCM use. Health providers acknowledged that women understood the benefits of using MCMs, but highlighted that the wider socio-cultural norms of their community often contributed to a reluctance to use them. Integration of FP and childhood immunisation services provided repeat opportunities for health providers to counter misinformation and it improved access to MCMs, including for women who needed to use them covertly. CONCLUSIONS: Some women chose to use MCMs without the approval of their husbands, and/or despite cultural norms, because of the perceived health and economic benefits for themselves and for their families, and because they lived with the consequences of short birth intervals and large families. Integrated FP and childhood immunisation services expanded women's choices about MCM use and created opportunities for women to make decisions autonomously

    ‘We All Work Together to Vaccinate the Child’: A Formative Evaluation of a Community-Engagement Strategy Aimed at Closing the Immunization Gap in North-West Ethiopia

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    The role of community engagement (CE) in improving demand for immunization merits investigation. The International Rescue Committee developed a CE strategy to implement a vaccine defaulter-tracing tool and a color-coded health calendar aimed at increasing uptake of immunization services in north-west Ethiopia (‘The Fifth Child Project’). We report findings from a formative evaluation of this project. In May/June 2016 we conducted 18 participant observations of project activities, 46 semi-structured interviews and 6 focus groups with caregivers, health workers, community members/leaders. Audio-recordings and fieldnotes were transcribed, anonymized, translated and analyzed thematically using inductive and deductive coding. Additional data was collected in November 2016 to verify findings. The project was suitably integrated within the health extension program and established a practical system for defaulter-tracing. The calendar facilitated personalized interactions between health workers and caregivers and was a catalyst for health discussions within homes. At the community level, a regulation exercise of sanctions was observed, which served as a deterrent against vaccine default. Pre-existing community accountability mechanisms supported the CE, although varying levels of engagement between leaders and health workers were observed. The benefits of shared responsibility for immunization were evident; however, more transparency was required about community self-regulatory measures to ensure health-related discussions remain positive

    Closing the immunisation gap in Ethiopia: a formative evaluation of 'The Fifth Child Project'

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    Stata code files, ready-for-analysis data and qualitative data used in the analysis published in the Final Report to 3ie on the project, "Closing the immunisation gap in Ethiopia: a formative evaluation of 'The Fifth Child Project'" (project code TW 10.1017). This project was funded as part of the Innovations in Increasing Immunisation Evidence Programme