30 research outputs found

    Central projections of cercal giant interneurons in the adult field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus

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    The structures of neurons, such as dendrites and axonal projections, are closely related to their response properties and their specific functions in neural circuits. Identified neurons, having genetically determined morphological features and pre- and postsynaptic partners, play significant roles in specific behaviors. Giant interneurons (GIs) are identified in the terminal abdominal ganglion of the cricket as mechanosensory projection neurons and are sensitive to airflow stimulation of the cerci. GIs are classified into ventral GIs (vGIs) or dorsal GIs (dGIs) depending on the location of their axons running within the connective nerve cord. Based on their response properties to airflow, vGIs are presumed to be involved in triggering the wind-elicited escape response, whereas dGIs are thought to be airflow direction-encoding neurons. The previous findings regarding airflow sensitivity point to possible differences in the morphology of the central projections that may correspond to their neural functions. However, the detailed morphologies of the GIs in the cephalic and thoracic ganglia of adult crickets remain unclear. In this study, we stained six GIs, namely, GI 8-1 (medial giant interneuron, MGI), 9-1 (lateral giant interneuron, LGI), 9-2, 9-3, 10-2, and 10-3, using intracellular iontophoretic or pressure injection of dyes. Staining revealed remarkable differences in the axonal branching patterns between vGIs and dGIs. The dGIs were further divided into subgroups based on the profiles of their axon collaterals and projection sites in the brain. The anatomical differences between the GIs' central projections seemed to be related to their information encodement and behavioral functions

    Persistence of auditory modulation of wind-induced escape behavior in crickets

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    Animals, including insects, change their innate escape behavior triggered by a specific threat stimulus depending on the environmental context to survive adaptively the predators’ attack. This indicates that additional inputs from sensory organs of different modalities indicating surrounding conditions could affect the neuronal circuit responsible for the escape behavior. Field crickets, Gryllus bimaculatus, exhibit an oriented running or jumping escape in response to short air puff detected by the abdominal mechanosensory organ called cerci. Crickets also receive a high-frequency acoustic stimulus by their tympanal organs on their frontal legs, which suggests approaching bats as a predator. We have reported that the crickets modulate their wind-elicited escape running in the moving direction when they are exposed to an acoustic stimulus preceded by the air puff. However, it remains unclear how long the effects of auditory inputs indicating surrounding contexts last after the sound is terminated. In this study, we applied a short pulse (200 ms) of 15-kHz pure tone to the crickets in various intervals before the air-puff stimulus. The sound given 200 or 1000 ms before the air puff biased the wind-elicited escape running backward, like the previous studies using the longer and overlapped sound. But the sounds that started 2000 ms before and simultaneously with the air puff had little effect. In addition, the jumping probability was higher only when the delay of air puff to the sound was 1000 ms. These results suggest that the cricket could retain the auditory memory for at least one second and alter the motion choice and direction of the wind-elicited escape behavior

    Internal state transition to switch behavioral strategies in cricket phonotaxis

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    Animals employ multiple behavioral strategies for exploring food and mating partners based on both their internal state and external environment. Here, we examined how cricket phonotaxis, which was considered an innate reactive behavior of females to approach the calling song of conspecific males, depended on these internal and external conditions. Our observation revealed that the phonotaxis process consisted of two distinctive phases: wandering and approaching. In the latter phase, crickets moved directly towards the sound source. The transition into this phase, referred to as the `approach phase', was based on changes in the animal's internal state. Moreover, retention of the approach phase required recognition of the calling song, while song loss downregulated cricket mobility and induced frequent stopping. This is a typical movement in local search behaviors. Our results indicate that phonotaxis is not only a reactive response but a complicated process including multiple behavioral strategies

    Action selection based on multiple-stimulus aspects in wind-elicited escape behavior of crickets

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    Escape behavior is essential for animals to avoid attacks by predators. In some species, multiple escape responses could be employed. However, it remains unknown what aspects of threat stimuli affect the choice of an escape response. We focused on two distinct escape responses (running and jumping) to short airflow in crickets and examined the effects of multiple stimulus aspects including the angle, velocity, and duration on the choice between these responses. The faster and longer the airflow, the more frequently the crickets jumped. This meant that the choice of an escape response depends on both the velocity and duration of the stimulus and suggests that the neural basis for choosing an escape response includes the integration process of multiple stimulus parameters. In addition, the moving speed and distance changed depending on the stimulus velocity and duration for running but not for jumping. Running away would be more adaptive escape behavior

    Trade-off between motor performance and behavioural flexibility in the action selection of cricket escape behaviour

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    To survive a predator's attack successfully, animals choose appropriate actions from multiple escape responses. The motor performance of escape response governs successful survival, which implies that the action selection in escape behaviour is based on the trade-off between competing behavioural benefits. Thus, quantitative assessment of motor performance will shed light on the biological basis of decision-making. To explore the trade-off underlying the action selection, we focused on two distinct wind-elicited escape responses of crickets, running and jumping. We first hypothesized a trade-off between speed and directional accuracy. This hypothesis was rejected because crickets could control the escape direction in jumping as precisely as in running; further, jumping had advantages with regard to escape speed. Next, we assumed behavioural flexibility, including responsiveness to additional predator's attacks, as a benefit of running. The double stimulus experiment revealed that crickets running in the first response could respond more frequently to a second stimulus and control the movement direction more precisely compared to when they chose jumping for the first response. These data suggest that not only the motor performance but also the future adaptability of subsequent behaviours are considered as behavioural benefits, which may be used for choosing appropriate escape reactions


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    application/pdf動物は生存のために、一つの感覚刺激から方向やその刺激強度など様々な情報を個別に抽出し行動決定を行う必要がある。同定された神経細胞群によって気流刺激情報が脳へ搬送され、刺激パラメータに対応した応答を示すコオロギ気流感覚系をモデルに、気流刺激の方向と速度をコオロギがどの様に外界から読み出し行動へ移すのか調べた。コオロギは異なる細胞群でそれぞれの情報を抽出する神経システムを有することが明らかになった。Animals have to extract a variety of information from stimuli, including the direction and intensity for their survival. Here, we focused on the wind-sensitive system of the cricket to understand how animals detect each parameter of a stimulus and show their response. In this cricket’s system, the air-flow information was delivered by some identified interneurons, and the response depends on the parameters of wind stimuli. Our results of behavioral experiment, electrophysiological data, and observation of anatomical features showed that distinctive groups of giant interneurons detected the direction and intensity of wind stimuli.2019年度~2021年度科学研究費補助金(若手研究)研究成果報告書19K1628

    Roles of neural communication between the brain and thoracic ganglia in the selection and regulation of the cricket escape behavior

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    To survive a predator's attack, prey animals must exhibit escape responses that are appropriately regulated in terms of their moving speed, distance, and direction. Insect locomotion is considered to be controlled by an interaction between the brain, which is involved in behavioral decision-making, and the thoracic ganglia (TG), which are primary motor centers. However, it remains unknown which descending and ascending signals between these neural centers are involved in the regulation of the escape behavior. We addressed the distinct roles of the brain and TG in the wind-elicited escape behavior of crickets by assessing the effects of partial ablation of the intersegmental communications on escape responses. We unilaterally cut the ventral nerve cord (VNC) at different locations, between the brain and TG, or between the TG and terminal abdominal ganglion (TAG), a primary sensory center of the cercal system. The partial ablation of ascending signals to the brain greatly reduced the jumping response rather than running, indicating that sensory information processing in the brain is essential for the choice of escape responses. The ablation of descending signals from the brain to the TG impaired loco motor performance and directional control of the escape responses, suggesting that locomotion in the escape behavior largely depends on the descending signals from the brain. Finally, the extracellular recording from the cervical VNC indicated a difference in the descending activities preceding the escape responses between running and jumping. Our results demonstrated that the brain sends the descending signals encoding the behavioral choice and locomotor regulation to the TG, while the TG seem to have other specific roles, such as in the preparation of escape movement