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    金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系Shape of a mobile robot is not considered in a lot of researches about obstacle avoidance. They assume that the robot′s shape is a circle which includes the original shape and expand obstacles by length of its radius. Then, the trajectory can be easily generated by an omnidirectionaly movable point. However, the robot approximated circular sometimes cannot pass in the narrow space where the original shape can do. Therefore, a new method of trajectory generation to avoid obstacles considering robot′s shape is proposed. This is a very simple method based on the potential field. We have shown this effectiveness by simulation. 移動ロボットの障害物回避軌道を生成する研究は多く行われている.しかしその多くは,ロボットを円形形状に近似しその半径分障害物を拡張するなどして,全方向移動可能な質点としている.その結果,円形でない移動ロボット(自律型電動車椅子等)が屋内などの狭い環境下で動く場合に適用しにくい.そこで,移動ロボットの形状を考慮に入れた局所的な障害物回避アルゴリズムを提案し,シミュレーションによりその有用性を確認した.出版者照会後に全文公

    移動体の形状を考慮して障害物を回避する走行軌道修正法: 電動車いすへの応用

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    金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系In many researches for obstacle avoidance, the shape of a vehicle with two drive wheels is approximated by a circle and it can be treated easily as an omnidirectionaly movable point by expanding obstacles by its radius. However, this method is not effective for a vehicle with much different shape from a circle to pass through narrow spaces. Therefore, we propose a simple method of local obstacle avoidance considering vehicle\u27s shape. A vehicle\u27s shape is expressed as a polygon and outline points on obstacles are scanned by a laser range sensor on the vehicle. The direction to avoid obstacles is determined by the potential method between the edges of polygonal vehicle and the points of obstacles. In this report, we apply this method to the navigation of a powered wheelchair. 独立二輪駆動方式の移動体での障害物回避に関する研究は多くなされている.その多くは移動体を円形近似し全方向移動可能な質点として軌道を生成しているが,電動車いすなどが屋内などの狭い空間を通過するような場合には通路が潰れてしまうなどの理由からその方法は適用しにくい.そこで我々は移動体の形状を多角形で近似することにより局所的な障害物回避方法を提案し,実際に電動車いすに適用した.出版者照会後に全文公