337 research outputs found

    Influence of corticosteroid therapy on the serum antibody response to influenza vaccine in elderly patients with chronic pulmonary diseases

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    Annual influenza vaccination is strongly recommended for patients with chronic pulmonary diseases, such as bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and interstitial pulmonary diseases. However, many of these patients regularly receive systemic and/or inhaled corticosteroid therapy, and the impact of corticosteroid therapy on influenza vaccine efficacy and safety is unclear. Patients with chronic pulmonary diseases were enrolled in the study and divided into three groups based on their maintenance therapy: (A) without corticosteroid therapy (17 males, three females; mean age, 72.3 ± 7.9), (B) oral corticosteroid therapy (four males, seven females; mean age, 66.1 ± 10.6), and (C) inhaled corticosteroid therapy (eight males, nine females; mean age, 62.4 ± 16.0). All patients received influenza vaccine, and serum hemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibodies against influenza strains A/H1N1, A/H3N2, and B were measured at baseline (before vaccination) and 4-6 weeks after vaccination. Sufficient antibody titers or significant increases were observed after vaccination compared with titers before vaccination in all three groups. No systemic reactions were reported. Long-term oral/inhaled corticosteroid therapy was not associated with vaccination side effects and did not affect the immune response to the influenza vaccine

    Two cases of bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia syndrome after postoperative irradiation for breast cancer

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    We report two cases of bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) syndrome that developed after postoperative radiation therapy for breast cancer. In both patients, chest radiographs and computed tomography (CT) showed multiple consolidations outside the irradiation fields after several months of tangential radiation therapy. These patients were diagnosed as having radiation-associated BOOP syndrome, based on their clinical course and the findings on examination. After treatment with a systemic corticosteroid, radiographic consolidations and symptoms improved rapidly. In cases where consolidations appear outside the irradiated field, it is important to consider BOOP syndrome as a pulmonary complication of radiation therapy for breast cancer

    Efficacy of topiramate for intractable childhood generalized epilepsy with epileptic spasms: With special reference to electroencephalographic changes

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    AbstractPurposeEpileptic spasms (ES) beyond infancy are a highly refractory type of seizures that require the development of an effective treatment. We therefore studied the efficacy and safety of topiramate (TPM), which is a drug that is indicated to be effective for intractable childhood epilepsy, for ES.MethodsOut of 58 children with ES, we enrolled 33 patients treated with TPM at ≤12years of age. The administration of TPM was limited to cases of epilepsies that were resistant to any other potent treatment. We retrospectively investigated the efficacy of TPM for seizures and changes in electroencephalogram (EEG) findings.ResultsThe median age at the start of TPM treatment was 5years, 8months. All patients had ES and 28 also had tonic seizures. As for the efficacy of TPM for all seizures, five patients became seizure-free and two had a ≥50% reduction in seizures. Seizure aggravation was observed in six patients. Of 29 patients whose EEG findings were compared before and during TPM treatment, nine showed EEG improvement with reduced epileptic discharges. Adverse effects were observed in 13 patients and included somnolence, anorexia, and irritability. In general, TPM was well tolerated.ConclusionsTPM can be effective at suppressing very intractable ES in a proportion of patients who do not respond to any other treatment. The efficacy of TPM may be predictable based on EEG changes observed early in the course of treatment. TPM is promising for the treatment of extremely intractable childhood epilepsy and it has largely tolerable adverse effects

    Immunohistochemical Demonstration of Membrane-bound Prostaglandin E2 Synthase-1 in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

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    Microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1 (mPGES-1) is an inducible enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of prostaglandin (PG) H2 to PGE2 in downstream of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). Recent studies have obtained in vitro evidence that PGE2 participates in carcinogenesis, angiogenesis, and induction of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), which plays a crucial role in cancer invasion. However, implications for mPGES-1 in thyroid carcinomas remain to be determined. To address this issue, we performed an immunohistochemical analysis for mPGES-1, COX-2 and MMP-9 in 20 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) patients. mPGES-1 immunoreactivity was localized in the cytoplasm of carcinoma cells in 19 cases, with an intensity that tended to be distinct at the interface between the tumor and the surrounding non-neoplastic tissue. Staining was more intense in regions with papillary arrangement, while it was less intense in regions with trabecular or solid arrangement. In many cases, immunohistochemical localization of COX-2 and MMP-9 resemble that of mPGES-1. Taken together, our results suggest the involvement of mPGES-1 in proliferation and differentiation of PTC as well as local invasion of PTC

    Enhanced interleukin-10 signaling with 14-member macrolides in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages

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    Immunomodulatory effects of 14-member macrolides, namely erythromycin (EM) and clarithromycin (CAM), have been reported in chronic respiratory infectious diseases. It has been suggested that 14-member macrolides have immunomodulatory effects on various lung cells such as alveolar macrophages. Interleukin (IL)-10 is an immunomodulatory cytokine that performs an irreplaceable role in negatively regulating inflammation, primarily via a mechanism that selectively blocks the expression of pro-inflammatory genes. It activates sig-nal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT)-3, and subsequently induces the suppres-sor of cytokine signaling-3 (SOCS-3), resulting in the resolution of inflammatory response in macrophages. However, it has been still unclear whether 14-member macrolides exert immu-nomodulatory effects via IL-10 signaling pathway. We aimed to evaluate whether 14-member macrolides affect the IL-10 signaling pathway. The RAW264.7 macrophage cell line was pre-treated with EM or CAM, and stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The levels of IL-10, IL-10 receptor, phosphorylated (p) STAT-3, and SOCS-3 were determined by RT-PCR, ELISA and immunoblotting. We observed increased levels of IL-10, p-STAT-3 and SOCS-3 in the treated cells. In addition, while the levels of tumor necrosis factor-α 6 h after LPS stimulation was equal between vehicle-treated and CAM-treated macrophage cells, those of CAM-treated cells were repressed 36 h following LPS stimulation, compared with those of the control cells. Therefore, the 14-member macrolides may initiate an early resolution of inflammation, in part, via the enhancement of the IL-10/STAT-3/SOCS-3 pathway

    Disulfide bridge formation between SecY and a translocating polypeptide localizes the translocation pore to the center of SecY

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    During their biosynthesis, many proteins pass through the membrane via a hydrophilic channel formed by the heterotrimeric Sec61/SecY complex. Whether this channel forms at the interface of multiple copies of Sec61/SecY or is intrinsic to a monomeric complex, as suggested by the recently solved X-ray structure of the Methanococcus jannaschii SecY complex, is a matter of contention. By introducing a single cysteine at various positions in Escherichia coli SecY and testing its ability to form a disulfide bond with a single cysteine in a translocating chain, we provide evidence that translocating polypeptides pass through the center of the SecY complex. The strongest cross-links were observed with residues that would form a constriction in an hourglass-shaped pore. This suggests that the channel makes only limited contact with a translocating polypeptide, thus minimizing the energy required for translocation

    SETDB1, HP1 and SUV39 promote repositioning of 53BP1 to extend resection during homologous recombination in G2 cells

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    Recent studies have shown that homologous recombination (HR) requires chromatin repression as well as relaxation at DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). HP1 and SUV39H1/2 are repressive factors essential for HR. Here, we identify SETDB1 as an additional compacting factor promoting HR. Depletion of HP1, SUV39, SETDB1 or BRCA1 confer identical phenotypes. The repressive factors, like BRCA1, are dispensable for the initiation of resection but promote the extension step causing diminished RPA or RAD51 foci and HR in irradiated G2 cells. Depletion of the compacting factors does not inhibit BRCA1 recruitment but at 8 h post IR, BRCA1 foci are smaller and aberrantly positioned compared to control cells. BRCA1 promotes 53BP1 repositioning to the periphery of enlarged foci and formation of a devoid core with BRCA1 becoming enlarged and localised internally to 53BP1. Depletion of the compacting factors precludes these changes at irradiation-induced foci. Thus, the repressive factors are required for BRCA1 function in promoting the repositioning of 53BP1 during HR. Additionally, depletion of these repressive factors in undamaged cells causes diminished sister chromatid association at centromeric sequences. We propose a model for how these findings may be functionally linked

    Disulfide bridge formation between SecY and a translocating polypeptide localizes the translocation pore to the center of SecY

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    During their biosynthesis, many proteins pass through the membrane via a hydrophilic channel formed by the heterotrimeric Sec61/SecY complex. Whether this channel forms at the interface of multiple copies of Sec61/SecY or is intrinsic to a monomeric complex, as suggested by the recently solved X-ray structure of the Methanococcus jannaschii SecY complex, is a matter of contention. By introducing a single cysteine at various positions in Escherichia coli SecY and testing its ability to form a disulfide bond with a single cysteine in a translocating chain, we provide evidence that translocating polypeptides pass through the center of the SecY complex. The strongest cross-links were observed with residues that would form a constriction in an hourglass-shaped pore. This suggests that the channel makes only limited contact with a translocating polypeptide, thus minimizing the energy required for translocation

    α- and β-Tubulin Lattice of the Axonemal Microtubule Doublet and Binding Proteins Revealed by Single Particle Cryo-Electron Microscopy and Tomography

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    SummaryMicrotubule doublet (MTD) is the main skeleton of cilia/flagella. Many proteins, such as dyneins and radial spokes, bind to MTD, and generate or regulate force. While the structure of the reconstituted microtubule has been solved at atomic resolution, nature of the axonemal MTD is still unclear. There are a few hypotheses of the lattice arrangement of its α- and β-tubulins, but it has not been described how dyneins and radial spokes bind to MTD. In this study, we analyzed the three-dimensional structure of Tetrahymena MTD at ∼19 Å resolution by single particle cryo-electron microscopy. To identify α- and β-tubulins, we combined image analysis of MTD with specific kinesin decoration. This work reveals that α- and β-tubulins form a B-lattice arrangement in the entire MTD with a seam at the outer junction. We revealed the unique way in which inner arm dyneins, radial spokes, and proteins inside MTD bind and bridge protofilaments

    Effect of antibiotic therapy on the inflammatory responses during streptococcal pneumonia in emphysematous mice

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    Background and objective: Bacterial infection is one of the most important causes of acute exacerbation of respiratory failure in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). There were few studies evaluating the effects of early intervention by antibiotic on respiratory bacterial infection in COPD subjects. We investigated the effect of early intervention by respiratory quinolone antibiotic on the systemic inflammatory responses induced by streptococcal pneumonia using a mouse model of experimental emphysema. Methods: Experimental pulmonary emphysema was developed by a single intratracheal instillation of porcine pancreatic elastase in ICR mice. Three weeks later, lethal doses of Streptococcus pneumoniae were intratracheally inoculated, followed by oral administration of 50 mg/kg body weight of Grepafloxacin (GPFX) every day from a day after tracheal inoculation. Results: While all emphysematous mice without GPFX treatment died within 8 days, all emphysematous mice with GPFX treatment survived. Seventy two hrs after infection, serum levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha, chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1, and CXCL2 (Macrophage inflammatory protein-2) in emphysematous mice with antibiotic therapy were significantly lower than those without therapy. Conclusions: Thus, the early intervention using a respiratory quinolone antibiotic prevents emphysematous mice with pneumonia from severe systemic inflammation, and rescues these mice from death. These results suggest that early intervention using a respiratory quinolone may improve the outcome of the exacerbated COPD patients
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