10 research outputs found

    Relationship between rapid eye-movement activity during nocturnal sleep and developmental quotient in infants with developmental disabilities

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    -Rapid eye-movement (REM) activity during nocturnal sleep was investigated in 27 infants with developmental disabilities. A relationship was found between REM sleep degree of REM and developmental psychomotor function. Developmental psychomotor scores were correlated with percentage of REM20, the percentage of sleep stages with REM. Age was not a factor in this relationship. Present findings are similar to earlier measures for adult patients with similar cognitive deficits

    Polysomnographic study of sleep in children and adolescents with developmental disabilities : A review

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    Aim: With this review, I aim to provide PSG study of sleep in people with developmental disabilities. Method: A literature was conducted and subject’s characteristics, study design (EEG pattern in sleep cycle, integrated EEG, compressed spectral array, clinical EEG,ontogeny of sleep patterns, REM sleep latency, sleep spindles, REM activity, skin potential responses, skin temperature, heart rate, and respiration), and developmental disabilities were collected. The PSG recording was carried out during nocturnal sleep. Results: I identified 27 studies of 121 children with developmental disabilities (4 mo. to 6 yr.). They,moreover, included 79 retarded people (6 mo. to 20 yr.). They showed some abnormal sleep EEG patterns, using by the integrated EEG and the compressed spectral array. Their ontogeny of sleep patterns was similar to normal peoples. The distribution of their REM sleep latency was similar to that obtained by other authors from normal infants under 3 months of age. In their sleep spindles, the number of spindles longer than 0.4 sec may serve as a useful indicator of abnormality. In their REM activity, developmental psychomotor scores were correlated with % of REM20. In their skin potential response, type B and C were observed more frequently the subjects with low DQ and abnormal clinical EEG. Moreover,their skin temperature, heart rate and respiration were reported. Interpretation: Not withstanding varying etiologies and varying degrees of retardation of these studies, many findings were presented. The significance of PSG recorded all night should be noticed, at least, in the people with developmental disabilities.知的障害児(者)のポリグラフによる睡眠(PSG)研究のレビューを行った。方法:文献検索を行って、被検者の特徴、研究デザイン(睡眠サイクルにおける睡眠パターン、積分された脳波、鳥瞰図法による脳波、臨床脳波、睡眠パターンの発達、REM睡眠潜時、睡眠紡錘波、REM活動、皮膚電気反応(SPR)、皮膚温、心拍、呼吸)、知的障害が選ばれた。ポリグラフ記録が夜間睡眠中に行われたものであった。結果:27の論文が選ばれた。知的障害児121名(4か月から6歳)が選ばれた。さらに、知的障害児(者)79名(6か月から20歳)が選ばれた。彼らはいくつかの異常な睡眠パターンを示した。加えて、これらの異常パターンが積分された脳波と、鳥瞰図法で示された脳波で示された。彼らの睡眠パターンの発達は、これまでに報告された健常児(者)と類似していた。彼らのREM睡眠潜時は、3か月の健常児と類似していた。睡眠紡錘波については、0.4秒より長いものが、異常を示す有効な指標となった。REM活動については、DQがREM20のパーセントと相関していた。SPRについては、BとC型がA型に比べて、より低いDQと異常な臨床脳波が示された。さらに、皮膚温、心拍と呼吸が報告された。夜間を通じてPSGを記録する重要性が、知的障害児(者)について指摘された

    Psychophysiological research on healthy children and adolescents, and those with developmental disabilities and disorders : A review

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    Aim: With this review, I aim to provide psychophysiological research on healthy children andadolescents, and those with developmental disabilities and disorders. Method: A literature wasconducted study design (EEG, electro-dermal activity, ECG), and developmental disabilities anddisorders were collected. The EEG recording was carried out during the waking subjects sittingwith eyes closed. The procedure of electro-dermal activity and ECG included baseline recording, apassive listening task, instruction, and simple and discriminative active-listening tasks. Result:EEG research on healthy children has shown that approximately 10 years old is a critical age fordevelopmental transition of EEG spectra to alpha frequency. The delay of this critical age inchildren with developmental disabilities was found. In electro-dermal activity, the younger healthychildren exhibited significantly larger habituation than the older children. Hyperactive preschooland school children exhibited to have shorter attention spans. ADHD subjects showed lessrespiratory sinus arrhythmia than healthy children. High HR before episodes of stereotypedbehavior significantly decreased or tended decrease compared that after episodes of thestereotyped behavior in ASDs. They, moreover, showed that the low HR before episodes ofstereotyped behavior significantly increased or tended to increase compared that after episodes ofthe stereotyped behavior. For children with DS had lack of excise, HR variability of the childrendecreased in school environment. Interpretation: Not withstanding varying etiologies and varyingdegrees of retardation of these studies, many findings were presented. The significance ofpsychophysiological study should be noticed, at least, in the people with developmentaldisabilities and disorders