18 research outputs found

    Polychronicity, Decision-making and Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy of Venture Team Founders: An Exploratory Study

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    Purpose - This study explores the role of polychronic temporal orientation and decision-making decentralization on founders\u27 perceptions of entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE). Design/methodology/approach - Longitudinal survey data were collected from 141 business founders in China. Findings - Findings suggest that decision-making decentralization is positively associated with founders\u27 ESE. In addition, a polychronic temporal orientation is positively related to ESE, and this relationship is mediated by decision-making decentralization. Originality/value - This study adds to existing knowledge on ESE and temporal related issues by presenting empirical evidence that explains how and why the temporal orientation context and the practice of decision-making decentralization can shape ESE perceptions among venture founders

    Community Structure and Survival of Tertiary Relict Thuja sutchuenensis (Cupressaceae) in the Subtropical Daba Mountains, Southwestern China.

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    A rare coniferous Tertiary relict tree species, Thuja sutchuenensis Franch, has survived in the Daba Mountains of southwestern China. It was almost eliminated by logging during the past century. We measured size and age structures and interpreted regeneration dynamics of stands of the species in a variety of topographic contexts and community associations. Forest communities containing T. sutchuenensis were of three types: (1) the Thuja community dominated by T. sutchuenensis, growing on cliffs; (2) the Thuja-Quercus-Cyclobalanopsis community dominated by T. sutchuenensis, Quercus engleriana and Cyclobalanopsis oxyodon, along with Fagus engleriana and Carpinus fargesiana, on steep slopes; (3) the Thuja-Tsuga-Quercus community dominated by T. sutchuenensis, Tsuga chinensis, and Quercus spinosa, on crest ridges. The established seedlings/saplings were found in limestone crevices, on scarred cliff-faces, cliff-edges, fallen logs, canopy gaps and forest margins. The radial growth rate was 0.5-1.1 mm per year. Its growth forms were distorted. It had strong sprouting ability after disturbances. The T. sutchuenensis population thrives on cliffs where there is little competition from other species because of harsh conditions and rockslide disturbances. It is shade-intolerant but stress-tolerant. Its regeneration has depended on natural disturbances

    Floristic composition for woody species (relative basal area [RBA] ≥ 0.5% in at least one plant community).

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    <p>Dominant species are indicated by boldface. Significantly different values (<i>p</i> < 0.05) of Gleason richness are indicated by different letters by the Tukey–Kramer test. RBA = relative basal area, C = coniferous, ESBL = evergreen sclerophyllous broad-leaved, EBL = evergreen broad-leaved, DBL = deciduous broad-leaved.</p><p>Floristic composition for woody species (relative basal area [RBA] ≥ 0.5% in at least one plant community).</p

    Schematic diagram of the composite representation of distribution patterns of <i>T</i>. <i>sutchuenensis</i>.

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    <p>The <i>Thuja-Tsuga-Quercus</i> community on the crest ridge (a) and (b). The red circled area is shown in (a)-<i>Thuja sutchuenensis</i>. A <i>T</i>. <i>sutchuenensis</i> on the cliff (c). The <i>Thuja-Quercus-Cyclobalanopsis</i> community on the steep slope (d) and (e). QUSP: <i>Quercus spinosa</i>; QUEN: <i>Quercus engleriana</i>.</p

    A sapling of <i>T</i>. <i>sutchuenensis</i> in a crevice on the cliff (a).

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    <p>A seedling of <i>T</i>. <i>sutchuenensis</i> in a crevice on the cliff (b). The deformed structure of <i>T</i>. <i>sutchuenensis</i> on the cliffs (c) and (d). A root of <i>T</i>. <i>sutchuenensis</i> over rocks (e). <i>T</i>. <i>sutchuenensis</i> resprouting after cutting (f).</p