44 research outputs found

    Weakly Supervised Object Localization Using Things and Stuff Transfer

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    We propose to help weakly supervised object localization for classes where location annotations are not available, by transferring things and stuff knowledge from a source set with available annotations. The source and target classes might share similar appearance (e.g. bear fur is similar to cat fur) or appear against similar background (e.g. horse and sheep appear against grass). To exploit this, we acquire three types of knowledge from the source set: a segmentation model trained on both thing and stuff classes; similarity relations between target and source classes; and co-occurrence relations between thing and stuff classes in the source. The segmentation model is used to generate thing and stuff segmentation maps on a target image, while the class similarity and co-occurrence knowledge help refining them. We then incorporate these maps as new cues into a multiple instance learning framework (MIL), propagating the transferred knowledge from the pixel level to the object proposal level. In extensive experiments, we conduct our transfer from the PASCAL Context dataset (source) to the ILSVRC, COCO and PASCAL VOC 2007 datasets (targets). We evaluate our transfer across widely different thing classes, including some that are not similar in appearance, but appear against similar background. The results demonstrate significant improvement over standard MIL, and we outperform the state-of-the-art in the transfer setting.Comment: ICCV 2017 camera-ready including supplementary materia

    Enhancing surgical instrument segmentation:integrating vision transformer insights with adapter

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    PURPOSE: In surgical image segmentation, a major challenge is the extensive time and resources required to gather large-scale annotated datasets. Given the scarcity of annotated data in this field, our work aims to develop a model that achieves competitive performance with training on limited datasets, while also enhancing model robustness in various surgical scenarios.METHODS: We propose a method that harnesses the strengths of pre-trained Vision Transformers (ViTs) and data efficiency of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Specifically, we demonstrate how a CNN segmentation model can be used as a lightweight adapter for a frozen ViT feature encoder. Our novel feature adapter uses cross-attention modules that merge the multiscale features derived from the CNN encoder with feature embeddings from ViT, ensuring integration of the global insights from ViT along with local information from CNN.RESULTS: Extensive experiments demonstrate our method outperforms current models in surgical instrument segmentation. Specifically, it achieves superior performance in binary segmentation on the Robust-MIS 2019 dataset, as well as in multiclass segmentation tasks on the EndoVis 2017 and EndoVis 2018 datasets. It also showcases remarkable robustness through cross-dataset validation across these 3 datasets, along with the CholecSeg8k and AutoLaparo datasets. Ablation studies based on the datasets prove the efficacy of our novel adapter module.CONCLUSION: In this study, we presented a novel approach integrating ViT and CNN. Our unique feature adapter successfully combines the global insights of ViT with the local, multi-scale spatial capabilities of CNN. This integration effectively overcomes data limitations in surgical instrument segmentation. The source code is available at: https://github.com/weimengmeng1999/AdapterSIS.git .</p

    Facial Video-based Remote Physiological Measurement via Self-supervised Learning

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    Facial video-based remote physiological measurement aims to estimate remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) signals from human face videos and then measure multiple vital signs (e.g. heart rate, respiration frequency) from rPPG signals. Recent approaches achieve it by training deep neural networks, which normally require abundant facial videos and synchronously recorded photoplethysmography (PPG) signals for supervision. However, the collection of these annotated corpora is not easy in practice. In this paper, we introduce a novel frequency-inspired self-supervised framework that learns to estimate rPPG signals from facial videos without the need of ground truth PPG signals. Given a video sample, we first augment it into multiple positive/negative samples which contain similar/dissimilar signal frequencies to the original one. Specifically, positive samples are generated using spatial augmentation. Negative samples are generated via a learnable frequency augmentation module, which performs non-linear signal frequency transformation on the input without excessively changing its visual appearance. Next, we introduce a local rPPG expert aggregation module to estimate rPPG signals from augmented samples. It encodes complementary pulsation information from different face regions and aggregate them into one rPPG prediction. Finally, we propose a series of frequency-inspired losses, i.e. frequency contrastive loss, frequency ratio consistency loss, and cross-video frequency agreement loss, for the optimization of estimated rPPG signals from multiple augmented video samples and across temporally neighboring video samples. We conduct rPPG-based heart rate, heart rate variability and respiration frequency estimation on four standard benchmarks. The experimental results demonstrate that our method improves the state of the art by a large margin.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligenc

    VLPrompt: Vision-Language Prompting for Panoptic Scene Graph Generation

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    Panoptic Scene Graph Generation (PSG) aims at achieving a comprehensive image understanding by simultaneously segmenting objects and predicting relations among objects. However, the long-tail problem among relations leads to unsatisfactory results in real-world applications. Prior methods predominantly rely on vision information or utilize limited language information, such as object or relation names, thereby overlooking the utility of language information. Leveraging the recent progress in Large Language Models (LLMs), we propose to use language information to assist relation prediction, particularly for rare relations. To this end, we propose the Vision-Language Prompting (VLPrompt) model, which acquires vision information from images and language information from LLMs. Then, through a prompter network based on attention mechanism, it achieves precise relation prediction. Our extensive experiments show that VLPrompt significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods on the PSG dataset, proving the effectiveness of incorporating language information and alleviating the long-tail problem of relations.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    TreeFormer: a Semi-Supervised Transformer-based Framework for Tree Counting from a Single High Resolution Image

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    Automatic tree density estimation and counting using single aerial and satellite images is a challenging task in photogrammetry and remote sensing, yet has an important role in forest management. In this paper, we propose the first semisupervised transformer-based framework for tree counting which reduces the expensive tree annotations for remote sensing images. Our method, termed as TreeFormer, first develops a pyramid tree representation module based on transformer blocks to extract multi-scale features during the encoding stage. Contextual attention-based feature fusion and tree density regressor modules are further designed to utilize the robust features from the encoder to estimate tree density maps in the decoder. Moreover, we propose a pyramid learning strategy that includes local tree density consistency and local tree count ranking losses to utilize unlabeled images into the training process. Finally, the tree counter token is introduced to regulate the network by computing the global tree counts for both labeled and unlabeled images. Our model was evaluated on two benchmark tree counting datasets, Jiangsu, and Yosemite, as well as a new dataset, KCL-London, created by ourselves. Our TreeFormer outperforms the state of the art semi-supervised methods under the same setting and exceeds the fully-supervised methods using the same number of labeled images. The codes and datasets are available at https://github.com/HAAClassic/TreeFormer.Comment: Accepted in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSIN

    Weakly Supervised Object Localization Using Size Estimates

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    We present a technique for weakly supervised object localization (WSOL), building on the observation that WSOL algorithms usually work better on images with bigger objects. Instead of training the object detector on the entire training set at the same time, we propose a curriculum learning strategy to feed training images into the WSOL learning loop in an order from images containing bigger objects down to smaller ones. To automatically determine the order, we train a regressor to estimate the size of the object given the whole image as input. Furthermore, we use these size estimates to further improve the re-localization step of WSOL by assigning weights to object proposals according to how close their size matches the estimated object size. We demonstrate the effectiveness of using size order and size weighting on the challenging PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset, where we achieve a significant improvement over existing state-of-the-art WSOL techniques.Comment: ECCV 2016 camera-read

    Domain-General Crowd Counting in Unseen Scenarios

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    Domain shift across crowd data severely hinders crowd counting models to generalize to unseen scenarios. Although domain adaptive crowd counting approaches close this gap to a certain extent, they are still dependent on the target domain data to adapt (e.g. finetune) their models to the specific domain. In this paper, we aim to train a model based on a single source domain which can generalize well on any unseen domain. This falls into the realm of domain generalization that remains unexplored in crowd counting. We first introduce a dynamic sub-domain division scheme which divides the source domain into multiple sub-domains such that we can initiate a meta-learning framework for domain generalization. The sub-domain division is dynamically refined during the meta-learning. Next, in order to disentangle domain-invariant information from domain-specific information in image features, we design the domain-invariant and -specific crowd memory modules to re-encode image features. Two types of losses, i.e. feature reconstruction and orthogonal losses, are devised to enable this disentanglement. Extensive experiments on several standard crowd counting benchmarks i.e. SHA, SHB, QNRF, and NWPU, show the strong generalizability of our method.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 2023 as Oral Presentatio

    HiLo: Exploiting High Low Frequency Relations for Unbiased Panoptic Scene Graph Generation

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    Panoptic Scene Graph generation (PSG) is a recently proposed task in image scene understanding that aims to segment the image and extract triplets of subjects, objects and their relations to build a scene graph. This task is particularly challenging for two reasons. First, it suffers from a long-tail problem in its relation categories, making naive biased methods more inclined to high-frequency relations. Existing unbiased methods tackle the long-tail problem by data/loss rebalancing to favor low-frequency relations. Second, a subject-object pair can have two or more semantically overlapping relations. While existing methods favor one over the other, our proposed HiLo framework lets different network branches specialize on low and high frequency relations, enforce their consistency and fuse the results. To the best of our knowledge we are the first to propose an explicitly unbiased PSG method. In extensive experiments we show that our HiLo framework achieves state-of-the-art results on the PSG task. We also apply our method to the Scene Graph Generation task that predicts boxes instead of masks and see improvements over all baseline methods

    Redesigning Multi-Scale Neural Network for Crowd Counting

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    Perspective distortions and crowd variations make crowd counting a challenging task in computer vision. To tackle it, many previous works have used multi-scale architecture in deep neural networks (DNNs). Multi-scale branches can be either directly merged (e.g. by concatenation) or merged through the guidance of proxies (e.g. attentions) in the DNNs. Despite their prevalence, these combination methods are not sophisticated enough to deal with the per-pixel performance discrepancy over multi-scale density maps. In this work, we redesign the multi-scale neural network by introducing a hierarchical mixture of density experts, which hierarchically merges multi-scale density maps for crowd counting. Within the hierarchical structure, an expert competition and collaboration scheme is presented to encourage contributions from all scales; pixel-wise soft gating nets are introduced to provide pixel-wise soft weights for scale combinations in different hierarchies. The network is optimized using both the crowd density map and the local counting map, where the latter is obtained by local integration on the former. Optimizing both can be problematic because of their potential conflicts. We introduce a new relative local counting loss based on relative count differences among hard-predicted local regions in an image, which proves to be complementary to the conventional absolute error loss on the density map. Experiments show that our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance on five public datasets, i.e. ShanghaiTech, UCF_CC_50, JHU-CROWD++, NWPU-Crowd and Trancos.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Image Processin

    Enhancing Space-time Video Super-resolution via Spatial-temporal Feature Interaction

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    The target of space-time video super-resolution (STVSR) is to increase both the frame rate (also referred to as the temporal resolution) and the spatial resolution of a given video. Recent approaches solve STVSR with end-to-end deep neural networks. A popular solution is to first increase the frame rate of the video; then perform feature refinement among different frame features; and last increase the spatial resolutions of these features. The temporal correlation among features of different frames is carefully exploited in this process. The spatial correlation among features of different (spatial) resolutions, despite being also very important, is however not emphasized. In this paper, we propose a spatial-temporal feature interaction network to enhance STVSR by exploiting both spatial and temporal correlations among features of different frames and spatial resolutions. Specifically, the spatial-temporal frame interpolation module is introduced to interpolate low- and high-resolution intermediate frame features simultaneously and interactively. The spatial-temporal local and global refinement modules are respectively deployed afterwards to exploit the spatial-temporal correlation among different features for their refinement. Finally, a novel motion consistency loss is employed to enhance the motion continuity among reconstructed frames. We conduct experiments on three standard benchmarks, Vid4, Vimeo-90K and Adobe240, and the results demonstrate that our method improves the state of the art methods by a considerable margin. Our codes will be available at https://github.com/yuezijie/STINet-Space-time-Video-Super-resolution