4 research outputs found
Application of nuclear-physics methods for studying the radionuclide transport in granite rocks
The results of studying the migration of 169Yb as actinide-simulator in granite specimens in pristine state and preliminary irradiated with various γ-irradiation dose up to 3,0*109 rad are represented and briefly discussed. Method of γ-spectrometry was used in order to determine the distribution of γ-emitting tracer isotope 169Yb in granite. Estimations based on analysis of ytterbium bulk distribution are given to determine the diffusion coefficients of radionuclides in granite rock
Investigation of actinide simulators migration in granite and tuff irradiated by gamma-quanta
Granite and tuff specimens have been γ- irradiated to the absorbed doses ranging from 10⁷
to 3.0·10⁸ Gy. Penetration profiles of cerium ¹³⁹Ce (actinide simulator) in granite and tuff specimens (before and after γ-irradiation) were measured by means of nuclear physics methods. The irradiation has led to an increase in the cerium diffusion coefficients by several orders of magnitude. The irradiation to 3.0·10⁸ Gy has caused the mechanical fracture of granite whereas the tuff specimens have retained their integrity while showing the appearance of microcracks.Образцы гранита и туфа были облучены гамма-квантами до доз 10⁷…3.0·10⁸ Гр. С помощью ядерно-физических методов получены профили проникновения церия ¹³⁹Ce (имитатора актинидов) до и после облучения. Облучение привело к значительному увеличению коэффициентов диффузии церия. Облучение до дозы 3.0·10⁸ Гр привело к механическому разрушению образцов гранита. Образцы туфа сохранили свою целостность, но в них выявлены нарушения структуры за счет появления микротрещин.Зразки граніту і туфу було опромінено гамма-квантами до доз 10⁷…3.0·10⁸ Гр. За допомогою ядерно- фізичних методів отримані профілі проникнення церію ¹³⁹Ce (імітатора актинідів) до і після опромінення. Опромінювання зразків природних матеріалів привело до значного збільшення коефіцієнтів дифузії церію. Опромінення до дози 3.0·10⁸ Гр привело до механічного руйнування зразків граніту. Зразки туфу зберегли свою цілісність, але у них виявлені порушення структури за рахунок появи мікротріщин
Investigation of granite rocks radiation-chemical durability
Gamma-activation analysis is used to study dynamics of leaching of various elements from granite samples. The sample preliminary irradiation and activation was carried out in the field of bremsstrahlung of electron accelerator. With the use of Ge(li) detector concentration of sodium, cesium and manganese isotopes in the leachant as well as the dependence of diffusion coefficient are determined
Investigation of Chernobyl 4-th unit materials by gamma activation method
Isotope and element content the samples of Chornobyl 4-th wrecking unit materials (concrete fragments and lava-like materials) were investigated by γ-activation method using bremsstrahlung of the electron accelerator. The concentration of a number of nuclides (U-238, Cs-137, Sr-90, Ni-58, Zr-90 etc.) and their depth distribution into concrete were determined as well as the corresponding correlation ratio. The comparison of the obtained data with the structure-phase analysis results was carried out