442 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Earth Ionosphere using the Radio Emission of Pulsars

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    The investigation of the Earth ionosphere both in a quiet and a disturbed states is still desirable. Despite recent progress in its modeling and in estimating the electron concentration along the line of sight by GPS signals, the impact of the disturbed ionosphere and magnetic field on the wave propagation still remains not sufficiently understood. This is due to lack of information on the polarization of GPS signals, and due to poorly conditioned models of the ionosphere at high altitudes and strong perturbations. In this article we consider a possibility of using the data of pulsar radio emission, along with the traditional GPS system data, for the vertical and oblique sounding of the ionosphere. This approach also allows to monitor parameters of the propagation medium, such as the dispersion measure and the rotation measure using changes of the polarization between pulses. By using a selected pulsar constellation it is possible to increase the number of directions in which parameters of the ionosphere and the magnetic field can be estimated.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, Baltic Astronomy, vol.22, 53-65, 201

    Quasilinear differential equations for the description of the space of ideal gas conditions

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    Today the classical thermodynamics as fundamentals of many physical sciences does not possess the finished and accurate axiomatic creation of the theory. Its many provisions and ratios are based on the empirical facts which are recognized as apriori and are not proved in terms of theoretical parcel

    The Soret coefficients of the ternary system water/ethanol/triethylene glycol and its corresponding binary mixtures

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    Thermodiffusion in ternary mixtures is considered prototypic for the Soret effect of truly multicomponent systems. We discuss ground-based measurements of the Soret coefficient along the binary borders of the Gibbs triangle of the highly polar and hydrogen bonding ternary DCMIX3-system water/ethanol/triethylene glycol. All three Soret coefficients decay with increasing concentration, irrespective of the choice of the independent component, and show a characteristic sign change as a function of temperature and/or composition. With the exception of triethylene glycol/ethanol at high temperatures, the minority component always migrates toward the cold side. All three binaries exhibit temperature-independent fixed points of the Soret coefficient. The decay of the Soret coefficient with concentration can be related to negative excess volumes of mixing. The sign changes of the Soret coefficients of the binaries allow to draw far-reaching conclusions about the signs of the Soret coefficients of the corresponding ternary mixtures. In particular, we show that at least one ternary composition must exist, where all three Soret coefficients vanish simultaneously and no steady-state separation is observable


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    The latest approaches to the continuous professional development of rehabilitation specialists are discussed. It is postulated that one of the most important tasks of our time is the effective provision of integration and deepening of concrete knowledge in rehabilitation, based on the essence of the transdisciplinary approach and the desire to recreate the integral scientific picture of rehabilitation. It is also emphasized that the introduction of transdisciplinary health care requires the creation of appropriate new legislation, standards, policies, strategies and plans.Обсуждены новейшие подходы к непрерывному профессиональному развитию реабилитологов. Постулируется, что одной из важнейших задач современности является эффективное обеспечение интеграции и углубления конкретных знаний в реабилитации, исходя из сущности трансдисциплинарного подхода и стремления воссоздать целостную научную картину реабилитации. Также подчеркивается, что внедрение трансдисциплинарных принципов в здравоохранение требует создания соответствующего нового законодательства, стандартов, политики, стратегии и планов.Обговорено новітні підходи до безперервного професійного розвитку реабілітологів. Постулюється, що одним із найважливіших завдань сьогодення є ефективне забезпечення інтеграції та поглиблення конкретних знань в реабілітації, виходячи із сутності трансдисциплінарного підходу та прагнення відтворити цілісну наукову картину реабілітації. Також підкреслюється, що впровадження трансдисциплінарних принципів в охорону здоров'я потребує створення відповідного нового законодавства, стандартів, політики, стратегії та планів

    Ordering of small particles in one-dimensional coherent structures by time-periodic flows

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    Small particles transported by a fluid medium do not necessarily have to follow the flow. We show that for a wide class of time-periodic incompressible flows inertial particles have a tendency to spontaneously align in one-dimensional dynamic coherent structures. This effect may take place for particles so small that often they would be expected to behave as passive tracers and be used in PIV measurement technique. We link the particle tendency to form one-dimensional structures to the nonlinear phenomenon of phase locking. We propose that this general mechanism is, in particular, responsible for the enigmatic formation of the `particle accumulation structures' discovered experimentally in thermocapillary flows more than a decade ago and unexplained until now