11 research outputs found


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    Brownies are chocolate cakes that are very popular and liked by almost everyone. The main raw material of processing brownies is flour which until now is still imported. The addition of mocaf and moringa leaf flour can to reduce flour use and increase organoleptic of brownies. The aim of this study was to find out the effect of substitution of wheat flour, mocaf and moringa leaf flour on organoleptic brownies. The method that used in this experiment is a Complete Random Design (CRD) with one factor that was substitution of flour, mocaf and moringa leaf flour whose treatment is A0 (Flour 50% : Mocaf 50%: Moringa leave flour 0%/control), A1 (Flour 47,5% : Mocaf 47,5% : Moringa leave flour 5%), A2 (Flour 45% : Mocaf 45% : Moringa leave flour 10%), A3 (Flour 42,5% : Mocaf 42,5% : Moringa leave flour 15%), A4 (Flour 40% : Mocaf 40% : Moringa leave flour 20%), dan A5 (Flour 37,5% : Mocaf 37,5% : Moringa leave flour 25%). The data of the research were analyzed using Analysis of Varience at level 5% and tested continued using Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference Test (Tukey’s HSD) at the same level if there was a real difference. The results showed that substitution of flour, mocaf and moringa leaf flour on brownies has a real effect on organoleptics in hedonic test on color, texture and taste as well as organoleptic scoring on color, aroma, texture and taste, but has no effect on hedonic test in aroma. For the quality of organoleptic brownies it is known that the best treatment on hedonic tests of texture and taste parameters produced by treatment A1 (Flour 47,5% : Mocaf 47,5% : Moringa leave flour 5%) with likes criteria and for scoring tests are produced by the same treatment on aroma, texture and taste parameters with their respective criteria that are typical brownies, moist and sweet taste. The best treatment on color scoring tests is produced by treatment A5 (Flour 37,5% : Mocaf 37,5% : Moringa leave flour 25%) whith criteria are brown

    Sensory quality of cookies made from chickpea flour (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and mocaf as non-gluten snacks

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    Cookies are high-fat snacks made from soft dough that have a relatively crunchy texture and a solid cut shape. In an effort to reduce the use of unhealthy wheat flour, cookies can be made from other flours such as chickpea flour and mocaf flour (from cassava). The purpose of this study was to determine the sensory characteristics of cookies from the formulation of two different types of flour (chickpea and mocaf). This study used a completely randomised design (CRD), with 6 treatments, namely: K0 = 0% chickpea flour: Mocaf 100%, K1 = Chickpea Flour 15%: Mocaf 85%, K2 = Chickpea Flour 30%: Mocaf 70%, K3 = Chickpea Flour 45%: Mocaf 55%, K4 = Chickpea Flour 60%: Mocaf 40% and K5 = Chickpea Flour 75%: Mocaf 15%. The results were analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) using Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 applications. If different data was obtained, it was further analysed using BNJ (Differential Real Honest) at the 5% significance level. Based on the results of data analysis, it is known that mixing chickpea flour and mocaf as raw material for cookies has a significant effect on all organoleptic parameters, both Skoring and hedonic methods. Where, the more the addition of chickpea flour and the less mocaf flour, all organoleptic parameters show a tendency of lower values. In conclusion, treatment K0 is the most preferred formulation by the panelists with the Skoring criteria of very yellow colour, very tasteless chickpea flavour and very non-crispy texture. The hedonic criteria for colour and flavour were highly preferred, while texture was preferred

    Pengaruh formulasi tepung terigu dan tepung beras terhadap karakteristik organoleptik pepaya crispy (Carica papaya L.)

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    One of the food processing innovations that can be done from young papaya fruit is made into crispy papaya which is made by adding ingredients such as flour and spices which are intended to improve the texture and taste of crsipy papaya. formula is needed to produce crispy papaya products that are crispy and delicious. The aim of this study to determine the effect of a mixture of wheat flour and rice flour on the organoleptic characteristics of crispy papaya. In this crispy papaya research using the one-factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method, namely the mixture of wheat flour and rice flour whose treatment consists of A1 (60% Wheat Flour: 40% Rice Flour), A2 (65% Wheat Flour: 35% Rice Flour), A3 (70% Wheat Flour: 30% Rice Flour), A4 (75% Wheat Flour: Rice Flour 25% and A5 (Wheat Flour 80%: Rice Flour 20%). The data obtained were then analyzed using analysis of variance at the 5% level and if significantly different data were obtained, further tests would be carried out using Honest Real Differences (5%). After conducting the research, it can be seen that the mixture of wheat flour and rice flour in crispy papaya has no significant effect on organoleptic characters in all parameters of the hedonic and scoring test methods. For the organoleptic quality parameters of crispy papaya, the highest treatment was produced in the hedonic test for color parameter A2 treatment (like), texture parameter A3 treatment (like) and taste parameter A1 treatment (like). The scoring test resulted in the highest value of color in treatment A2 (yellow), texture in treatment A3 (crispy) and taste in treatment A4 (no papaya flavor).Salah satu inovasi pengolahan pangan yang dapat dilakukan dari buah pepaya yang masih muda yaitu dibuat menjadi pepaya crispy yang dibuat dengan menambahkan bahan-bahan seperti tepung dan bumbu yang dimaksudkan untuk memperbaiki tekstur dan rasa. Dibutuhkan formula tertentu untuk menghasilkan produk pepaya crispy yang renyah dan enak. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari campuran antara tepung terigu dan tepung beras terhadap karakteristik organoleptik pepaya crispy. Pada penelitian pepaya crispy ini menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) satu faktor yaitu campuran antara tepung terigu dan tepung beras yang perlakuannya terdiri dari A1 (Tepung Terigu 60% : Tepung Beras 40%), A2 (Tepung Terigu 65% : Tepung Beras 35%), A3 (Tepung Terigu 70% : Tepung Beras 30%), A4 (Tepung Terigu 75% : Tepung Beras 25% dan A5 (Tepung Terigu 80% : Tepung Beras 20%). Data yang di peroleh selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan analisa keragaman pada taraf 5% dan bila didapatkan data yang berbeda nyata akan dilakukan uji lanjut menggunakan Beda Nyata Jujur (5%). Setelah melakukan penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa campuran antara tepung terigu dan tepung beras pada pepaya crispy tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap karakter organoleptik pada semua parameter metode uji hedonik maupun scoring. Untuk parameter mutu organoleptik pepaya crispy dihasilkan perlakuan yang tertinggi pada uji hedonik parameter warna perlakuan A2 (suka), parameter tekstur perlakuan A3 (suka) dan parameter rasa perlakuan A1 (suka). Untuk uji scoring dihasilkan nilai tertinggi warna pada perlakuan A2 (kuning), tekstur pada perlakuan A3 (renyah) dan rasa pada perlakuan A4 (tidak berasa papaya)

    Kajian sifat kimia brownies panggang dengan substitusi mocaf dan tepung kelor

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    Brownies are wheat-based snack products that prefer by peoples. The need for wheat increased every year. One of the local flours that can reduce people's dependence on the use of wheat is mocaf /modified cassava flour. Brownies have a high carbohydrate and fat content but a low vitamin and mineral content. Therefore, the addition of moringa leaf flour is need. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of substitution of mocaf and moringa leaf flour on the chemical quality of brownies. The treatment of this study is the combination of flour, mocaf and moringa leave flour become six treatment, namely A0 = 50% flour : 50% mocaf : 0 moringa leaf flour (control), A1 = 47,5% flour : 47,5% mocaf : 5% moringa leaf flour, A2 = 45% flour : 45% mocaf : 10% moringa leaf flour, A3 = 42,5% flour : 42,5% mocaf : 15 % moringa leaf flour, A4 = 40% flour : 40% mocaf : 20% moringa leaf flour and A5 = 37,5% flour : 37,5% mocaf : 25% moringa leaf flour.  The study results  show  that  the addition of moringa leaf flour significantly  influences  the  chemical properties (moisture, ash and protein content) on brownies. According to standard (SNI), the best treatment for water content is A0 treatment (wheat flour 50%: mocaf 50%: moringa leaf flour 0%) with a value of 25.21%, for ash and protein content are produced by A5 treatment (wheat flour 37.5%: mocaf 37.5%: moringa leaf flour 25%) with the value respectively are 2.80%  and 6.68%.Brownies merupakan produk jajanan berbasis terigu yang disukai semua kalangan. Hal ini mengakibatkan kebutuhan terigu meningkat setiap tahunnya. Salah satu tepung-tepungan lokal yang dapat mengurangi ketergantungan masyarakat terhadap penggunaan terigu adalah mocaf/modified cassava flour. Brownies memiliki kandungan karbohidrat dan lemak yang tinggi tetapi kandungan vitamin dan mineral yang rendah. Karena itu dilakukan penambahan tepung daun kelor. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi mocaf dan tepung daun kelor terhadap mutu kimia brownies. Perlakuan pada penelitian ini yaitu kombinasi tepung terigu, mocaf dan tepung daun kelor dengan 6 perlakuan yaitu A0 = 50% tepung terigu : 50% mocaf : 0 tepung daun kelor (kontrol), A1 = 47,5% tepung terigu : 47,5 % mocaf : 5 % tepung daun kelor, A2 = 45% tepung terigu : 45% mocaf : 10 % tepung daun kelor, A3 = 42,5% tepung terigu : 42,5%  mocaf : 15% tepung daun kelor, A4 = 40% tepung terigu : 40% mocaf : 20% tepung daun kelor, A5 = 37,5% tepung terigu : 37,5% mocaf : 25% tepung daun kelor. Hasil analisa keragaman (ANOVA) dan uji lanjut BNJ(5%) diketahui bahwa substitusi mocaf dan tepung daun kelor berpengaruh nyata terhadap mutu kimia (kadar air, kadar abu dan kadar protein) brownies. Menurut SNI dihasilkan perlakuan terbaik untuk kadar air pada perlakuan A0 (Tepung terigu 50% : Mocaf  50%: Tepung daun kelor 0%)  dengan nilai 25,21%, untuk kadar abu dan protein dihasilkan perlakuan A5 (Tepung terigu 37,5% : Mocaf  37,5% : Tepung daun kelor 25%) dengan nilai masing-masing adalah 2,80% dan 6,68%

    Scoring and hedonic tests on herbal drinks with a combination of horse whip leaves (Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L) vahl) and fresh white ginger (Zingiber officinale)

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    Functional drinks have a meaning when the drink is consumed it will have a positive effect on the health of the body because it contains nutritional and non-nutritional elements.In line with the condition of the world that has just been attacked by the covid 19 virus, many people are currently turning to consuming concocted herbal drinks to help increase body immunity. One type of plant that is often used is ginger rhizome and horse whip leaves. The purpose of this research is to formulate horse whip leaves and fresh white ginger rhizomes as herbal drinks to support functional food diversification. In this herbal drink making research using a one-factor Completely Randomised Design (CRD) method, namely a mixture of horse whip leaves and fresh white ginger whose treatment consists of P1 = Horse Whip Leaves 90%: Fresh White Ginger 10%, P2 = Horse Whip Leaf 70%: Fresh White Ginger 30%, P3 = Horse Whip Leaf 50%: Fresh White Ginger 50%, P4 = Horse Whip Leaf 30%: Fresh White Ginger 70% and P5 = Horse Whip Leaf 10%: Fresh White Ginger 90%. Data were analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) at the 5% level in Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 applications and if significantly different data are obtained, further tests will be carried out using Honest Real Differences (5%). It was found that the combination of horse whip leaves and fresh white ginger on the herbal drink produced did not have a significant effect on the organoleptic characteristics of aroma and taste scoring tests but had a significant effect on colour parameters. For the organoleptic quality parameters of herbal drinks, it is known that the treatment has been produced in the scoring test with the highest value of colour in treatment P1 (yellow), aroma in treatment P2 (ginger-scented) and taste in treatment P3 (slightly warm ginger). The best treatment was obtained in the hedonic test with colour, aroma and taste parameters by treatment P5 (Horse Whip Leaf 10%: Fresh White Ginger 90%) with the criteria of liking

    The combination of wheat flour and oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on the organoleptic properties of nuggets

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    A nugget is a processed product of ground beef which is added to a binder and mixed with spices and then covered with egg white (batter) and breaded flour (breading), which is then packaged before being fried and frozen to maintain quality. Many raw materials were used in its development, including oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus). Oyster mushrooms contain high fiber in contrast to chicken or beef, which have low fiber, and oyster mushrooms also have a texture and taste similar to chicken meat. High fat content and low fiber in chicken or beef are not recommended for people who are obese or hypercholesterolemic, so oyster mushrooms are a good choice as an ingredient for making nuggets. The combination of wheat flour and oyster mushroom has an effect on the organoleptic properties of the taste, aroma, and texture of the nuggets. The making of nuggets with a combination of wheat flour and oyster mushrooms was acceptable organically, and the panelists gave the impression of liking it for all organoleptic criteria. The average result of the best organoleptic test assessment in this study was the N5 treatment, namely 60% wheat flour and 40% oyster mushroom with organoleptic characteristics of taste, aroma and texture favored by the panelists