175 research outputs found

    Reaching truckers in Brazil with non-stigmatizing and effective HIV/STI services

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    Research with mobile populations has demonstrated that men in the mobile workforce tend to be exposed to greater HIV risk, and have higher sexually transmitted infection (STI) and HIV prevalence, than those in less mobile or non-mobile professions. At the request of the Brazilian Ministry of Health and with support from USAID/Brazil, the Population Council conducted an assessment in Brazilian border areas to determine which populations were most in need of HIV prevention activities. The research revealed the presence of an extremely mobile, international truck driver community with little to no access to HIV prevention, testing, and treatment services. The intervention strategy of placing a health unit inside the customs station and offering HIV/STI-related services with other services to meet the general health needs of truckers was successful for reaching truckers, was acceptable and well received, and promoted some important HIV-related behavior change

    Improvements in the South African HIV care cascade: findings on 90-90-90 targets from successive population-representative surveys in North West Province.

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    IntroductionTo achieve epidemic control of HIV by 2030, countries aim to meet 90-90-90 targets to increase knowledge of HIV-positive status, initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and viral suppression by 2020. We assessed the progress towards these targets from 2014 to 2016 in South Africa as expanded treatment policies were introduced using population-representative surveys.MethodsData were collected in January to March 2014 and August to November 2016 in Dr. Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District, North West Province. Each multi-stage cluster sample included 46 enumeration areas (EA), a target of 36 dwelling units (DU) per EA, and a single resident aged 18 to 49 per DU. Data collection included behavioural surveys, rapid HIV antibody testing and dried blood spot collection. We used weighted general linear regression to evaluate differences in the HIV care continuum over time.ResultsOverall, 1044 and 971 participants enrolled in 2014 and 2016 respectively with approximately 77% undergoing HIV testing. Despite increases in reported testing, known status among people living with HIV (PLHIV) remained similar at 68.7% (95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 60.9-75.6) in 2014 and 72.8% (95% CI = 63.6-80.4) in 2016. Men were consistently less likely than women to know their status. Among those with known status, PLHIV on ART increased significantly from 80.9% (95% CI = 71.9-87.4) to 91.5% (95% CI = 84.4-95.5). Viral suppression (<5000 copies/mL using DBS) among those on ART increased significantly from 55.0% (95% CI = 39.6-70.4) in 2014 to 81.4% (95% CI = 72.0-90.8) in 2016. Among all PLHIV an estimated 72.0% (95% CI = 63.8-80.1) of women and 45.8% (95% CI = 27.0-64.7) of men achieved viral suppression by 2016.ConclusionsOver a period during which fixed-dose combination was introduced, ART eligibility expanded, and efforts to streamline treatment were implemented, major improvements in the second and third 90-90-90 targets were achieved. Achieving the first 90 target will require targeted and improved testing models for men

    Reaching truckers in Brazil with non-stigmatizing and effective HIV/STI services

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    A study conducted by the Population Council in 2001 found that truckers crossing Brazil’s southern border had easy access to commercial sex and extremely limited access to health services, condoms, HIV testing and counseling, and HIV/STI prevention messages. In response, the Population Council’s Horizons Program conducted an intervention study from 2002 to 2005. The study examined the feasibility, acceptability, and impact of providing a range of health services to truckers at a health post inside a customs station, where truckers wait anywhere from one day to a week for documents and cargo to clear customs. As noted in this brief, truckers responded positively to HIV-related services offered together with other health services, such as blood pressure and glucose screening. Truckers passing through the intervention site reported greater uptake of HIV counseling and testing, as well as increased condom use and partner communication compared to truckers surveyed at the comparison site. These data suggest that the strategy was successful in reducing HIV risk among truckers

    A Guaranteed Income Intervention to Improve the Health and Financial well-being of low-income black emerging adults: study protocol for the Black Economic Equity Movement randomized controlled crossover trial

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    Background Economic inequity systematically affects Black emerging adults (BEA), aged 18–24, and their healthy trajectory into adulthood. Guaranteed income (GI)–temporary, unconditional cash payments–is gaining traction as a policy solution to address the inequitable distribution of resources sewn by decades of structural racism and disinvestment. GI provides recipients with security, time, and support to enable their transition into adulthood and shows promise for improving mental and physical health outcomes. To date, few GI pilots have targeted emerging adults. The BEEM trial seeks to determine whether providing GI to BEA improves financial wellbeing, mental and physical health as a means to address health disparities. Methods/design Using a randomized controlled crossover trial design, 300 low-income BEA from San Francisco and Oakland, California, are randomized to receive a $500/month GI either during the first 12-months of follow-up (Phase I) or during the second 12-months of a total of 24-months follow-up (Phase II). All participants are offered enrollment in optional peer discussion groups and financial mentoring to bolster financial capability. Primary intention-to-treat analyzes will evaluate the impact of GI at 12 months among Phase I GI recipients compared to waitlist arm participants using Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE). Primary outcomes include: (a) financial well-being (investing in education/training); (b) mental health status (depressive symptoms); and (c) unmet need for mental health and sexual and reproductive health services. Secondary analyzes will examine effects of optional financial capability components using GEE with causal inference methods to adjust for differences across sub-strata. We will also explore the degree to which GI impacts dissipate after payments end. Study outcomes will be collected via surveys every 3 months throughout the study. A nested longitudinal qualitative cohort of 36 participants will further clarify how GI impacts these outcomes. We also discuss how anti-racism praxis guided the intervention design, evaluation design, and implementation. Discussion Findings will provide the first experimental evidence of whether targeted GI paired with complementary financial programming improves the financial well-being, mental health, and unmet health service needs of urban BEA. Results will contribute timely evidence for utilizing GI as a policy tool to reduce health disparities
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