5 research outputs found

    Understanding and overcoming the resistance of cancer to PD-1/PD-L1 blockade

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    Greater understanding of tumour immunobiology has led to a new era of cancer treatment in which immuno-oncology (IO) therapies are used to boost anti-cancer immune responses. Prominent among these therapies are immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), antibody-based drugs that can unleash the power of tumour-specific CD8 + T-cells. ICIs targeting the Programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) cell surface receptor or its ligand PD-L1 are particularly effective, with clinical studies reporting powerful and durable therapeutic impact against many cancer types, including melanoma and non-small cell lung cancer. ICIs have the potential to transform the landscape of cancer treatment, and their development was recognised by the award of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to James Allison and Tasuku Honjo. However, the proportion of patients responding to anti-PD-1/PD-L1 monotherapy can be low. The next major challenge involves understanding and overcoming the innate and acquired resistance that prevents most patients from responding to PD-1/PD-L1 blockade. In this review, we outline the physiological function of PD-1 and its exploitation by developing tumours. We give an overview of current FDA-approved drugs targeting PD-1 or PD-L1 and summarise clinical progress so far. We then discuss key mechanisms thought to underpin resistance to PD-1/PD-L1 blockade, describing biomarkers that could allow patient responses to be predicted before treatment, and tracked once treatment has started. We also present clinical and pre-clinical combination therapies that have been developed to overcome resistance and which have the potential to substantially extend the therapeutic reach of these revolutionary drugs

    Mitochondrial DNA mutations drive aerobic glycolysis to enhance checkpoint blockade response in melanoma

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    The mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) encodes essential machinery for oxidative phosphorylation and metabolic homeostasis. Tumor mtDNA is among the most somatically mutated regions of the cancer genome, but whether these mutations impact tumor biology is debated. We engineered truncating mutations of the mtDNA-encoded complex I gene, Mt-Nd5, into several murine models of melanoma. These mutations promoted a Warburg-like metabolic shift that reshaped tumor microenvironments in both mice and humans, consistently eliciting an anti-tumor immune response characterized by loss of resident neutrophils. Tumors bearing mtDNA mutations were sensitized to checkpoint blockade in a neutrophil-dependent manner, with induction of redox imbalance being sufficient to induce this effect in mtDNA wild-type tumors. Patient lesions bearing >50% mtDNA mutation heteroplasmy demonstrated a response rate to checkpoint blockade that was improved by ~2.5-fold over mtDNA wild-type cancer. These data nominate mtDNA mutations as functional regulators of cancer metabolism and tumor biology, with potential for therapeutic exploitation and treatment stratification

    Tissue-based IL-10 signalling in helminth infection limits IFNγ expression and promotes the intestinal Th2 response

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    Type 2 immunity is activated in response to both allergens and helminth infection. It can be detrimental or beneficial, and there is a pressing need to better understand its regulation. The immunosuppressive cytokine IL-10 is known as a T helper 2 (Th2) effector molecule, but it is currently unclear whether IL-10 dampens or promotes Th2 differentiation during infection. Here we show that helminth infection in mice elicits IL-10 expression in both the intestinal lamina propria and the draining mesenteric lymph node, with higher expression in the infected tissue. In vitro, exogenous IL-10 enhanced Th2 differentiation in isolated CD4+ T cells, increasing expression of GATA3 and production of IL-5 and IL-13. The ability of IL-10 to amplify the Th2 response coincided with its suppression of IFNγ expression and in vivo we found that, in intestinal helminth infection, IL-10 receptor expression was higher on Th1 cells in the small intestine than on Th2 cells in the same tissue, or on any Th cell in the draining lymph node. In vivo blockade of IL-10 signalling during helminth infection resulted in an expansion of IFNγ+ and Tbet+ Th1 cells in the small intestine and a coincident decrease in IL-13, IL-5 and GATA3 expression by intestinal T cells. These changes in Th2 cytokines correlated with reduced expression of type 2 effector molecules, such as RELMα, and increased parasite egg production. Together our data indicate that IL-10 signalling promotes Th2 differentiation during helminth infection at least in part by regulating competing Th1 cells in the infected tissue

    Cotransfer of antigen and contextual information harmonizes peripheral and lymph node conventional dendritic cell activation

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    T cell responses against infections and cancer are directed by conventional dendritic cells (cDCs) in lymph nodes distant from the site of challenge. Migratory cDCs, which travel from the tissue to the lymph node, not only drive initial T cell activation but also transfer antigen to lymph node–resident cDCs. These resident cells have essential roles defining the character of the resulting T cell response; however, it is unknown how they can appropriately process and present antigens to suitably direct responses given their spatial separation. Here, using a novel strain of influenza A and a modified melanoma model, we show that tissue and lymph node cDC activation is harmonized and that this is driven by cotransfer of contextual cues. In the tumor, incomplete cDC activation in the tumor microenvironment is mirrored by lymph node–resident cDCs, whereas during influenza infection, pathogen-associated molecular patterns cotransferred with antigen drive TLR signaling in resident cDCs and their subsequent robust activation. This cotransfer mechanism explains how individual antigens can be handled distinctly by resident cDCs and how signals driving poor tumoral cDC activation further impact the lymph node. Our findings clarify how tissue context dictates antigenic and, consequently, T cell fate in the lymph node