33 research outputs found

    Détermination expérimentale du fractionnement isotopique D/H entre tourmaline et eau à 600, 500°C et 3 kbar

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    International audienceThe experimental calibration ofthe D/H isotopic fractionation between natural tourmaline (schorl-dravite with XFe_{Fe} ~0.5) and water at 600, 500DC and 3 kbar gives an equilibrium fractionation factor of 1.002 and 0.980 respectively. In this temperature range, the fractionation factor (oc) between tourmaline and muscovite can be expressed as:1,000 ln αtour.−musc.\alpha_{tour.-musc.} = −- 39,3 (106^6 T−2^{-2}) +63,4The couple tourmaline-muscovite is the first hydrogen isotope mineral geothermometer which can be applied to high tempĂ©rature Systems.La calibration expĂ©rimentale du fractionnement isotopique de l'hydrogĂšne entre tourmaline naturelle (schorl-dravite, XFe_{Fe}~0.5) et eau Ă  600, 500°C et 3 kbar donne un coefficient de fractionnement Ă  l'Ă©quilibre de 1,002 et de 0,980 respectivement. Dans cette gamme de tempĂ©rature, le facteur de fractionnement (α\alpha) entre tourmaline et muscovite peut s'exprimer sous la forme :1,000 ln αtour.−musc.\alpha_{tour.-musc.} = −- 39,3 (106^6 T−2^{-2}) +63,4Le couple tourmaline-muscovite est le premier gĂ©othermomĂštre minĂ©ral, pour les isotopes de l'hydrogĂšne, qui soit applicable aux systĂšmes de haute tempĂ©rature.ExpĂ©rimental dĂ©termination of the D/H isotopic fractionation between tourmaline and water at 600, 500°C and 3 kba

    Lithospheric shear zones and mantle-crust connections

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    cited By 88A crustal-scale ductile shear zone network in the Precambrian granulite-facies crust of Madagascar is examined to determine the nature of the connections between the mantle and lower crust. Based on three independent data sets - field and satellite mapping, C- and O-isotope geochemistry and gravimetry - this crust is divided into three zones: (1) outside of shear zones; (2) minor shear zones that are <140 km long and 7 km wide; and (3) major shear zones that are >350 km long (up to 1000 km) and 20-35 km wide. The mantle is uplifted by about 10 km beneath the major shear zones. The major shear zones are rooted in and are inferred to be controlled by the mantle; they directly tapped mantle-derived CO2. The small-scale minor shear zones were controlled by crustal processes and focused crustally derived H2O-rich±CO2 fluids. The regular distribution of the shear zones on a crustal scale is in agreement with models of buckling of the continental lithosphere in a compressional context. The propagation of these mechanical instabilities promoted and channelled fluid flow. These major Pan-African shear zones thinned the crust and were reactivated during the subsequent drifting of Madagascar and opening of the Indian Ocean during Jurassic to Cretaceous times. They also controlled many of the brittle fault zones in the overlying sedimentary basins. Mantle-rooted large-scale shear zones are inferred to be a general feature of cratonic areas reactivated by shear zone systems

    Formation of carbonates in the Tatahouine meteorite

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    The Tatahouine meteorite, in southern Tunisia, shows terrestrial contamination that developed during 63 years of exposure on Earth's surface. Samples collected on the day of the fall in 1931 contained fractures, with no secondary minerals, whereas samples collected in 1994 contain calcite aggregates (70 to 150 micrometers) and rod-shaped forms (100 to 600 nanometers in length and 70 to 80 nanometers in diameter) on the fractures. Carbon isotope analysis of the carbonates within the Tatahouine meteorite [delta(13)C = -2.0 per mil Pee Dee belemnite standard (PDB)] and the underlying ground (delta(13)C = -3.2 per mil PDB) confirm their terrestrial origin