521 research outputs found

    A plausible method for fatigue life prediction of boats in a data scarce environment

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    Within the marine world many boats are constructed from composite materials, that useclassification society rules to predict their strength. As these vessels age, fatigue and remaining lifetime are of considerable interest to owners and operators. This paper seeks to identify an appropriate S-N curve and produce an example lifetime calculation

    US Office of Naval Research, Solid Mechanics Program Review

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    The purpose of this extended abstract is to provide an overview of activities relating to performance assessments. The work described is wide ranging and not intended to provide a detailed account of any particular approach

    On the accuracy of the simple ocean data assimilation analysis for estimating heat budgets of the near-surface Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal

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    The accuracy of data from the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) model for estimating the heat budget of the upper ocean is tested in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. SODA is able to reproduce the changes in heat content when they are forced more by the winds, as in wind-forced mixing, upwelling, and advection, but not when they are forced exclusively by surface heat fluxes, as in the warming before the summer monsoon

    Seasonal cycle of hydrography in the Bab el Mandab region, Southern Red Sea

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    The seasonal cycle of temperature - salinity variations in the Bab el Mandab region (southern Red Sea) is described using CTD data collected during four cruises spread over the period May 1995 - August 1997. A two layer system exists during early summer, winter and spring while a three layer system exists during summer. During summer, a large amount of the Gulf of Aden water intrudes into the Bab el Mandab region; up to the northern limit (14.5°N). The quantity of Red Sea water that flows into the Gulf of Aden is maximum during the winter and minimum during the summer

    On the decreasing trend of the number of monsoon depressions in the Bay of Bengal

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    This study unravels the physical link between the weakening of the monsoon circulation and the decreasing trend in the frequency of monsoon depressions over the Bay of Bengal. Based on the analysis of the terms of Genesis Potential Index, an empirical index to quantify the relative contribution of large scale environmental variables responsible for the modulation of storms, it is shown here that the reduction in the mid-tropospheric relative humidity is the most important reason for the decrease in the number of monsoon depressions. The net reduction of relative humidity over the Bay of Bengal is primarily due to the decrease in the moisture flux convergence, which is attributed to the weakening of the low level jet, a characteristic feature of monsoon circulation. Further, the anomalous moisture convergence over the western equatorial Indian Ocean associated with the rapid warming of the sea surface, reduces the moisture advection into the Bay of Bengal and hence adversely affect the genesis/intensification of monsoon depressions. Hence, the reduction in the number of monsoon depression over the Bay of Bengal could be one of the manifestations of the differential rates in the observed warming trend of the Indian Ocean basi

    The Indian Ocean forecast system

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    In order to meet the ever growing demand for the prediction of oceanographic parametres in the Indian Ocean for a variety of applications, the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) has recently set-up an operational ocean forecast system, viz. the Indian Ocean Forecast System (INDOFOS). This fully automated system, based on a state-of-the-art ocean general circulation model issues six-hourly forecasts of the sea-surface temperature, surface currents and depths of the mixed layer and the thermocline up to five-days of lead time. A brief account of INDOFOS and a statistical validation of the forecasts of these parametres using in situ and remote sensing data are presented in this article. The accuracy of the sea-surface temperature forecasts by the system is high in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea, whereas it is moderate in the equatorial Indian Ocean. On the other hand, the accuracy of the depth of the thermocline and the isothermal layers and surface current forecasts are higher near the equatorial region, while it is relatively lower in the Bay of Bengal

    A cure modelling study of an unsaturated polyester resin system for the simulation of curing of fibre-reinforced composites during the vacuum infusion process

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    This study presents the cure kinetics and cure modelling of an ambient curing unsaturated polyester (UP) resin system for its cure simulation in the vacuum infusion (VI) process. The curing of the UP resin system was investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The dynamic DSC test measurements were conducted to find out the ultimate heat of reaction and enable experimental conversion determination for the isothermal curing. The empirical autocatalytic cure kinetics model incorporating the Arrhenius law represented the cure behaviour. The results of the cure kinetics study, the cure model, the material properties and the boundary conditions were the inputs in PAM-RTM software for the simulation of the degree of cure and the exothermic temperature during the infusion and the room temperature curing stages. The simulation results were compared with experimentally measured data. A vacuum infusion (VI) experiment involving a non-crimp glass fibre preform was performed in order to monitor the curing using thermocouples and validate the temperature simulation result. It was shown that the degree of cure and the exothermic temperature of a room temperature curing thermoset resin system during the VI process could be predicted through the steps of this study
