1 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Inhibition of EGR1 inhibits glioma proliferation by targeting CCND1 promoter

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    Identification and characterization of U251 stem-like cells(USLC). Figure S2. Schematic diagram of the EGR1 binding site in CCND1 promotor. Figure S3. The mRNA expression of EGR1 and CCND1 at different points in time after adding EGF in U251 cells. Figure S4. The another two databases apart from JASPAR to corroborate the EGR1 binding site. Figure S5. Negative controls for the immunohistochemistry. Figure S6 GAPDH promoter is regulated by EGR1. Figure S7. The positive expression control for EGR1, to validate the antibody. (DOC 2277 kb