14 research outputs found

    Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) Exacerbates Cisplatin-induced Sensory Hair Cell Death in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

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    Inner ear sensory hair cells die following exposure to aminoglycoside antibiotics or chemotherapeutics like cisplatin, leading to permanent auditory and/or balance deficits in humans. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are used to study drug-induced sensory hair cell death since their hair cells are similar in structure and function to those found in humans. We developed a cisplatin dose-response curve using a transgenic line of zebrafish that expresses membrane-targeted green fluorescent protein under the control of the Brn3c promoter/enhancer. Recently, several small molecule screens have been conducted using zebrafish to identify potential pharmacological agents that could be used to protect sensory hair cells in the presence of ototoxic drugs. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is typically used as a solvent for many pharmacological agents in sensory hair cell cytotoxicity assays. Serendipitously, we found that DMSO potentiated the effects of cisplatin and killed more sensory hair cells than treatment with cisplatin alone. Yet, DMSO alone did not kill hair cells. We did not observe the synergistic effects of DMSO with the ototoxic aminoglycoside antibiotic neomycin. Cisplatin treatment with other commonly used organic solvents (i.e. ethanol, methanol, and polyethylene glycol 400) also did not result in increased cell death compared to cisplatin treatment alone. Thus, caution should be exercised when interpreting data generated from small molecule screens since many compounds are dissolved in DMSO.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (DC010998)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH DC010231)Harvard College (1780- )Sarah Fuller Foundation for Little Deaf Childre

    DNaseI Hypersensitivity and Ultraconservation Reveal Novel, Interdependent Long-Range Enhancers at the Complex Pax6 Cis-Regulatory Region

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    The PAX6 gene plays a crucial role in development of the eye, brain, olfactory system and endocrine pancreas. Consistent with its pleiotropic role the gene exhibits a complex developmental expression pattern which is subject to strict spatial, temporal and quantitative regulation. Control of expression depends on a large array of cis-elements residing in an extended genomic domain around the coding region of the gene. The minimal essential region required for proper regulation of this complex locus has been defined through analysis of human aniridia-associated breakpoints and YAC transgenic rescue studies of the mouse smalleye mutant. We have carried out a systematic DNase I hypersensitive site (HS) analysis across 200 kb of this critical region of mouse chromosome 2E3 to identify putative regulatory elements. Mapping the identified HSs onto a percent identity plot (PIP) shows many HSs correspond to recognisable genomic features such as evolutionarily conserved sequences, CpG islands and retrotransposon derived repeats. We then focussed on a region previously shown to contain essential long range cis-regulatory information, the Pax6 downstream regulatory region (DRR), allowing comparison of mouse HS data with previous human HS data for this region. Reporter transgenic mice for two of the HS sites, HS5 and HS6, show that they function as tissue specific regulatory elements. In addition we have characterised enhancer activity of an ultra-conserved cis-regulatory region located near Pax6, termed E60. All three cis-elements exhibit multiple spatio-temporal activities in the embryo that overlap between themselves and other elements in the locus. Using a deletion set of YAC reporter transgenic mice we demonstrate functional interdependence of the elements. Finally, we use the HS6 enhancer as a marker for the migration of precerebellar neuro-epithelium cells to the hindbrain precerebellar nuclei along the posterior and anterior extramural streams allowing visualisation of migratory defects in both pathways in Pax6(Sey/Sey) mice

    Sfrp5 Modulates Both Wnt and BMP Signaling and Regulates Gastrointestinal Organogensis in the Zebrafish, Danio rerio

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    Sfrp5 belongs to the family of secreted frizzled related proteins (Sfrp), secreted inhibitors of Wingless-MMTV Integration Site (Wnt) signaling, which play an important role in cancer and development. We selected sfrp5 because of its compelling expression profile in the developing endoderm in zebrafish, Danio rerio. In this study, overexpression of sfrp5 in embryos results in defects in both convergent extension (CE) by inhibition of non-canonical Wnt signaling and defects in dorsoventral patterning by inhibition of Tolloid-mediated proteolysis of the BMP inhibitor Chordin. From 25 hours post fertilization (hpf) to 3 days post fertilization (dpf), both overexpression and knockdown of Sfrp5 decrease the size of the endoderm, significantly reducing liver cell number. At 3 dpf, insulin-positive endodermal cells fail to coalesce into a single pancreatic islet. We show that Sfrp5 inhibits both canonical and non-canonical Wnt signaling during embryonic and endodermal development, resulting in endodermal abnormalities. © 2013 Stuckenholz et al

    IgG-Containing Isoforms of Neuregulin-1 Are Dispensable for Cardiac Trabeculation in Zebrafish

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    The Neuregulin-1 (Nrg1) signaling pathway has been widely implicated in many aspects of heart development including cardiac trabeculation. Cardiac trabeculation is an important morphogenetic process where clusters of ventricular cardiomyocytes extrude and expand into the lumen of the ventricular chambers. In mouse, Nrg1 isoforms containing an immunoglobulin-like (IgG) domain are essential for cardiac trabeculation through interaction with heterodimers of the epidermal growth factor-like (EGF-like) receptors ErbB2/ErbB4. Recent reports have underscored the importance of Nrg1 signaling in cardiac homeostasis and disease, however, placental development has precluded refined evaluation of the role of this pathway in mammals. ErbB2 has been shown to have a developmentally conserved role in cardiac trabeculation in zebrafish, a vertebrate model organism with completely external development, but the requirement for Nrg1 has not been examined. We found that among the multiple Nrg1 isoforms, the IgG domain-containing, type I Nrg1 (nrg1-I) is the only isoform detectable in the heart. Then, using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing, we targeted the IgG domain of Nrg1 to produce novel alleles, nrg1nc28 and nrg1nc29, encoding nrg1-I and nrg1-II truncations. Our results indicated that zebrafish deficient for nrg1-I developed trabeculae in an ErbB2-dependent manner. Further, these mutants survive to reproductive adulthood with no overt cardiovascular defects. We also found that additional EGF-like ligands were expressed in the zebrafish heart during development of trabeculae. Together, these results suggest that Nrg1 is not the primary effector of trabeculation and/or that other EGF-like ligand(s) activates the ErbB2/ErbB4 pathway, either through functioning as the primary ligand or acting in a redundant manner. Overall, our work provides an example of cross-species differences in EGF family member requirements for an evolutionary conserved process