43 research outputs found

    Semiclassical strings in AdS(3) X S^2

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    In this paper, we investigate the semiclassical strings in AdS(3)XS^2, in which the string configuration of AdS(3) is classified to three cases depending on the parameters. Each of these has a different anomalous dimension proportional to logS, S^(1/3) and S, where S is a angular momentum on AdS(3). Further we generalize the dispersion relations for various string configuration on AdS(3)XS^2.Comment: 15 pages, added reference

    The all loop AdS4/CFT3 Bethe ansatz

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    We propose a set of Bethe equations yielding the full asymptotic spectrum of the AdS4/CFT3 duality proposed in arXiv:0806.1218 to all orders in the t'Hooft coupling. These equations interpolate between the 2-loop Bethe ansatz of Minahan and Zarembo arXiv:0806.3951 and the string algebraic curve of arXiv:0807.0437. The several SU(2|2) symmetries of the theory seem to highly constrain the form of the Bethe equations up to a dressing factor whose form we also conjecture.Comment: References added. Factor of 2 in the discussion of the (generalized) scaling function fixe

    Worldsheet spectrum in AdS(4)/CFT(3) correspondence

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    The AdS(4)/CFT(3) duality is a new example of an integrable and exactly solvable AdS/CFT system. There is, however, a puzzling mismatch between the number of degrees of freedom used in the exact solution (4B+4F scattering states) and 8B+8F transverse oscillation modes of critical superstring theory. We offer a resolution of this puzzle by arguing that half of the string modes dissolve in the continuum of two-particle states once alpha' corrections are taken into account. We also check that the conjectured exact S-matrix of AdS(4)/CFT(3) agrees with the tree-level worldsheet calculation.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures; v2: misprints in (2.3), (2.11) and (A.1) corrected, a reference added; v3: misprints in (B.6), (B.9) and (B.12) corrected; v4: footnote 4 adde

    Spinning strings at one-loop in AdS_4 x P^3

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    We analyze the folded spinning string in AdS_4 x P^3 with spin S in AdS_4 and angular momentum J in P^3. We calculate the one-loop correction to its energy in the scaling limit of both ln S and J large with their ratio kept fixed. This result should correspond to the first subleading strong coupling correction to the anomalous dimension of operators of the type Tr(D^S(Y^\dagger Y)^J) in the dual N=6 Chern-Simons-matter theory. Our result appears to depart from the predictions for the generalized scaling function found from the all-loop Bethe equations conjectured for this AdS_4/CFT_3 duality. We comment on the possible origin of this difference.Comment: 24 pages; v2: References added and typos correcte

    Two-loop test of the N=6 Chern-Simons theory S-matrix

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    Starting from the integrable two-loop spin-chain Hamiltonian describing the anomalous dimensions of scalar operators in the planar N=6 superconformal Chern-Simons theory of ABJM, we perform a direct coordinate Bethe ansatz computation of the corresponding two-loop S-matrix. The result matches with the weak-coupling limit of the scalar sector of the all-loop S-matrix which we have recently proposed. In particular, we confirm that the scattering of A and B particles is reflectionless. As a warm up, we first review the analogous computation of the one-loop S-matrix from the one-loop dilatation operator for the scalar sector of planar N=4 superconformal Yang-Mills theory, and compare the result with the all-loop SU(2|2)^{2} S-matrix.Comment: 21 pages, no figure; references adde

    Dressed Giant Magnons on CP^3

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    A new example of AdS/CFT duality relating IIA string theory on AdS_4 x CP^3 to N=6 superconformal Chern-Simons theory has recently been provided by ABJM. By now a number of papers have considered particular giant magnon classical string solutions in the CP^3 background, corresponding to excitations in the spin chain picture of the dual field theory. In this paper we apply the CP^3 = SU(4)/S(U(3) x U(1)) dressing method to the problem of constructing general classical string solutions describing various configurations of giant magnons. As a particular application we present a new giant magnon solution on CP^3. Interestingly the dressed solution carries only a single SO(6) charge, in contrast with the dyonic magnons found in previous applications of the dressing method.Comment: 13 pages, harvmac; v3: fixed misstatement of the dispersion relation(!), v3: typos fixed and a few clarifying remarks adde

    Giant Magnons on CP^3 by Dressing Method

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    We consider classical string spectrum of R x CP^3, and construct a family of solutions with residual SU(2) symmetry by the dressing method on SU(4)/U(3) sigma model. All of them obey the square-root type dispersion relation, as is expected from the su(2|2) symmetry. A single dyonic giant magnon is not found in this approach.Comment: 1+29 pages, 1 figure, v2: a figure and references added, minor corrections, v3: remarks on semiclassical quantization added. To be published in JHE

    Scoping Review: Digital mental health interventions for children and adolescents affected by war

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    Objective Over 200 million children and adolescents live in countries affected by violent conflict, are likely to have complex mental health needs, and struggle to access traditional mental health services. Digital mental health interventions have the potential to overcome some of the barriers in accessing mental health support. We performed a scoping review to map existing digital mental health interventions relevant for children and adolescents affected by war, examine the strength of the evidence base, and inform the development of future interventions. Method Based on a pre-registered strategy, we systematically searched MEDLINE, Embase, Global Health, APA PsychInfo, and Google Scholar from the creation of each database to 30th September 2022, identifying k=6,843 studies. Our systematic search was complemented by extensive consultation with experts from the GROW Network. Results The systematic search identified 6 relevant studies: one evaluating digital mental health interventions for children and adolescents affected by war and five for those affected by disasters. Experts identified 35 interventions of possible relevance. The interventions spanned from universal prevention to specialist-guided treatment. Most interventions directly targeted young people and parents/carers and were self-guided. A quarter of the interventions were tested through randomized controlled trials. Because most interventions were not culturally or linguistically adapted to relevant contexts, their implementation potential was unclear. Conclusion There is very limited evidence for the use of digital mental health interventions for children and adolescents affected by war at present. The review provides a framework to inform the development of new interventions

    Giant Magnons in AdS4 x CP3: Embeddings, Charges and a Hamiltonian

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    This paper studies giant magnons in CP3, which in all known cases are old solutions from S5 placed into two- and three-dimensional subspaces of CP3, namely CP1, RP2 and RP3. We clarify some points about these subspaces, and other potentially interesting three- and four-dimensional subspaces. After confirming that E-(J1-J4)/2 is a Hamiltonian for small fluctuations of the relevant 'vacuum' point particle solution, we use it to calculate the dispersion relation of each of the inequivalent giant magnons. We comment on the embedding of finite-J solutions, and use these to compare string solutions to giant magnons in the algebraic curve.Comment: 17 pages (plus appendices) and 1 figure. v2 has new discussion of placing finite-J giant magnons into CP^3, adds many references, and corrects a few typo