102 research outputs found

    Current-Induced Dynamics and Chaos of Antiferromagnetic Bimerons

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    A magnetic bimeron is a topologically non-trivial spin texture carrying an integer topological charge, which can be regarded as the counterpart of skyrmion in easy-plane magnets. The controllable creation and manipulation of bimerons are crucial for practical applications based on topological spin textures. Here, we analytically and numerically study the dynamics of an antiferromagnetic bimeron driven by a spin current. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the spin current can create an isolated bimeron in the antiferromagnetic thin film via the damping-like spin torque. The spin current can also effectively drive the antiferromagnetic bimeron without a transverse drift. The steady motion of an antiferromagnetic bimeron is analytically derived and is in good agreement with the simulation results. Also, we find that the alternating-current-induced motion of the antiferromagnetic bimeron can be described by the Duffing equation due to the presence of the nonlinear boundary-induced force. The associated chaotic behavior of the bimeron is analyzed in terms of the Lyapunov exponents. Our results demonstrate the inertial dynamics of an antiferromagnetic bimeron, and may provide useful guidelines for building future bimeron-based spintronic devices.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    SurrealDriver: Designing Generative Driver Agent Simulation Framework in Urban Contexts based on Large Language Model

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    Simulation plays a critical role in the research and development of autonomous driving and intelligent transportation systems. However, the current simulation platforms exhibit limitations in the realism and diversity of agent behaviors, which impede the transfer of simulation outcomes to the real world. In this paper, we propose a generative driver agent simulation framework based on large language models (LLMs), capable of perceiving complex traffic scenarios and providing realistic driving maneuvers. Notably, we conducted interviews with 24 drivers and used their detailed descriptions of driving behavior as chain-of-thought prompts to develop a `coach agent' module, which can evaluate and assist driver agents in accumulating driving experience and developing human-like driving styles. Through practical simulation experiments and user experiments, we validate the feasibility of this framework in generating reliable driver agents and analyze the roles of each module. The results show that the framework with full architect decreased the collision rate by 81.04% and increased the human-likeness by 50%. Our research proposes the first urban context driver agent simulation framework based on LLMs and provides valuable insights into the future of agent simulation for complex tasks.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Picosecond electric-field-induced threshold switching in phase-change materials

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    Many chalcogenide glasses undergo a breakdown in electronic resistance above a critical field strength. Known as threshold switching, this mechanism enables field-induced crystallization in emerging phase-change memory. Purely electronic as well as crystal nucleation assisted models have been employed to explain the electronic breakdown. Here, picosecond electric pulses are used to excite amorphous Ag4_4In3_3Sb67_{67}Te26_{26}. Field-dependent reversible changes in conductivity and pulse-driven crystallization are observed. The present results show that threshold switching can take place within the electric pulse on sub-picosecond time-scales - faster than crystals can nucleate. This supports purely electronic models of threshold switching and reveals potential applications as an ultrafast electronic switch.Comment: 6 pages manuscript with 3 figures and 8 pages supplementary materia

    Light-induced picosecond rotational disordering of the inorganic sublattice in hybrid perovskites.

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    Femtosecond resolution electron scattering techniques are applied to resolve the first atomic-scale steps following absorption of a photon in the prototypical hybrid perovskite methylammonium lead iodide. Following above-gap photoexcitation, we directly resolve the transfer of energy from hot carriers to the lattice by recording changes in the mean square atomic displacements on 10-ps time scales. Measurements of the time-dependent pair distribution function show an unexpected broadening of the iodine-iodine correlation function while preserving the Pb-I distance. This indicates the formation of a rotationally disordered halide octahedral structure developing on picosecond time scales. This work shows the important role of light-induced structural deformations within the inorganic sublattice in elucidating the unique optoelectronic functionality exhibited by hybrid perovskites and provides new understanding of hot carrier-lattice interactions, which fundamentally determine solar cell efficiencies

    Self-assembling subnanometer pores with unusual mass-transport properties

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    A long-standing aim in molecular self-assembly is the development of synthetic nanopores capable of mimicking the mass-transport characteristics of biological channels and pores. Here we report a strategy for enforcing the nanotubular assembly of rigid macrocycles in both the solid state and solution based on the interplay of multiple hydrogen-bonding and aromatic π − π stacking interactions. The resultant nanotubes have modifiable surfaces and inner pores of a uniform diameter defined by the constituent macrocycles. The self-assembling hydrophobic nanopores can mediate not only highly selective transmembrane ion transport, unprecedented for a synthetic nanopore, but also highly efficient transmembrane water permeability. These results establish a solid foundation for developing synthetically accessible, robust nanostructured systems with broad applications such as reconstituted mimicry of defined functions solely achieved by biological nanostructures, molecular sensing, and the fabrication of porous materials required for water purification and molecular separations
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