85 research outputs found

    Impact of high-frequency pumping on anomalous finite-size effects in three-dimensional topological insulators

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    Lowering of the thickness of a thin-film three-dimensional topological insulator down to a few nanometers results in the gap opening in the spectrum of topologically protected two-dimensional surface states. This phenomenon, which is referred to as the anomalous finite-size effect, originates from hybridization between the states propagating along the opposite boundaries. In this work, we consider a bismuth-based topological insulator and show how the coupling to an intense high-frequency linearly polarized pumping can further be used to manipulate the value of a gap. We address this effect within recently proposed Brillouin-Wigner perturbation theory that allows us to map a time-dependent problem into a stationary one. Our analysis reveals that both the gap and the components of the group velocity of the surface states can be tuned in a controllable fashion by adjusting the intensity of the driving field within an experimentally accessible range and demonstrate the effect of light-induced band inversion in the spectrum of the surface states for high enough values of the pump.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Switching waves in multi-level incoherently driven polariton condensates

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    We show theoretically that an open-dissipative polariton condensate confined within a trapping potential and driven by an incoherent pumping scheme gives rise to bistability between odd and even modes of the potential. Switching from one state to the other can be controlled via incoherent pulsing which becomes an important step towards construction of low-powered opto-electronic devices. The origin of the effect comes from modulational instability between odd and even states of the trapping potential governed by the nonlinear polariton-polariton interactions

    Parity solitons in nonresonantly driven-dissipative condensate channels

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    We study analytically and numerically the condensation of a driven-dissipative exciton-polariton system using symmetric nonresonant pumping geometries. We show that the lowest condensation threshold solution carries a definite parity as a consequence of the symmetric excitation profile. At higher pump intensities competition between the two parities can result in critical quenching of one and saturation of the other. Using long pump channels, we show that the competition of the condensate parities gives rise to a different type of topologically stable defect propagating indefinitely along the condensate. The defects display repulsive interactions and are characterized by a sustained wavepacket carrying a pair of opposite parity domain walls in the condensate channel

    Intersubband polaritonics revisited

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    We revisited the intersubband polaritonics - the branch of mesoscopic physics having a huge potential for optoelectronic applications in the infrared and terahertz domains - and found that, contrary to the general opinion, the Coulomb interactions play crucial role in the processes of light-matter coupling in the considered systems. Electron-electron and electron-hole interactions radically change the nature of the elementary excitations in these systems. We show that intersubband polaritons represent the result of the coupling of a photonic mode with collective excitations, and not non-interacting electron-hole pairs as it was supposed in the previous works on the subject