27 research outputs found

    Modern Integrated Associations: Comparative Analysis of Economic Growth Factors

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    In the article, the results of the research, which purpose is to ground and assess the factors of economic growth of regional integration communities and national economies of member countries that develop them, are presented. The foreign trade, mutual trade turnover, and domestic demand are allocated as such factors. The authors has applied the novelty in their methodology which in contrast to the traditional assessment method of growth factors of integration communities and their participants, is based on comparison of two components — external and domestic demand, based on dividing the external demand on two components: the first one is pure export (the difference between export and import is a component of cumulative demand) of goods in integration community, i.e. the pure export of mutual trade; the second one is a pure export of foreign trade of goods outside of the integration association. Scope of the research is seven most known regional integrated units arose at different times and being at different stages of development — the European Union, North American Free Trade Area, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Southern American Common Market, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, and also member countries of the Eurasian integration — the Customs Union and Common Free Market Zone developed into the Eurasian Economic Union in January 1, 2015. In conclusion, it is noted that the integration develops successfully only in the conditions of the rise in national economies of the participating countries. Crisis economies have to deal more with internal problems than to resolve integration issues.The article has been prepared within the project «Eurasian integration: asymmetries and efficiency» with financial support of the grant № 1275/GF4 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan»

    The trajectories of EAEC countries development: Numerical analysis of competitive strategies in investments

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    This paper discusses comparative analysis of trajectories in the development of participating countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEC) in a two-dimensional phase space. The coordinates in the space is represented by the value of a dynamic variable that is a key indicator of the country's development, and the rate of its relative growth. This allows for construction of a ternary classification diagram describing competitive behavior strategies of countries in question. The comparative analysis was run for two primary factors: the size of investment in the main capital and R&D spendings. The authors carried out analysis and identification of competitive strategies for the behavior of the EAEC countries, as well as he proposed conclusions and recommendations on improving the policy of economic development. © 2017 Author(s)

    Dependence of Spending Patterns of Households on their Income in the Context of Health-Related Behaviour: Numerical Study

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    The academic community has been actively discussing and assessing the results of the reform of the Russian healthcare system, which began in the early 2000s. This study considers the results of the reform from the perspective of a concept of health-related behaviour. The paper determines the behaviour patterns of household members concerning personal expenditures on medical goods and services, depending on their monetary income and spending pattern. The main research method was an econometric (correlation and regression) analysis of time series. As a result, we discovered that household income dynamics significantly influence expenditures on medical goods and hygiene items (that vary according to the household income). Moreover, household expenditures on health care depend on its spending on food products. We conclude that, firstly, in 2005–2019, Russia has been showing a steady growth of paid medical services (in total medical care), which are available to less than half of the households. Secondly, health-related behaviour of different groups of households divided by income level significantly changes depending on the income dynamics and spending pattern. Thirdly, an increase in income decreases expenditures on medical services and goods, as well as in an increase in expenditures on health-improvement (preventive) services. We have revealed that spending on food products on average determines 55.9 % of a change in expenditures on medical services. Simultaneously, in the households’ budgets, a 1 % increase in food expenditures displaces 2 % of expenditures on health-improvement services. The obtained results extend the understanding of the features of health-related behaviour that is defined by households’ income, as well as by the spending pattern on food, medical goods and services. Public authorities can consider the revealed features of health-related behaviour of different groups of households divided by income when developing and improving the socio-economic policy in the field of health care.Оценка результатов реформирования системы здравоохранения России, начавшегося в 2000-х гг., стала предметом активной научной дискуссии. В нашем исследовании результаты оценки рассматриваются в контексте концепции самосохранительного поведения населения. Целью исследования являлось определение моделей поведения членов домохозяйств в отношении расходования личных средств на медицинские товары и услуги, в зависимости от уровня их денежных доходов и структуры расходов. Исследование проведено с использованием эконометрического (корреляционно-регрессионного) анализа временных рядов. В результате были выявлены существенное влияние динамики доходов домохозяйств на долю их расходов на медицинские товары и предметы гигиены (различающееся по характеру в зависимости от уровня доходов домохозяйств), а также зависимость расходов домохозяйств на здравоохранение от уровня их затрат на покупку продуктов питания. В работе были сделаны следующие выводы: во-первых, в 2005–2019 гг. в нашей стране наблюдается устойчивая тенденция роста доли платных медицинских услуг в общем объеме медицинских услуг, воспользоваться которыми могут менее половины всех домохозяйств России, во-вторых, самосохранительное поведение различных по уровню доходов групп домохозяйств существенно различается при изменении динамики их доходов и структуры расходов, в-третьих, по мере роста доходов населения сокращается доля расходов на медицинские услуги и товары, а доля расходов санаторно-оздоровительного (профилактического) характера увеличивается. Так, определено, что уровень расходов на продукты питания в среднем определяет 55,9 % изменения расходов населения на медицинские услуги. В то же время повышение на 1 % их бюджета расходов на продукты питания вытесняет из него 2 % расходов на санаторно-оздоровительные услуги. Полученные результаты расширяют представления об особенностях самосохранительного поведения населения, определяющегося, с одной стороны, уровнем доходов, с другой — структурой расходов на продукты питания, медицинские товары и услуги. Выявленные в работе особенности самосохранительного поведения различных по уровню доходов групп населения могут быть использованы представителями органов государственной власти при разработке и совершенствовании государственной социально-экономической политики в сфере здравоохранения.The article has been prepared with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the grant № 18–010–01049 «Methodology and methods of system assessment of interrelation of environmental factors and public health in the context of the Russian regions’ sustainable development».Статья выполнена при финансовой поддержке гранта РФФИ № 18–010–01049 «Методология и методика системной оценки взаимосвязи средовых факторов и здоровья населения в задаче устойчивого развития регионов России»

    Mathematical model of the competition life cycle under limited resources conditions: Problem statement for business community

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    Present study is devoted to the development of competition life cycle mathematical model in the closed business community with limited resources. Growth of each agent is determined by the balance of input and output resource flows: input (cash) flow W is covering the variable V and constant C costs and growth dA/dt of the agent's assets A. Value of V is proportional to assets A that allows us to write down a first order non-stationary differential equation of the agent growth. Model includes the number of such equations due to the number of agents. The amount of resources that is available for agents vary in time. The balances of their input and output flows are changing correspondingly to the different stages of the competition life cycle. According to the theory of systems, the most complete description of any object or process is the model of its life cycle. Such a model describes all stages of its development: from the appearance ("birth") through development ("growth") to extinction ("death"). The model of the evolution of an individual firm, not contradicting the economic meaning of events actually observed in the market, is the desired result from modern AVMs for applied use. With a correct description of the market, rules for participants' actions, restrictions, forecasts can be obtained, which modern mathematics and the economy can not give. © 2017 Author(s).15-06-04863Present study was carried out under financial support of the Russian Fund of Fundamental Research grant № 15-06-04863 "Mathematical models of local payment system lifecycles"

    Effects of lead oxide nanoparticles on myelin sheaths inthe rat brain

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    The aim of the study - to evaluate effects of intranasal exposure to lead oxide nanoparticles on myelin sheaths in the rat brain.Цель исследования – оценить воздействие наночастиц оксида свинца на миелиновые оболочки мозга крыс после интраназальной экспозиции

    Features of penetration of lead oxide nanoparticles into the rat brain

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    The aim of the study – to examine PbO NPs penetration into the brain.Цель исследования – изучение особенностей проникновения наночастиц оксида свинца (НЧ PbO) в головной моз

    Cluster approach to forming innovative model of developing mineral resources base of Russia’s regions

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    In this paper, the necessity of applying innovative model of developing mineral resources base of Russia’s regions and relevance of cluster approach for forming this model are proved. Components of process of clustering in the case of innovative developing mineral raw complex are proposed and analyzed: consolidation of socioeconomic potential of region, consolidation of potential of different branches of people’s activities, consolidation of processes of primary (wining) sector in the single chain. In particular, the first component implies concentration of population in certain centers of gravitation. The second component implies consolidation of education, fundamental as well as applying science and production. The creating of administrative nets is necessary for that. For the realization of the first and the second components, the availability of clustering organization is necessary. The third component of process of clustering implies in prospect the adding of increasing amount of stages of product manufacturing. Eventually, the multi-stage structure of innovative process is analyzed

    Factors of Socio-Economic Development of Partially Recognized and Unrecognized Republics of the Caucasus

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    Particular and general factors determine the dynamics and trends of endogenous development of three unrecognized and partially recognized republics of the Caucasus the Republic of South Ossetia (RSO), Abkhazia, and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. The article identifies critical factors and assesses prospects for endogenous socio-economic development of an unrecognized and partially recognized Republics of the Caucasus. It uses comparative and statistical methods, namely, one-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Kraskel-Wallis Criterion. A database developed for this study uses a set of indicators of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2007 to 2019 as a formalized universal and balanced system of global determinants. We found that differences in the achieved UN SDGs indicators can be accounted for by the variety of each state's initially socio-economic situation (the effect of a differentiated base). At the same time, the research shows that the dynamics of the development of the Caucasian republics are similar, which determines a commonality of trends of their future (while maintaining current conditions and circumstances). The study results expand our understanding of the development of unrecognized and partially recognized states. It shows that one has to consider this propensity of the Caucasian states to self-development when justifying measures for improving their socioeconomic situation and increasing the effectiveness of investment programs implemented jointly with the Russian Federation to promote the socio-economic development of the RSO and the Republic of Abkhazia

    Assessment of raw-mineral resources exploration influence on economic security of Russia

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    This paper is devoted to the impact of development of mineral resources on the economic security of Russia. The main branch of the national economy, to which mineral resources have a significant impact, are reviewed. The authors examine the economic security in terms of strategic types of mineral resources of the national economy and the competitiveness of mineral resources and their reproduction in the long term, as well as the impact of mineral resources development on the regional economy. It is concluded that the primary socioeconomic development of the regions demands, on the one hand, rapid reproduction and development of mineral resources, and on the other hand, infrastructure of the reclaimed subsoil. The paper presents the activities of the state and recommendations on the formation of public policy in the sphere of economic security at the federal, sectoral and regional levels. The findings are based on the evaluation of the role of mineral resources in the leading economies, developing countries and Russia

    Econometric assessment of the number of youth as a factor of the development of small business in regions

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    The article describes the results of the study of the certain factors influencing the development of small business in the Russian regions. We focused on assessing the influence of the demographic factor, namely the number of youth. This topic is relevant due to the outflow of youth from the majority of regions and the implementation of the national project for the development of business. We hypothesise there is a positive relation between the number of youth in a region and the number of small businesses there. Further, to prove our hypothesis, we aimed to confirm the interaction of two processes. Firstly, the support of youth's entrepreneurial initiatives reduces the migration mood. Secondly, the preservation of youth in a region stimulates the development of small businesses by enforcing the performance indicators of the national project. This hypothesis has not previously been tested in Russian academic papers. Using foreign and Russian studies on the problem of development factors, we divided them into three nominal groups: «classification», «single-factor» and «model». Constructing the model, we chose a combination of individual exogenous factors of small business' development in the regions: geographical, infrastructure, and financial ones. Moreover, based on the eclectic theory of entrepreneurship, we studied some supply factors: education, unemployment, and demography. We considered the population aged from 20 to 34 as an actualized demographic factor. The dependent variables were the number of small and micro businesses, the number of individual entrepreneurs, and the number of small businesses (as the sum of the first two indicators). We built separate models for each indicator. The first two models have identified the stability and confirmed the unidirectional results. Additionally, we introduced in the models a contextual factor, namely the crises of 2008-2009 and 2014. The econometric assessment has shown that the number of youth positively influences the growth of small businesses and individual entrepreneurship in regions. The indicator is significant at the level of 1 %, it is stable and obvious for all model specifications. © 2019 Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved