14 research outputs found

    Сравнительный анализ номенклатуры лекарственного растительного сырья, используемого в отечественной и мировой фармакопейной практике

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    The study of the nomenclature of officinal herbal substances and medicinal plants is important for finding potential ways of expanding the existing range of raw materials used in the production of herbal medicinal products. The authors compared the standards included into the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, national pharmacopoeias of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union, and the world’s leading pharmacopoeias with a focus on herbal substances, medicinal plants, morphological groups of herbal substances, and the proportion of cultivated medicinal plants versus wild medicinal plants. The paper describes historical changes in the nomenclature of herbal substances included in various editions of the Russian Pharmacopoeia. The analysis of the State Register of Medicinal Products revealed the most common morphological groups of herbal substances used in Russia for the production of herbal medicinal products. The paper provides information about the largest Russian manufacturers of herbal medicinal products that preserve national traditions and develop new dosage forms. It outlines ways of improving standardisation of herbal substances using current test methods for characterisation of biologically active substances. The analysis helped to identify potential ways of expanding the range of herbal raw materials: the use of botanical species closely related to officinal ones, increasing the number of morphological groups of substances by integrated use of harvested plants, the inclusion of non-officinal botanical species that have a long history of use in the traditional medicine into the Russian list of officinal species.Изучение номенклатуры официнального лекарственного растительного сырья и производящих растений важно для поиска возможных путей расширения существующей сырьевой базы для производства лекарственных растительных препаратов. Проведен сравнительный анализ материалов Государственной фармакопеи Российской Федерации, национальных фармакопей государств — членов Евразийского экономического союза, ведущих зарубежных фармакопей по лекарственному растительному сырью и производящим лекарственным растениям, используемым морфологическим группам лекарственного растительного сырья, соотношению культивируемых и дикорастущих лекарственных растений. В историческом аспекте описаны изменения номенклатуры лекарственного растительного сырья, включавшегося в российские фармакопеи. Анализ Государственного реестра лекарственных средств позволил выявить наиболее часто используемые морфологические группы лекарственного растительного сырья, применяемого для производства лекарственных растительных препаратов в Российской Федерации. Приведены сведения о крупнейших российских производителях лекарственных растительных препаратов, сохраняющих традиции отечественной фармации и разрабатывающих новые лекарственные формы. Определены направления совершенствования процедуры стандартизации лекарственного растительного сырья с использованием современных методов анализа для характеристики биологически активных веществ. Проведенный анализ показал возможные пути расширения сырьевой базы лекарственных растений: использование видов, близких к официнальным, увеличение числа используемых морфологических групп сырья за счет комплексного использования заготавливаемых растений, включение растений неофи-цинальных видов, имеющих многолетнюю историю применения в традиционной медицине, в число официнальных в Российской Федерации


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    The article presents the basic provisions of the selection of patients for transplantation of the heart, and the volume of the order of examination of potential recipients, the organization of the selection and monitoring of recipients in our center. Also analyzed the experience of the disease and outcomes of patients at the waiting list for a heart transplant for the 6 years of follow up in our center

    Posttraumatic rupture of interventricular septum

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    Cardiac rupture is a extremely acute condition, and it often results in fatality. Main causes of heart rupture are myocardial infarctions, traumas and infections. Recently we have observed increases post-traumatic heart diseases. Timely diagnostics substantially influences management of the patient and potential for survival. And the echocardiography is a reliable, noninvasive and high-informative method in early diagnosis of this pathology. We present a case of the post-traumatic interventricular septum rupture diagnosed by echocardiography and the subsequent xenopericardial patch repair


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    Bland-White-Garland syndrome (BWFS) is an abnormal arising of the left coronary artery (LCA) from the pulmonary artery trunk (PA), (in English-speaking literature ALCAPA – anomalous left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery) and it is rather rare pathology, 0,24-0,45% of cases of all congenital heart diseases. There are infantile and adult types described. In most cases, this anatomic anomaly is found at children or teenage age. We present the observations of patients with the BWGS adult type in this article and analyze possibilities of ECG while diagnosing this rare condition

    A case with late secondary infectious endocarditis in a patient after Bentall procedure

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    We described a clinic case with a patient surgically treated for late infectious endocarditis after Bentall procedure. Patients who are indicated for reoperation on aortic valve and ascending aorta, are usually a very acute cohort and demonstrate high risk at repeated interventions leading to a rather high mortality rate

    Case report of inferior vena cava and right atrium fibroma diagnosis with transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography

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    We present a clinical case describing diagnosis and surgical treatment of a patient with atypically located fibroma – in the inferior vena cava and right atrium. Modern means of ultrasound heart examinations were demonstrated as well. We consider echocardiography to be the method of choice for present time as this means is safe, reliable and available. Information which we obtained during ultrasonic heart examination is a reason for further more precise patient examination. In the present literature resources we were not able to find any other case with a heart fibroma with such atypical location and structure


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    Intracardiac cysts are quite rare cardiac pathology in the adults. In this paper we describe a clinical observation for a mitral valve cyst in a male patient, 31 year. This patient had complaints on complicated swallowing, dizziness, nausea, episodes of consciousness loss and was indicated to have transthoracic echocardiography. During the echocardiographic research on a anterior leaf of the mitral valve we found a cavitary lesion with the size 27 x 38 mm which did not interfere with the blood supply in an output path of the left ventricle. The patient was successfully operated. Histologic research showed a true cyst of the mitral valve

    Comparison of the Nomenclatures of Herbal Substances Used in the Russian and Foreign Pharmacopoeial Texts

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    The study of the nomenclature of officinal herbal substances and medicinal plants is important for finding potential ways of expanding the existing range of raw materials used in the production of herbal medicinal products. The authors compared the standards included into the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, national pharmacopoeias of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union, and the world’s leading pharmacopoeias with a focus on herbal substances, medicinal plants, morphological groups of herbal substances, and the proportion of cultivated medicinal plants versus wild medicinal plants. The paper describes historical changes in the nomenclature of herbal substances included in various editions of the Russian Pharmacopoeia. The analysis of the State Register of Medicinal Products revealed the most common morphological groups of herbal substances used in Russia for the production of herbal medicinal products. The paper provides information about the largest Russian manufacturers of herbal medicinal products that preserve national traditions and develop new dosage forms. It outlines ways of improving standardisation of herbal substances using current test methods for characterisation of biologically active substances. The analysis helped to identify potential ways of expanding the range of herbal raw materials: the use of botanical species closely related to officinal ones, increasing the number of morphological groups of substances by integrated use of harvested plants, the inclusion of non-officinal botanical species that have a long history of use in the traditional medicine into the Russian list of officinal species