3 research outputs found

    Formation of culture of healthy lifestyle of students in the health-education system

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    The students belong to the risk group, as a reaction to high emotional and mental stress, sposobina to new conditions of living and learning imposes a negative impact on all spheres of life. All this leads to the deterioration of students’ adaptation, resulting in serious medical and socio-psychological problemsСтуденты относятся к группе повышенного риска, так как реакция на высокую эмоциональную и умственную нагрузку, приспособление к новым условиям проживания и обучения накладывает негативное воздействие на все сферы жизни. Всё это приводит к ухудшению адаптации студентов, следствием чего являются серьёзные медицинские и социально-психологические проблем

    Value of BDNF and GDNF extracellular regulatory molecules in fetal umbilical cord blood. clinical study

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    Introduction. In modern obstetrics, there are a significant number of diagnostic methods to detect fetal distress, including intrapartum. At the same time, the mechanisms of fetal adaptation to various stressors remain poorly understood. The aim of our study was to provide a clinical assessment of brain and glial neurotrophic factors (NTF) in umbilical cord blood when the fetus is exposed to stressorsЦель нашего исследования — дать клиническую оценку показателям мозгового и глиального нейротрофических факторов (НТФ) в пуповинной крови при воздействии на плод стресс-факторо


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    Abstract. The article presents data about blood serum cytokine profile in patients with chronic widespread dermatoses, associated with increase in blood markers of endogenous intoxication (EI) syndrome, i.e., lowand medium-molecular mass substances (LMWS). A close interrelation has been revealed between EI levels, and cytokine profiles. In the patients with high amounts of blood LMWS, increased levels of anti-inflammatory IL have been shown. Correlation analysis of clinical and laboratory parameters has demonstrated a leading role of EI in pathogenetic mechanisms of chronic extended dermatoses, and brings about altered regulation of metabolic processes. A severe clinical course of dermatoses (i.e., therapy resistance) was associated with a  considerable  decrease  in  blood  IL-8  and  IL-10  levels,  along  with  high  IgE  and  LMWS  amounts. (Med. Immunol., 2011, vol. 13, N 2-3, pp 205-210