41 research outputs found

    Learning Object Identification Rules for Information Integration

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    When integrating information from multiple websites, the same data objects can exist in inconsistent text formats across sites, making it di#cult to identify matching objects using exact text match. We have developed an object identification system called Active Atlas, which compares the objects' shared attributes in order to identify matching objects. Certain attributes are more important for deciding if a mapping should exist between two objects. Previous methods of object identification have required manual construction of object identification rules or mapping rules for determining the mappings between objects. This manual process is time consuming and error-prone

    Cultura econ贸mica en Baja California

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    La cultura econ贸mica incluye los conocimientos, competencias, comportamientos y motivaciones que generan capacidades en los ciudadanos para tomar decisiones, repercutiendo en su calidad de vida. El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar la cultura econ贸mica de la poblaci贸n de Baja California, a partir de una encuesta dise帽ada ad hoc y aplicada a 346 personas en el estado. Encontramos un desconocimiento general sobre temas econ贸micos b谩sicos y que no existe relaci贸n entre la educaci贸n formal con el nivel de cultura econ贸mica, con efectos en su visi贸n a largo plazo y las metas que las personas construyen para el futuro

    Exploring Artificial Intelligence Through Image Recognition

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    This demonstration showcases the different use cases of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education by introducing students to applications of the Scribbler robot with the Fluke board in order to cultivate an interest in programming, robotics, and AI. The targeted audience for this is students aged eight through twelve. This demonstration uses three Scribbler robots to introduce students to common tools in AI (OpenCV and Tesseract), and teach them the basics of coding in an interactive, unintimidating way; by physically describing the goals of simple shape-building algorithms and implementing them using cards with both visual and written representations of the instructions

    Application for AI-OCR Module: Auto Detection of Emails/Letter Images

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    The purpose of this project is to provide instructions for teaching the Artificial Intelligence topic of supervised machine learning for the task of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) at various levels of a student鈥檚 undergraduate curriculum, such as basic knowledge, novice, and intermediate. The levels vary from beginner with a slight background in computing and computer science to intermediate with a better understanding of computer science fundamentals and algorithms

    Components, Curriculum, and Community: Robots and Robotics in Undergraduate AI Education

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    Copyright 漏 2006, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (www.aaai.org).This editorial introduction presents an overview of the robotic resources available to AI educators and provides context for the articles in this special issue. We set the stage by addressing the trade-offs among a number of established and emerging hardware and software platforms, curricular topics, and robot contests used to motivate and teach undergraduate AI

    Virtual Synergy: A Human-Robot Interface for Urban Search and Rescue

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    This paper describes the Virtual Synergy interface, which combines a three dimensional graphical interface with physical robots to allow for collaboration among multiple human researchers, simulated software agents and physical teams of multi-terrain robots for the task of Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) [8,9]. Using the interface to communicate and monitor the robots gives the human operators the ability to function as team members, where the robots can fluidly shift from being completely independent to tele-operated. This opens up opportunities to explore research in adjustable autonomy of robot teams [6,7,10,11], such as distributed planning, multi-agen