28 research outputs found

    Computing and Stability in Cortical Networks

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    A Novel Mechanism for Switching a Neural System from One State to Another

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    An animal's ability to rapidly adjust to new conditions is essential to its survival. The nervous system, then, must be built with the flexibility to adjust, or shift, its processing capabilities on the fly. To understand how this flexibility comes about, we tracked a well-known behavioral shift, a visual integration shift, down to its underlying circuitry, and found that it is produced by a novel mechanism – a change in gap junction coupling that can turn a cell class on and off. The results showed that the turning on and off of a cell class shifted the circuit's behavior from one state to another, and, likewise, the animal's behavior. The widespread presence of similar gap junction-coupled networks in the brain suggests that this mechanism may underlie other behavioral shifts as well

    Pairwise maximum entropy models for studying large biological systems: when they can and when they can't work

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    One of the most critical problems we face in the study of biological systems is building accurate statistical descriptions of them. This problem has been particularly challenging because biological systems typically contain large numbers of interacting elements, which precludes the use of standard brute force approaches. Recently, though, several groups have reported that there may be an alternate strategy. The reports show that reliable statistical models can be built without knowledge of all the interactions in a system; instead, pairwise interactions can suffice. These findings, however, are based on the analysis of small subsystems. Here we ask whether the observations will generalize to systems of realistic size, that is, whether pairwise models will provide reliable descriptions of true biological systems. Our results show that, in most cases, they will not. The reason is that there is a crossover in the predictive power of pairwise models: If the size of the subsystem is below the crossover point, then the results have no predictive power for large systems. If the size is above the crossover point, the results do have predictive power. This work thus provides a general framework for determining the extent to which pairwise models can be used to predict the behavior of whole biological systems. Applied to neural data, the size of most systems studied so far is below the crossover point

    Ganglion Cell Adaptability: Does the Coupling of Horizontal Cells Play a Role?

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    Background: The visual system can adjust itself to different visual environments. One of the most well known examples of this is the shift in spatial tuning that occurs in retinal ganglion cells with the change from night to day vision. This shift is thought to be produced by a change in the ganglion cell receptive field surround, mediated by a decrease in the coupling of horizontal cells. Methodology/Principal Findings: To test this hypothesis, we used a transgenic mouse line, a connexin57-deficient line, in which horizontal cell coupling was abolished. Measurements, both at the ganglion cell level and the level of behavioral performance, showed no differences between wild-type retinas and retinas with decoupled horizontal cells from connexin57-deficient mice. Conclusion/Significance: This analysis showed that the coupling and uncoupling of horizontal cells does not play a dominant role in spatial tuning and its adjustability to night and day light conditions. Instead, our data suggest that anothe

    The Light Response of Retinal Ganglion Cells Is Truncated by a Displaced Amacrine Circuit

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    ignal to a transient ganglion cell response. cells, but the critical interactions have been difficult The operations performed in the inner retina have to reveal. Here, we used a cell-ablation technique to been difficult to unravel because of the complex array remove a subpopulation of amacrine cells from the of cell types in this region. In particular, the amacrine mouse retina. Their ablation changed transient gan- cells are comprised of numerous subtypes, each with glion cell responses into prolonged discharges. This different morphological or biochemical properties (Perry suggests that transient responses are generated, at and Walker, 1980; Masland, 1988; Wa ssle and Boycott, least in part, by a truncation of sustained excitatory 1991) andeach possibly serving different functions. Cur- input to the ganglion cells and that the ablated ama- rent pharmacolo

    Behavioral/Systems/Cognitive Synergy, Redundancy, and Independence in Population Codes, Revisited

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    Decoding the activity of a population of neurons is a fundamental problem in neuroscience. A key aspect of this problem is determining whether correlations in the activity, i.e., noise correlations, are important. If they are important, then the decoding problem is high dimensional: decoding algorithms must take the correlational structure in the activity into account. If they are not important, or if they play a minor role, then the decoding problem can be reduced to lower dimension and thus made more tractable. The issue of whether correlations are important has been a subject of heated debate. The debate centers around the validity of the measures used to address it. Here, we evaluate three of the most commonly used ones: synergy, �Ishuffled, and �I. We show that synergy and �Ishuffled are confounded measures: they can be zero when correlations are clearly important for decoding and positive when they are not. In contrast, �I is not confounded. It is zero only when correlations are not important for decoding and positive only when they are; that is, it is zero only when one can decode exactly as well using a decoder that ignores correlations as one can using a decoder that does not, and it is positive only when one cannot decode as well. Finally, we show that �I has an information theoretic interpretation; it is an upper bound on the information lost when correlations are ignored. Key words: retina; encoding; decoding; neural code; information theory; population coding; signal correlations; noise correlation

    A virtual retina for studying population coding.

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    At every level of the visual system - from retina to cortex - information is encoded in the activity of large populations of cells. The populations are not uniform, but contain many different types of cells, each with its own sensitivities to visual stimuli. Understanding the roles of the cell types and how they work together to form collective representations has been a long-standing goal. This goal, though, has been difficult to advance, and, to a large extent, the reason is data limitation. Large numbers of stimulus/response relationships need to be explored, and obtaining enough data to examine even a fraction of them requires a great deal of experiments and animals. Here we describe a tool for addressing this, specifically, at the level of the retina. The tool is a data-driven model of retinal input/output relationships that is effective on a broad range of stimuli - essentially, a virtual retina. The results show that it is highly reliable: (1) the model cells carry the same amount of information as their real cell counterparts, (2) the quality of the information is the same - that is, the posterior stimulus distributions produced by the model cells closely match those of their real cell counterparts, and (3) the model cells are able to make very reliable predictions about the functions of the different retinal output cell types, as measured using Bayesian decoding (electrophysiology) and optomotor performance (behavior). In sum, we present a new tool for studying population coding and test it experimentally. It provides a way to rapidly probe the actions of different cell classes and develop testable predictions. The overall aim is to build constrained theories about population coding and keep the number of experiments and animals to a minimum

    Indices for Testing Neural Codes

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