18 research outputs found

    Deteksi Kasus Fasciolosis dan Eurytrematosis pada Pemeriksaan Antemortem dan Postmortem Hewan Qurban Saat Masa Pandemi Covid 19 di Surabaya

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    Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk membantu masyarakat menjamin daging Qurban yang ASUH (Aman Sehat Utuh dan Halal) dengan pemeriksaan  antemortem dan postmortem hewan Qurban di bawah naungan dokter hewan. Sasaran pengabdian adalah pengurus masjid atau masyarakat yang menyediakan dan mendistribusikan daging kurban di Surabaya dan sekitarnya. Metode pada kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pemeriksaan antemortem dan postmortem di 15 masjid, data dikoleksi dan kemudian dianalisis. Pemeriksaan ante mortem meliputi pemeriksaan fisik kesehatan hewan. Pemeriksaan post mortem meliputi pemeriksaan organ dalam (usus, lambung, hati, jantung, limpa, paru-paru) serta karkas. Tim pemeriksa melakukan prosedur protokol kesehatan pencegahan Covid 19 dalam menjalankan pemeriksaan . Total hewan qurban yang diperiksa sebanyak 116 ekor sapi, 214 ekor kambing dan 4 domba.  Hasil pemeriksaan antemortem hewan qurban, 100% dinyatakan layak dan sesuai syariat islam baik dari segi umur dan kesehatan hewan. Hasil pemeriksaan postmortem ditemukan 27 (76%) hati sapi terinfeksi cacing Fasciola gigantica dan 2 (23 %) pankreas sapi terinfeksi Eurytrema sp, sedangkan pada kambing ditemukan 2 (0,9 %) hati terinfeksi cacing Fasciola gigantica. Organ sapi dan kambing yang terinfeksi cacing telah dilakukan afkir atau dimusnahkan sehingga tidak sampai terkonsumsi oleh masyarakat.This community service activity aims to help the community ensure ASUH ( Aman , Sehat, Utuh, Halal) qurban meat with antemortem and postmortem examination of qurban animals under the auspices of a veterinarian. The target of this service is the mosque or community administrators who provide and distribute qurban meat in Surabaya and its surroundings. The method in this activity was carried out by antemortem and postmortem examination in 15 mosques, the data were collected and then analyzed. An antemortem examination includes a physical examination of animal health. Post mortem examination includes examination of internal organs (intestines, stomach, liver, hearth, spleen, lungs) and carcass. The examining team carried out the covid 19 preventive health protocol procedure in carrying out the examination. The total number of qurban animals examined were 116 cows, 214 goats and 4 sheep. The results of antemortem examination of qurban animals, 100% were declared appropriate and in accordance with Islamic law both in terms of age and animal health. Postmortem examination result found 27 (76%) liver infected with Fasciola gigantica worms and 2 (23%) cow pancreas infected with Eurytrema sp, while in goats found 2 (0,9%) liver infected with Fasciola gigantica worms. Organs of cows and goats infected with worms have been rejected or destroyed so that they are not consumed by public


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    The aimed of this research was to know the incidence of carrion chicken sales in Surabaya traditional markets. The samples used in this study were chicken meats that had physical characteristics resembling carrion chicken. Chicken meat samples were taken from 20 traditional markets in Surabaya consisting of 5 traditional markets in North Surabaya, 5 traditional markets in East Surabaya, 5 traditional markets in south Surabaya, and 5 traditional markets in West Surabaya. Each traditional market had taken 10 samples of chicken meat each weighing 100 grams coming from different seller. The methode of carrion chicken test that used in this reseach was Malachyte Green Test by Warris method. The results showed that there were no positive sample of carrion chicken in North Surabaya, 9 positive samples of carrion chicken in West Surabaya, 24 positive samples of carrion chicken in South Surabaya, and 14 positive samples of carrion chicken in East Surabaya. The incidence of carrion chicken sales in Surabaya traditional markets showed that there were 47 positive carrion chickens or 23.5% of 200 samples taken


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    Surabaya was the second largest city in Indonesia and also a city that had the flood-prone areas. Flooding that occurred caused some cases of the disease, one of the disease is leptospirosis. Leptospirosis was an acute infectious disease caused by the harmful bacteria Leptospira and rats were the main reservoir. Flooding were transmission medium of Leptospira derived from rat urine. This case study was an observational descriptive study using case control study design to describe the incidence of leptospirosis in terms of the presence of disease agents Leptospira sp in rat vector in Surabaya flood-prone areas Surabaya. Data of rats infected in flood prone areas obtained from the results of rapid test Lepto Tek Lateral Flow to identify the presence of Leptospira in serum of rats. Data of the presence of Leptospira in rats and flood-prone are were analyzed descriptively. Results showed 100% negative Leptospira Sp. on samples of blood serum with an examination of Leptotek Lateral Flow in flood prone areas in Surabaya showed that during the study started in May 2016 to October 2016 there were no mice infected with the bacterium Leptospira sp. in flood prone areas Wonokromo, Bendul Merisi, Kupang Krajan and Sidomulyo

    Antibakteri Nano Silver Terhadap Bakteri Escherichia coli Yang Diisolasi Dari Susu Sapi Mastitis

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektivitas antibakteri nano silver pada bakteri Escherichia coli yang diisolasi dari susu sapi mastitis. Penelitian ini menggunakan 5 perlakuan dengan 5 kali ulangan. Pada kelompok P0- sebagai kontrol negatif menggunakan Aquades, kelompok P0+ sebagai kontrol positif dengan perlakuan Amoxicillin, kelompok P1: perlakuan dengan larutan nano silver konsentrasi 50 ppm, kelompok P2: perlakuan dengan larutan nano silver konsentrasi 100 ppm dan kelompok P3: perlakuan dengan larutan nano silver dengan konsentrasi 150 ppm. Pada penelitian ini, pengamatan dilakukan dengan mengukur diameter zona hambat pada media MHA (Muller Hinton Agar) yang sudah dibiakkan bakteri murni Escherichia coli. Data yang diperoleh berdasarkan analisis menggunakan ANOVA menunjukan perbedaan yang sangat signifikan (P<0,05) pada setiap kelompok perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nano silver memiliki sifat antibakteri yang lemah terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli yang diisolasi dari susu sapi mastitis.The purpose of this study was to determine the antibacterial effect of nano silver againts Escherichia coli bacteria isolated from mastitis cow's milk. This study used 5 treatments with 5 replications. In the P0- group as negative control using Aquades, P0+ group as positive control using Amoxicillin treatment, P1: treatment with nano silver solution concentration of 50 ppm, P2: treatment with nano silver solution concentration of 100 ppm and P3: treatment with nano silver solution with a concentration of 150 ppm. The parameter in this study was the diameter of the inhibition zone on MHA (Muller Hinton Agar) media that had been cultured by pure Escherichia coli bacteria. The data obtained based on the analysis using ANOVA showed there were very significant difference (P<0,05) in each treatment group. The results showed that nano silver had weak antibacterial properties against Escherichia coli isolated from mastitis cow’s milk

    Identification Of Shiga Toxin-Producing Esherichia coli In Raw Milk Samples From Dairy Cows In Surabaya, Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research was to identify the presence of shiga toxinproducing Escherichia coli (STEC) in raw milk samples in Surabaya dairy cows using Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction (MPCR) assay. Approximately 10 ml milk samples from 75 apparently healthy Holstein Friesian cows from Surabaya, Indonesia were analyzed. Milk samples were inoculated with brilliant green bile broth (BGBB), subcultured in eosin methylene blue agar (EMBA) and were confrmed biochemically using Indol test. Multiplex PCR using primer flicH7 and primer stx2 (gene coding shiga toxin) were then performed. Results showed that 26 out of 75 samples were E. coli in bacterial isolation and MPCR. Moreover, two samples (7.7%) were positive for stx2 gene. The MPCR assay described in the present study can be employed to identify and screen for E. coli harboring stx2 gene in raw milk from dairy cows in Indonesia. Keywords: Escherichia coli, multiplex PCR, shiga toxin, stx2 gen

    Encoding Gene for Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Isolated from Nasal Swab of Dogs

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    The purpose of this study was to isolate and identify encoding gene for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from nasal swab of dogs in Surabaya, Indonesia. Nasal swab of dogs of 85 samples obtained from five areas in Surabaya. Bacterial identification was based on the growth in Mannitol Salt Agar, Gram staining, catalase, coagulase and VP tests. 43 (50.59%) out of 85 samples were for positive Staphylococcus aureus isolation. MRSA confirmation by Oxacillin Resistant Screen Agar Base (ORSAB) were 25(29.41%). The molecular identification on mecA gene by PCR showed that 5(5.88%) isolates were positive contain mecA gene. It was concluded that the dogs as companion animals can be a potential reservoir for MRSA strains to threat public health Key words: Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA, Dogs, mecA gen

    Profile of antibiotic-resistant and presence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from nasal swab of dogs from several animal clinics in Surabaya, Indonesia

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    Aim: The research was to investigate the antibiotic resistance profile and to screen for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from nasal mucosa swab of dogs. Materials and Methods: The samples were collected from three pet clinics, three K9 units, one veterinary teaching hospital, and one kennel in Surabaya. Of the 50 total samples, 24 confirmed S. aureus strains, which were used for antibiotic sensitivity tests using a disk diffusion method and screening of MRSA used oxacillin resistance screening for base (ORSAB). Results: This study showed that there were differences in antibiotic resistance patterns among different locations. Fourteen isolates were screened for MRSA by culture on ORSAB. Conclusion: MRSA carriage was found on nasal swab of dogs, and dogs can act as reservoir of MRSA for spreading to human health Keywords: antibiotic-resistant, dogs, methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus aureu

    Detection of inVA gene of Salmonella From Milkfish (Chanos chanos) at Sidoarjo wet fish market, Indonesia, using polymerase chain reaction technique

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    Aim: The study aimed to detect the invA gene in Salmonella isolated from milkfish in the Sidoarjo wet fish market. Materials and Methods: A total of 84 samples were prepared in enrichment media and isolated on the surface of Salmonella Shigella Agar. Salmonella growth produces transparent colonies with blackish color in the middle due to H2S gas formation. Samples were identified as Salmonella based on macroscopic colony morphology. Presumptive Salmonella sp. was put on Bismuth Sulfite Agar media. Salmonella was determined based on the results of the biochemical test that has been carried out using Microbact identification kits from negative gram staining. Results: The results of this study indicate that 32 of 84 samples (38.09%) were Salmonella bacteria. Furthermore, the invA gene detection was carried out using the polymerase chain reaction technique. Electrophoresis results showed four positive samples contained invA gene with a length of 284 bp. Conclusion: Results in this study indicate that contamination of milkfish with Salmonella needs strict hygienic measures to prevent their transmission to human. Keywords: human health, invA gene, milkfish, polymerase chain reaction, Salmonell

    First report of phenotypic and genotypic (blaOXA-61) beta-lactam resistance in Campylobacter jejuni from broilers in Indonesia

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    Background and Aim: Campylobacter is a zoonotic bacterium that is a major source of foodborne diseases. In humans, most cases of campylobacteriosis are caused by Campylobacter jejuni. Poultry is the main reservoir of Campylobacter for humans, because Campylobacter is part of the normal flora of the digestive tract of poultry. Antimicrobial resistance to several antibiotics in Campylobacter isolated from humans and food animals has increased rapidly. Beta-lactam is an antibiotic with a high prevalence of resistance in Campylobacter. This study aimed to investigate phenotypic and genotypic (blaOXA-61) beta-lactam resistance in C. jejuni from broilers in Indonesia. Materials and Methods: A total of 100 samples of broiler intestinal contents were obtained from 10 broiler farms in Pasuruan Regency, Indonesia. Campylobacter jejuni was identified using conventional and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based methods. Phenotypic detection of beta-lactam resistance was performed using an antimicrobial susceptibility test with antibiotic disks of aztreonam, ampicillin, and amoxicillin-clavulanic acid. Genotypic detection by PCR was performed using the blaOXA-61 gene, which encodes beta-lactamase. Results: Campylobacter jejuni was identified in 23% of the samples. Phenotypically, 100% (23/23) and 73.9% (17/23) C. jejuni isolates had high resistance to aztreonam and ampicillin, respectively, but all isolates were susceptible to amoxicillin–clavulanic acid. Genotypically, all isolates carried blaOXA-61, indicated by the presence of a 372-bp PCR product. Conclusion: Campylobacter jejuni is highly resistant to beta-lactams and is a serious threat to human health. Resistance to beta-lactams should be monitored because beta-lactamase genes can be transferred between bacteria. Public awareness must also be increased on the importance of using antibiotics rationally in humans and animals

    Prevalence of multidrug resistance and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae from dairy cattle farm wastewater in East Java Province, Indonesia

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    Background and Aim: Antibiotic resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae, especially extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producers, has become a global public health problem. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of multidrug resistance (MDR) and ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae in wastewater from dairy farms. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on dairy farms in East Java Province from June to October 2022. In total, 342 dairy farm wastewater samples were isolated on buffered peptone water media from six cities/regencies with the highest dairy cattle population in East Java. Samples were identified using MacConkey agar media, Gram-staining,eosin-methylene blue agar, and biochemical tests. In total, 14.32% (49/342) samples contained K. pneumoniae. Positive isolates were tested for antibiotic sensitivity. Klebsiella pneumoniae resistant to beta-lactam was confirmed using the double-disk synergy test to confirm the presence of ESBL-producing bacteria. Results: The percentage of antibiotic resistance in K. pneumoniae was 98% resistance to ampicillin, 67.3% to cefotaxime, 46.9% to tetracycline, 49% to ciprofloxacin, 98% to streptomycin, 14.3% to sulfamethoxazole–trimethoprim, and 83.7% to chloramphenicol. The prevalence of MDR in K. pneumoniae was 12.57% (43/342), with the highest prevalence in the five classes of antibiotics at 41.86% (18/43), and the prevalence of ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae was 5.55% (19/342), with the highest prevalence in the districts of Blitar and Pasuruan at 26.31% (5/19). Conclusion: Although the prevalence of ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae in wastewater samples from dairy farms was low, caution is recommended because they can be a reservoir for ESBL