15 research outputs found

    Identifying candidate drivers of drug response in heterogeneous cancer by mining high throughput genomics data

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    Weakly-Supervised Deep Learning Model for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Gleason Grading of Histopathology Images

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    Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men worldwide and the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. One of the prognostic features in prostate cancer is the Gleason grading of histopathology images. The Gleason grade is assigned based on tumor architecture on Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stained whole slide images (WSI) by the pathologists. This process is time-consuming and has known interobserver variability. In the past few years, deep learning algorithms have been used to analyze histopathology images, delivering promising results for grading prostate cancer. However, most of the algorithms rely on the fully annotated datasets which are expensive to generate. In this work, we proposed a novel weakly-supervised algorithm to classify prostate cancer grades. The proposed algorithm consists of three steps: (1) extracting discriminative areas in a histopathology image by employing the Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) algorithm based on Transformers, (2) representing the image by constructing a graph using the discriminative patches, and (3) classifying the image into its Gleason grades by developing a Graph Convolutional Neural Network (GCN) based on the gated attention mechanism. We evaluated our algorithm using publicly available datasets, including TCGAPRAD, PANDA, and Gleason 2019 challenge datasets. We also cross validated the algorithm on an independent dataset. Results show that the proposed model achieved state-of-the-art performance in the Gleason grading task in terms of accuracy, F1 score, and cohen-kappa. The code is available at https://github.com/NabaviLab/Prostate-Cancer

    Noise cancellation using total variation for copy number variation detection

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    Abstract Background Due to recent advances in sequencing technologies, sequence-based analysis has been widely applied to detecting copy number variations (CNVs). There are several techniques for identifying CNVs using next generation sequencing (NGS) data, however methods employing depth of coverage or read depth (RD) have recently become a main technique to identify CNVs. The main assumption of the RD-based CNV detection methods is that the readcount value at a specific genomic location is correlated with the copy number at that location. However, readcount data’s noise and biases distort the association between the readcounts and copy numbers. For more accurate CNV identification, these biases and noise need to be mitigated. In this work, to detect CNVs more precisely and efficiently we propose a novel denoising method based on the total variation approach and the Taut String algorithm. Results To investigate the performance of the proposed denoising method, we computed sensitivities, false discovery rates and specificities of CNV detection when employing denoising, using both simulated and real data. We also compared the performance of the proposed denoising method, Taut String, with that of the commonly used approaches such as moving average (MA) and discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) in terms of sensitivity of detecting true CNVs and time complexity. The results show that Taut String works better than DWT and MA and has a better power to identify very narrow CNVs. The ability of Taut String denoising in preserving CNV segments’ breakpoints and narrow CNVs increases the detection accuracy of segmentation algorithms, resulting in higher sensitivities and lower false discovery rates. Conclusions In this study, we proposed a new denoising method for sequence-based CNV detection based on a signal processing technique. Existing CNV detection algorithms identify many false CNV segments and fail in detecting short CNV segments due to noise and biases. Employing an effective and efficient denoising method can significantly enhance the detection accuracy of the CNV segmentation algorithms. Advanced denoising methods from the signal processing field can be employed to implement such algorithms. We showed that non-linear denoising methods that consider sparsity and piecewise constant characteristics of CNV data result in better performance in CNV detection

    The Role of Deep Learning in Advancing Breast Cancer Detection Using Different Imaging Modalities: A Systematic Review

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    Breast cancer is among the most common and fatal diseases for women, and no permanent treatment has been discovered. Thus, early detection is a crucial step to control and cure breast cancer that can save the lives of millions of women. For example, in 2020, more than 65% of breast cancer patients were diagnosed in an early stage of cancer, from which all survived. Although early detection is the most effective approach for cancer treatment, breast cancer screening conducted by radiologists is very expensive and time-consuming. More importantly, conventional methods of analyzing breast cancer images suffer from high false-detection rates. Different breast cancer imaging modalities are used to extract and analyze the key features affecting the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. These imaging modalities can be divided into subgroups such as mammograms, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, histopathological images, or any combination of them. Radiologists or pathologists analyze images produced by these methods manually, which leads to an increase in the risk of wrong decisions for cancer detection. Thus, the utilization of new automatic methods to analyze all kinds of breast screening images to assist radiologists to interpret images is required. Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) has been widely utilized to automatically improve the early detection and treatment of different types of cancer, specifically breast cancer, thereby enhancing the survival chance of patients. Advances in AI algorithms, such as deep learning, and the availability of datasets obtained from various imaging modalities have opened an opportunity to surpass the limitations of current breast cancer analysis methods. In this article, we first review breast cancer imaging modalities, and their strengths and limitations. Then, we explore and summarize the most recent studies that employed AI in breast cancer detection using various breast imaging modalities. In addition, we report available datasets on the breast-cancer imaging modalities which are important in developing AI-based algorithms and training deep learning models. In conclusion, this review paper tries to provide a comprehensive resource to help researchers working in breast cancer imaging analysis

    Comparative analysis of differential gene expression analysis tools for single-cell RNA sequencing data

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    Abstract Background The analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) data plays an important role in understanding the intrinsic and extrinsic cellular processes in biological and biomedical research. One significant effort in this area is the detection of differentially expressed (DE) genes. scRNAseq data, however, are highly heterogeneous and have a large number of zero counts, which introduces challenges in detecting DE genes. Addressing these challenges requires employing new approaches beyond the conventional ones, which are based on a nonzero difference in average expression. Several methods have been developed for differential gene expression analysis of scRNAseq data. To provide guidance on choosing an appropriate tool or developing a new one, it is necessary to evaluate and compare the performance of differential gene expression analysis methods for scRNAseq data. Results In this study, we conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the performance of eleven differential gene expression analysis software tools, which are designed for scRNAseq data or can be applied to them. We used simulated and real data to evaluate the accuracy and precision of detection. Using simulated data, we investigated the effect of sample size on the detection accuracy of the tools. Using real data, we examined the agreement among the tools in identifying DE genes, the run time of the tools, and the biological relevance of the detected DE genes. Conclusions In general, agreement among the tools in calling DE genes is not high. There is a trade-off between true-positive rates and the precision of calling DE genes. Methods with higher true positive rates tend to show low precision due to their introducing false positives, whereas methods with high precision show low true positive rates due to identifying few DE genes. We observed that current methods designed for scRNAseq data do not tend to show better performance compared to methods designed for bulk RNAseq data. Data multimodality and abundance of zero read counts are the main characteristics of scRNAseq data, which play important roles in the performance of differential gene expression analysis methods and need to be considered in terms of the development of new methods

    An evaluation of copy number variation detection tools for cancer using whole exome sequencing data

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    Abstract Background Recently copy number variation (CNV) has gained considerable interest as a type of genomic/genetic variation that plays an important role in disease susceptibility. Advances in sequencing technology have created an opportunity for detecting CNVs more accurately. Recently whole exome sequencing (WES) has become primary strategy for sequencing patient samples and study their genomics aberrations. However, compared to whole genome sequencing, WES introduces more biases and noise that make CNV detection very challenging. Additionally, tumors’ complexity makes the detection of cancer specific CNVs even more difficult. Although many CNV detection tools have been developed since introducing NGS data, there are few tools for somatic CNV detection for WES data in cancer. Results In this study, we evaluated the performance of the most recent and commonly used CNV detection tools for WES data in cancer to address their limitations and provide guidelines for developing new ones. We focused on the tools that have been designed or have the ability to detect cancer somatic aberrations. We compared the performance of the tools in terms of sensitivity and false discovery rate (FDR) using real data and simulated data. Comparative analysis of the results of the tools showed that there is a low consensus among the tools in calling CNVs. Using real data, tools show moderate sensitivity (~50% - ~80%), fair specificity (~70% - ~94%) and poor FDRs (~27% - ~60%). Also, using simulated data we observed that increasing the coverage more than 10× in exonic regions does not improve the detection power of the tools significantly. Conclusions The limited performance of the current CNV detection tools for WES data in cancer indicates the need for developing more efficient and precise CNV detection methods. Due to the complexity of tumors and high level of noise and biases in WES data, employing advanced novel segmentation, normalization and de-noising techniques that are designed specifically for cancer data is necessary. Also, CNV detection development suffers from the lack of a gold standard for performance evaluation. Finally, developing tools with user-friendly user interfaces and visualization features can enhance CNV studies for a broader range of users