3 research outputs found

    Advancement, applications, and future directions of 3D models in breast cancer research: a comprehensive review

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    3D models have popped up as indispensable tools for breast cancer study, they provide a closersemblance of the multiplex cellular and cancer tissue microenvironment as compared toancient 2D cultures. Their utilization in BC research permits a better interpretation ofhemostasis, cell-to-cell, and cell-to-extracellular matrix interactions, differentiation of cells,and tissue organization. 3D models qualify the exploration of numerous aspects regardingcancer progression, it also includes invasion of the tumor, cancer metastasis, and drugresistance, in a way that more precisely contemplates in vivo conditions. Hence, they provideda precise environment for research as compared to a complex in vivo host cell environment.This review highlights the importance of different 3D models in BC research, focusing on theircapability to enumerate complex disease physio-pathological features. This review explainsthe variety of 3D models utilized in BC research, encompassing Multicellular TumorSpheroids (MCTS), Three-Dimensional (3D) bioprinting, Organoid Models, Microfluidictechnologies, Organ on chip models, 3D hydrogel models and in silico approaches for BC,challenges and future of 3D models

    A comprehensive review on preparation of pure immunoglobulins

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    Immunoglobulins are also known as antibodies. Plasma cells are responsible for the production of immunoglobulins. Beta cells are activated against a pathogenic attack and facilitated the formation of different types of immunoglobulins naturally. These immunoglobulins are also artificially synthesized by non-specific laboratorial techniques include fractionation precipitation, electrophoretic methods, gel filtration chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, hydrophobic chromatography and by the specific immuno- adsorbent methods. Third generation immunoglobulins are effectively used for therapeutic purpose against viral infections intravenously. Second generation immunoglobulins synthesis involved removal of anti-complement contaminants and IgG aggregates, through enzymatic degradation and chemical modification. The harmful effects of intravenous immunoglobulins can be reduced by using ultraviolet light, P-propiolactone, and pepsin at pH 4. Intravenous immunoglobulin drugs lead to anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects in various infections. The mechanism of action of intravenous immunoglobulins is dependent on the binding between the Fc portion of injected IgG and target cell receptors. Radiolabeling is performed by two methods as in vivo, in which radiolabeled antibodies are incorporated into the body to bind with the antibodies and in vitro method, radioactive material is bound with already formed antibodies. This chapter highlighted the artificial methods adopted for production of radiolabeled immunoglobulins holding significant therapeutic and diagnostic applications

    A comprehensive review of the classification of fibromyalgia, its possible genetic and environmental causes, and its epidemiology in Pakistan

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    Fibromyalgia (FM) is a common form of chronic pain that causes pain all over the body. It is thought to affect between 1% and 5% of the world's people. It happens more often in adults, but it can also happen in children. Its exact cause and effect are still not known. However, it is thought to be linked to neuronal over-sensitization, decreased conditioned pain modulation (CPM), cognitive dysfunction, dementia, and problems with how the brain processes information. It is now a disorder with physical symptoms (SSD). FM does not run in families. But it seems to happen more often in families where FM has happened before. One of the most common reasons why people get fibromyalgia is an SNP in the serotonin transporter gene, which can also cause emotional stress. The effects of genetic polymorphisms on serotonergic and catecholaminergic processes in the central nervous system seem to make fibromyalgia more likely. It can be stopped if it is found and treated quickly. Physical therapy and other treatments that don't involve drugs should be made to fit the person with FM. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given the go-ahead for three treatments. In this review article, we looked again at the possible causes, effects, and treatments for fibromyalgia syndrome. &nbsp