36 research outputs found

    Simulation of a Standard Store Separated from Generic Wing

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    Evaluation of store separation experimentally is expensive; time consuming and dangerous as human risks are involved. This results in development of computational methods to simulate the store separation. Store separation studies include store separation simulation and determination of linear and angular displacements of store under the influence of complex and non-uniform flow field of parent aircraft. In order to validate the methodology, the unsteady CFD results, obtained by coupling six degrees of freedom (6-DOF) with flow solver, are compared with experimental results. Major trends are captured which are consistent with experimental results. Variation in store trajectory has been evaluated with different combinations of forward and rearward ejection forces. By increasing the magnitude of forward ejection force vertical displacement increases and store separates more safely from the wing. Moreover, effects of varying parent wing configuration on store trajectory has also been analyzed by incorporation of leading-edge flaps (LEFs). Store always separates in nose down condition due to LEFs which increases vertical displacement of store and thus safety related to store separation is enhanced

    Screening for malnutrition in patients with gastro-entero-pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours : a cross-sectional study

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    Objectives To investigate whether screening for malnutrition using the validated malnutrition universal screening tool (MUST) identifies specific characteristics of patients at risk, in patients with gastro-entero-pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (GEP-NET). Design Cross-sectional study. Setting University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust; European Neuroendocrine Tumour Society Centre of Excellence. Participants Patients with confirmed GEP-NET (n=161) of varying primary tumour sites, functioning status, grading, staging and treatment modalities. Main outcome measure To identify disease and treatment-related characteristics of patients with GEP-NET who score using MUST, and should be directed to detailed nutritional assessment. Results MUST score was positive (≥1) in 14% of outpatients with GEP-NET. MUST-positive patients had lower faecal elastase concentrations compared to MUST-negative patients (244±37 vs 383±20 µg/g stool; p=0.018), and were more likely to be on treatment with long-acting somatostatin analogues (65 vs 38%, p=0.021). MUST-positive patients were also more likely to have rectal or unknown primary NET, whereas, frequencies of other GEP-NET including pancreatic NET were comparable between MUST-positive and MUST-negative patients. Conclusions Given the frequency of patients identified at malnutrition risk using MUST in our relatively large and diverse GEP-NET cohort and the clinical implications of detecting malnutrition early, we recommend routine use of malnutrition screening in all patients with GEP-NET, and particularly in patients who are treated with long-acting somatostatin analogues

    Speeding Up and Parallelizing the GARFIELD++

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    Garfield++ is a toolkit for the simulation of particle detectors that use gas and semi-conductors as sensitive medium. It takes enormous amount of time to complete the simulation of complex scenarios such as those involving high detector voltages, gases with large gains, or electric field meshes with large number of elements. We observed that most of the simulation time is being consumed in finding the correct element in the electric field mesh. We optimized the element search operation and achieved significant boost in the speed up. In addition, We added the parallel computing support in the toolkit to simulate multiple events simultaneously over multiple machines. In this paper, we present our approach of speeding up the computations and benchmark results

    Speeding Up and Parallelizing the GARFIELD++

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    Garfield++ is a toolkit for the simulation of particle detectors that use gas and semi-conductors as sensitive medium. It takes enormous amount of time to complete the simulation of complex scenarios such as those involving high detector voltages, gases with large gains, or electric field meshes with large number of elements. We observed that most of the simulation time is being consumed in finding the correct element in the electric field mesh. We optimized the element search operation and achieved significant boost in the speed up. In addition, We added the parallel computing support in the toolkit to simulate multiple events simultaneously over multiple machines. In this paper, we present our approach of speeding up the computations and benchmark results

    Concussions and Repercussions.

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    In their Perspective, Donald A. Redelmeier and Sheharyar Raza discuss the significance of Seena Fazel and colleagues' longitudinal study of traumatic brain injury (TBI)-associated outcomes

    Virtual outcrop geology comes of age: The application of consumer-grade virtual reality hardware and software to digital outcrop data analysis

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    In this work, the application of consumer-grade virtual reality (VR) hardware and software to the analysis of digital outcrop data is explored. Here, we utilize a widely available VR hardware platform (HTC Vive) and VR based freeform 3D visual arts software package (Google Tilt Brush), to digitize fault traces from photo-textured digital outcrop models of exposures of the Penrith Sandstone Formation (Lacy's Caves), in northwest England. Using MATLAB routines provided herein, triangular meshes output from Tilt Brush are used as the basis for 3D fracture trace map extraction, which in turn, are used to generate fracture properties (trace length, orientation, areal fracture intensity). We compare the results of this analysis to two equivalent datasets obtained from the Lacy's Caves model using digital outcrop analysis deployed via a conventional flat panel display: namely (1) a 3D trace map extracted using optical ray tracing from manually interpreted calibrated images and (2) 3D traces fitted directly the Lacy's Caves textured mesh using manual polyline interpretation within an established digital outcrop analysis software platform (OpenPlot). Fault statistics obtained using VR based analysis are broadly equivalent to those acquired from 3D trace maps extracted using the flat panel display deployed analyses presented herein. In this case study, it was found that VR based digital outcrop analysis provided faster data acquisition than the comparative pixel-based approach, which requires linkage and merging of traces mapped from multiple contiguous images. Manual raster analysis and optical ray tracing did however provide 3D trace maps with significantly higher areal fault intensity, with VR analysis incurring censoring of finer fault traces, due to the limited resolution of the outcrop model textured mesh. Whilst data acquisition times and resultant fault intensities proved similar between the VR and OpenPlot workflows, it was noted anecdotally, that the VR analysis holds some advantages for the operator when interpreting models exhibiting complex geometries, such as mine workings and caves systems, with the clip point implemented within the viewport of conventional digital outcrop analysis software tools obstructing the user from obtaining an optimum view of the outcrop surface. VR based digital outcrop analysis techniques, such as those presented here, provide an immersive analytical environment to the operator. This allows users to fuse powerful 3D visualizations of photo-realistic outcrop models with geological interpretation and data collection, fulfilling the early promise of ‘virtual outcrops’ as an analytical medium that can emulate traditional fieldwork. It is hoped that this study and its associated code library will facilitate the evaluation of emerging VR technologies for digital outcrop applications, by provided access to VR analytical tools for non-specialists in virtual reality systems. Finally, prospects for the use of VR technology within the field of digital outcrop geology, as well as within the wider geosciences, are also discussed