5 research outputs found

    The Degree of Using Cloud Computing Applications in the E-learning Environment and its Obstacles for Secondary School Students in the Capital Amman Governorate from the Point View of their Teachers

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    The study aimed to reveal the degree of use of cloud computing applications in the e-learning environment and the obstacles facing secondary school students in the Capital Governorate of Amman from the point of view of their teachers. The study adopted the descriptive survey method, and to collect data, a questionnaire was developed in the form of a scale consisting of (30) items, consisting of two parts, the first to measure the degree of use of cloud computing applications in the e-learning environment for secondary school students in the Amman governorate, and the second to measure the obstacles of cloud computing applications In the e-learning environment, its validity and reliability were confirmed, It was applied to an available sample consisting of (294) male and female teachers who were chosen by the simple random method. The results of the study showed that the degree of using cloud computing applications in the e-learning environment for secondary school students in the capital Amman governorate from the point of view of their teachers was medium, and the results of the study indicated that the degree of obstacles facing secondary school students in the capital governorate came to a high degree from the point of view of their teachers. In addition to the absence of a statistically significant difference in the degree of using cloud computing applications in the e-learning environment for secondary school students in the capital, Amman, from the point of view of their teachers, due to the variables of specialization, years of service, and the interaction between them

    The Impact of Using of the Dry Laboratory Based on the Theory of Green Education in the Teaching of Chemistry in the Acquisition of Science and Achievement of Students in the Tenth Grade in Amman City

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    The study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of teaching of Chemistry, by using dry lab based on green education theory, on acquisition of science and the achievement of students in the tenth grade in Amman . The study consisted of 40 students, distributed into two groups; experimental group (20) students taught by using dry lab and the other (20) students as control group taught by traditional method. The results of the study revealed statistical significant differences between the averages of acquisition of science and achievement of students for both experimental and control groups due to the teaching method. In the light of the results, the researchers recommended to apply studies which investigate the effect of using dry lab related to some variables such as attitudes of students toward chemistry.Keywords: Dry lab, Acquisition of science. AchievementDOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-27-09 Publication date:September 30th 201