613 research outputs found

    Status and plans for the instrumentation of the IceCube Surface Array Enhancement

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    The surface array of IceCube, IceTop, operates primarily as a cosmic-ray detector, as well as a veto for astrophysical neutrino searches for the IceCube in-ice instrumentation. However, the snow accumulation on top of the IceTop detectors increases the detection threshold and attenuates the measured IceTop signals. Enhancing IceTop by a hybrid array of scintillation detectors and radio antennas will lower the energy threshold for air-shower measurements, provide more efficient veto capabilities, enable more accurate cosmic-ray measurements, and improve the detector calibration by compensating for snow accumulation. After the initial commissioning period, a prototype station at the South Pole has been recording air-shower data and has successfully observed coincident events of both the scintillation detectors and the radio antennas with the IceTop array. The production and calibration of the detectors for the full planned array has been ongoing. Additionally, one station each has been installed at the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array for further R\&D of these detectors in different environmental conditions. This contribution will present the status and future plans of the hybrid detector stations for the IceCube Surface Array Enhancement.Comment: Presented at the 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023). See arXiv:2307.13047 for all IceCube contribution

    China's Pork Miracle?

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    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Agriculture has helped fuel the “China miracle.” Since 1978, agricultural and food output has soared, Chinese agribusiness firms have become key players in domestic and international markets, and by all accounts, China has been highly successful in overcoming land and resource constraints to feed its population of 1.3 billion people. The country is celebrated for its successes in reducing poverty and hunger over the last 30 years, and more recently, for creating an agrifood system that makes eating “high on the hog” a possibility and reality for many Chinese people. Pork is at the heart of this miracle. A hallmark of the post-1978 agricultural development model is ramping up the production, sale, and consumption of meat. Processed and packaged meats are the fastest growing market segments, reflecting the increasing influence and operation of pork processors, and the more general trend towards processed foods that can be shipped, stored, and sold with a longer shelf-life in super- and hyper-markets. These trends are also reflected in the Shuanghui (now called the WH Group to take on a more international identity) buyout of Smithfield Foods, a move that will increase China’s pork supplies, strengthen Shuanghui’s brand within China as “safer” meat with higher consumer status because of its US origin, and further generate and shape consumer demand for industrial pork. The Shuanghui-Smithfield deal is a matter of political and economic interest, but also signals a much more basic insight: pork, and the systems and actors that produce it, are central in China’s agrifood system with increasingly global inter-linkages and implications. etc. ..

    GPS-GSM based Vehicle Tracking System

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    Avoiding car theft is impossible but now finding your stolen car will be easier! You just need to install Real-Time Vehicle Tracking System with the GSM+GPS module hidden in your car, maybe in your trunk, in the glove compartment or under the spare tire. Then connect the GSM and GPS antenna and a SIM card, all of this powered with a battery and you are ready! If you want to locate your car open the lsquoSPYderrsquo App and request location, longitude and latitude at the moment. The lsquoSPYderrsquo app used this data to track the location on Google Maps. This system is programmed to recognize your number and only if it is correct it will send you this data. Thanks to this system you can track your car in real time

    Identifying Gene-Gene Interactions that are Highly Associated with Body Mass Index Using Quantitative Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (QMDR)

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    Despite heritability estimates of 40–70% for obesity, less than 2% of its variation is explained by Body Mass Index (BMI) associated loci that have been identified so far. Epistasis, or gene-gene interactions are a plausible source to explain portions of the missing heritability of BMI. Using genotypic data from 18,686 individuals across five study cohorts – ARIC, CARDIA, FHS, CHS, MESA – we filtered SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) using two parallel approaches. SNPs were filtered either on the strength of their main effects of association with BMI, or on the number of knowledge sources supporting a specific SNP-SNP interaction in the context of BMI. Filtered SNPs were specifically analyzed for interactions that are highly associated with BMI using QMDR (Quantitative Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction). QMDR is a nonparametric, genetic model-free method that detects non-linear interactions associated with a quantitative trait

    Evaluation of one touch horizon - a highly affordable glucose monitor

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    Background and Objective: Despite the growing evidence on the benefits of self-monitoring in diabetes, the use of these meters has been low in developing countries, particularly India. Cost seems to be the major constraint. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the accuracy of One Touch HORIZON an affordable glucose meter with laboratory assessment of blood glucose. Methods: 100 subjects with diabetes over the age of 18 years were recruited from the MV Diabetes Specialities Centre, Chennai. All the study subjects had their fasting blood tested for glucose in One Touch HORIZON by finger prick. Fasting blood glucose was also assessed in YSI 2300 STATPLUS (Yellow Springs Instruments, Ohio, USA) glucose analyzer. The Parke's Error Grid model was used to assess the accuracy of the meter against YSI plasma glucose values. Results: Of the total 100 study subjects, 97 were Type 2 diabetic subjects and three were Type 1 diabetic subjects. 62% of the study subjects were males. 89% did not perform SMBG and only 2% of the diabetic subjects performed SMBG daily. The Parke's Error Grid analysis revealed 97% of results to be in Zone A when patient performed the test, 99 - 100% in Zone A when clinical staff performed the test indicating excellent accuracy and precision. Conclusion: One Touch HORIZON meter is an affordable meter with good accuracy and precision, specifically designed to cater to the needs of diabetic patients in developing countries

    Sex Differences in Depression and Sleep Disturbance as Inter-Related Risk Factors of Diabetes

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    ObjectivesPrevious studies identified depression and sleep disturbance as risk factors for diabetes. Sleep disturbance and depression are known to be inter-related. Further, women relative to men are more prone to depression. Here, we investigated how depression and sleep disturbance may jointly influence the risk of diabetes and the effects of sex on these influences.MethodsUsing the data of 21,229 participants from the 2018 National Health Interview Survey, we performed multivariate logistic regression with diabetes diagnosis as the dependent variable, sex, self-reported frequency of weekly depression and nightly sleep duration, and their interactions with sex as independent variables, and age, race, income, body mass index and physical activity as covariates. We employed Bayesian and Akaike Information criteria to identify the best model, evaluated the accuracy of the model in predicting diabetes using receiver operating characteristic analysis, and computed the odds ratios of these risk factors.ResultsIn the two best models, depression frequency and sleep hours interact with sex in determining the diagnosis of diabetes, with higher depression frequency and nightly duration of sleep longer or shorter than 7 to 8 hours associated with higher likelihood of diabetes. The two models both predicted diabetes at an accuracy (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve) of 0.86. Further, these effects were stronger in men than in women at each depression and sleep level.ConclusionsDepression and sleep inter-relatedly rather than independently contributes to diabetes. Depression and sleep hours associate with diabetes more significantly in men than in women. The current findings indicate a sex-dependent relationship between depression, sleep disturbance and diabetes risk and add to a growing body of evidence linking mental and physical health

    Self-sorting of nonmuscle myosins IIA and IIB polarizes the cytoskeleton and modulates cell motility

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    Nonmuscle myosin II (NMII) is uniquely responsible for cell contractility and thus defines multiple aspects of cell behavior. To generate contraction, NMII molecules polymerize into bipolar minifilaments. Different NMII paralogs are often coexpressed in cells and can copolymerize, suggesting that they may cooperate to facilitate cell motility. However, whether such cooperation exists and how it may work remain unknown. We show that copolymerization of NMIIA and NMIIB followed by their differential turnover leads to self-sorting of NMIIA and NMIIB along the front–rear axis, thus producing a polarized actin–NMII cytoskeleton. Stress fibers newly formed near the leading edge are enriched in NMIIA, but over time, they become progressively enriched with NMIIB because of faster NMIIA turnover. In combination with retrograde flow, this process results in posterior accumulation of more stable NMIIB-rich stress fibers, thus strengthening cell polarity. By copolymerizing with NMIIB, NMIIA accelerates the intrinsically slow NMIIB dynamics, thus increasing cell motility and traction and enabling chemotaxis

    Deaths, late deaths, and role of infecting dose in Ebola virus disease in Sierra Leone: retrospective cohort study.

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    OBJECTIVES:  To assess the frequency of fatal recrudescence from Ebola virus disease after discharge from treatment centres, and explore the influence of infecting dose on case fatality rates. DESIGN:  Retrospective cohort study. SETTING:  Western Area, Sierra Leone. PARTICIPANTS:  151 survivors treated for Ebola virus disease at the Kerry Town treatment centre and discharged. Survivors were followed up for a vital status check at four to nine months after discharge, and again at six to 13 months after discharge. Verbal autopsies were conducted for four survivors who had died since discharge (that is, late deaths). Survivors still living in Western Area were interviewed together with their household members. Exposure level to Ebola virus disease was ascertained as a proxy of infecting dose, including for those who died. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:  Risks and causes of late death; case fatality rates; odds ratios of death from Ebola virus disease by age, sex, exposure level, date, occupation, and household risk factors. RESULTS:  Follow-up information was obtained on all 151 survivors of Ebola virus disease, a mean of 10 months after discharge. Four deaths occurred after discharge, all within six weeks: two probably due to late complications, one to prior tuberculosis, and only one after apparent full recovery, giving a maximum estimate of recrudescence leading to death of 0.7%. In these households, 395 people were reported to have had Ebola virus disease, of whom 227 died. A further 53 people fulfilled the case definition for probable disease, of whom 11 died. Therefore, the case fatality rate was 57.5% (227/395) for reported Ebola virus disease, or 53.1% (238/448) including probable disease. Case fatality rates were higher in children aged under 2 years and adults older than 30 years, in larger households, and in infections occurring earlier in the epidemic in Sierra Leone. There was no consistent trend of case fatality rate with exposure level, although increasing exposure increased the risk of Ebola virus disease. CONCLUSIONS:  In this study of survivors in Western Area, Sierra Leone, late recrudescence of severe Ebola virus disease appears to be rare. There was no evidence for an effect of infecting dose (as measured by exposure level) on the severity of disease

    Polymerization-based signal amplification for paper-based immunoassays

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    Diagnostic tests in resource-limited settings require technologies that are affordable and easy to use with minimal infrastructure. Colorimetric detection methods that produce results that are readable by eye, without reliance on specialized and expensive equipment, have great utility in these settings. We report a colorimetric method that integrates a paper-based immunoassay with a rapid, visible-light-induced polymerization to provide high visual contrast between a positive and a negative result. Using Plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich protein 2 as an example, we demonstrate that this method allows visual detection of proteins in complex matrices such as human serum and provides quantitative information regarding analyte levels when combined with cellphone-based imaging. It also allows the user to decouple the capture of analyte from signal amplification and visualization steps.Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Award 51308)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (HR0011-12-2-0010)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research FellowshipBurroughs Wellcome Fund (Career Award at the Scientific Interface

    Development and Deployment of the OpenMRS-Ebola Electronic Health Record System for an Ebola Treatment Center in Sierra Leone.

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    BACKGROUND: Stringent infection control requirements at Ebola treatment centers (ETCs), which are specialized facilities for isolating and treating Ebola patients, create substantial challenges for recording and reviewing patient information. During the 2014-2016 West African Ebola epidemic, paper-based data collection systems at ETCs compromised the quality, quantity, and confidentiality of patient data. Electronic health record (EHR) systems have the potential to address such problems, with benefits for patient care, surveillance, and research. However, no suitable software was available for deployment when large-scale ETCs opened as the epidemic escalated in 2014. OBJECTIVE: We present our work on rapidly developing and deploying OpenMRS-Ebola, an EHR system for the Kerry Town ETC in Sierra Leone. We describe our experience, lessons learned, and recommendations for future health emergencies. METHODS: We used the OpenMRS platform and Agile software development approaches to build OpenMRS-Ebola. Key features of our work included daily communications between the development team and ground-based operations team, iterative processes, and phased development and implementation. We made design decisions based on the restrictions of the ETC environment and regular user feedback. To evaluate the system, we conducted predeployment user questionnaires and compared the EHR records with duplicate paper records. RESULTS: We successfully built OpenMRS-Ebola, a modular stand-alone EHR system with a tablet-based application for infectious patient wards and a desktop-based application for noninfectious areas. OpenMRS-Ebola supports patient tracking (registration, bed allocation, and discharge); recording of vital signs and symptoms; medication and intravenous fluid ordering and monitoring; laboratory results; clinician notes; and data export. It displays relevant patient information to clinicians in infectious and noninfectious zones. We implemented phase 1 (patient tracking; drug ordering and monitoring) after 2.5 months of full-time development. OpenMRS-Ebola was used for 112 patient registrations, 569 prescription orders, and 971 medication administration recordings. We were unable to fully implement phases 2 and 3 as the ETC closed because of a decrease in new Ebola cases. The phase 1 evaluation suggested that OpenMRS-Ebola worked well in the context of the rollout, and the user feedback was positive. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, OpenMRS-Ebola is the most comprehensive adaptable clinical EHR built for a low-resource setting health emergency. It is designed to address the main challenges of data collection in highly infectious environments that require robust infection prevention and control measures and it is interoperable with other electronic health systems. Although we built and deployed OpenMRS-Ebola more rapidly than typical software, our work highlights the challenges of having to develop an appropriate system during an emergency rather than being able to rapidly adapt an existing one. Lessons learned from this and previous emergencies should be used to ensure that a set of well-designed, easy-to-use, pretested health software is ready for quick deployment in future
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