16 research outputs found

    François Provenzano, Vies et mort de la francophonie. Une politique française de la langue et de la littérature

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    Prolongement d’une thèse de doctorat, l’ouvrage émane d’un jeune chercheur à l’Université de Liège, ancien étudiant de Jean-Marie Klinkenberg aujourd’hui spécialisé dans le domaine de la rhétorique des discours théoriques, de la sémiologie et de l’histoire sociale des discours. Divisé en six chapitres, ce volume s’ouvre sur un avant-propos susceptible d’ébranler d’emblée certaines convictions ancrées chez le lecteur, qui se voit affirmer que «la francophonie n’a pas d’histoire». En effet, l’h..

    Enseigner le genre Ă  des apprenants allophones

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    Cette contribution vise à offrir des stratégies pédagogiques et didactiques pour rendre l’enseignement de la langue française non discriminatoire envers les femmes, y compris à travers quelques réflexions sur l’écriture inclusive. En partant d’exemples concrets faciles à mettre en place, l’article tente de démontrer qu’il est aisé de proposer une autre approche théorique (enseigner « le genre » et non plus « le féminin ») ainsi que certaines activités ayant pour objectif de décloisonner la dichotomie féminin vs masculin, l’idée étant que si l’on continue à enseigner une langue qui laisse les femmes de côté en les condamnant à l’invisibilité, on contribue à perpétrer une représentation traditionnelle et sexiste de celles-ci.Questo nostro contributo intende proporre strategie pedagogiche e didattiche al fine di ascrivere l’insegnamento della lingua francese nelle riflessioni sociolinguistiche secondo le quali l’uso della lingua (e le scelte in quanto a forme) rappresenta uno strumento per evacuare le discriminazioni anche nella realtà. Partendo da esempi concreti, semplici da attuare, l’articolo tenta di dimostrare quanto semplice sia proporre un altro approccio teorico, teso a un maggiore equilibrio (insegnare « il genere » e non più « il femminile ») così come alcune attività il cui scopo è quello di scardinare la dicotomia femminile vs maschile. Con la convinzione che se si continua a insegnare la lingua occultando la posizione delle donne, negando loro una visibilità, si tramanda una rappresentazione tradizionalista e sessista delle stesse

    Simenon and Italy

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    Numéro de revue consacré aux différents liens entre Simenon et l'Italie, tant en ce qui concerne la place des Italiens dans ses romans et ses mémoires que sa réception dans la péninsule


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    Introduction au numéro de "Francofonia" sur Simenon et l'Ital

    L’Europe romane : identités, droits linguistiques et littérature

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    Studiosi di tutta Europa, confluiti al convegno di Ferrara, fanno il punto sulla situazione delle lingue minoritarie d'area romanza (galego, catalano, occitano d'Italia, friulano). Oltre alla sociolinguistica osservata nei rispettivi paesi e le politiche generali europee vs l'espansione dell'inglese, giocano il loro ruolo la letteratura e la didattica. Un plesso di ottiche differenti per definire lo stato di salute di quella "diversitĂ " che dovrebbe essere gestita come una risorsa, a riparo del motto dell' Unione Europea: In varietate concordia

    ., « La place des langues minoritaires et régionales en classe d’intercompréhension entre langues romanes »,

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    Notre article se positionne en faveur d’une insertion des langues dites « minoritaires et régionales » dans la didactique de l’intercompréhension (entre langues romanes). Si cette approche innovante, qui bouleverse l’enseignement des langues, est en train de prendre pied aux quatre coins de la planète, la prise en compte des langues régionales au sein de celle-ci demeure encore très marginale. Nous aimerions montrer, d’une part, combien il serait souhaitable de valoriser les dialectes des apprenant.e.s dans le cadre d’un cours d’intercompréhension en tant que ressources utiles à des fins d’apprentissage et, d’autre part, combien l’intercompréhension a un rôle à jouer dans la valorisation d’idiomes ayant une reconnaissance limitée. Le lien qui unit les langues régionales et l’enseignement de l’intercompréhension est encore à développer, néanmoins il irait dans le sens d’une plus grande ouverture à la diversité et à la prise en compte du répertoire linguistique des apprenant.e.s., ce qui ne peut que servir de rempart contre la glottophobie

    Robust path opening versus path opening for the detection of hedgerows in rural landscapes

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    International audienceThe automatic detection of hedgerows in very high resolution remote sensing images is addressed in this paper. In particular, the use of advanced morphological filters, such as path operators, is proposed. Conventional path openings have been already proposed in the literature to discriminate between forest objects and hedge objects in very high resolution optical images. They have shown greater flexibility with respect to geodesic openings. However, path operators are sensitive to noise and in practical situations they are likely to produce missed detections. In particular, path operators are unable to extract long hedgerows as a single object. In order to tackle this limitation, robust path openings are investigated in this work. In the experimental results, robust path opening shows superior performances for the detection of hedgerows

    Robust path opening versus path opening for the detection of hedgerows in rural landscapes

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    International audienceThe automatic detection of hedgerows in very high resolution remote sensing images is addressed in this paper. In particular, the use of advanced morphological filters, such as path operators, is proposed. Conventional path openings have been already proposed in the literature to discriminate between forest objects and hedge objects in very high resolution optical images. They have shown greater flexibility with respect to geodesic openings. However, path operators are sensitive to noise and in practical situations they are likely to produce missed detections. In particular, path operators are unable to extract long hedgerows as a single object. In order to tackle this limitation, robust path openings are investigated in this work. In the experimental results, robust path opening shows superior performances for the detection of hedgerows

    Robust path opening versus path opening for the detection of hedgerows in rural landscapes

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    International audienceThe automatic detection of hedgerows in very high resolution remote sensing images is addressed in this paper. In particular, the use of advanced morphological filters, such as path operators, is proposed. Conventional path openings have been already proposed in the literature to discriminate between forest objects and hedge objects in very high resolution optical images. They have shown greater flexibility with respect to geodesic openings. However, path operators are sensitive to noise and in practical situations they are likely to produce missed detections. In particular, path operators are unable to extract long hedgerows as a single object. In order to tackle this limitation, robust path openings are investigated in this work. In the experimental results, robust path opening shows superior performances for the detection of hedgerows

    Robust path opening versus path opening for the detection of hedgerows in rural landscapes

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    International audienceThe automatic detection of hedgerows in very high resolution remote sensing images is addressed in this paper. In particular, the use of advanced morphological filters, such as path operators, is proposed. Conventional path openings have been already proposed in the literature to discriminate between forest objects and hedge objects in very high resolution optical images. They have shown greater flexibility with respect to geodesic openings. However, path operators are sensitive to noise and in practical situations they are likely to produce missed detections. In particular, path operators are unable to extract long hedgerows as a single object. In order to tackle this limitation, robust path openings are investigated in this work. In the experimental results, robust path opening shows superior performances for the detection of hedgerows