396 research outputs found

    Global Adoption of Convenience Foods

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    Trends in the types of foods Americans purchase are evident just by looking around the grocery store. Foods stuffs requiring extensive preparation are being replaced by convenience products that require little time, energy, or preparation. Food companies constantly invest in research and development of new convenience foods to make daily life easier for consumers. The objective of this study is to determine whether the demand for convenience foods is growing around the globe, and if so, to identify the various drivers responsible for the increase in demand. Secondary data were collected for 67 different countries on the quantity and value for four different food types of convenience food: frozen processed foods, chilled processed foods, meal replacement products, and sweet and savory snacks. Data were also found on potential drivers of convenience such as age, income, food budget, etc. All data had 10 years of information (1998 to 2007) and were collected through databases from Euromonitor or the World Bank and analyzed using regression analysis. The three biggest drivers of convenience foods were found to be possession of a color TV, possession of a microwave, and median age of the population.Agribusiness, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    State supervision, punishment and poverty: the case of drug bans on welfare receipt

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    This article explores the relationship between supervisory approaches to governance, punishment, and poverty among people with drug convictions. Tying government assistance to supervision could improve employment and economic outcomes. However, if experienced as punishment, recipients may forgo financial assistance and be more likely to experience poverty. Using information on policies that restrict access to welfare for people with drug felony convictions in the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and the Supplementary Nutrition Assistance Programs (SNAP), this paper makes two contributions. First, it documents state variation in the balance between supervision and punishment in these bans. Second, using data from NLSY97, it estimates how individuals’ likelihood of being in poverty is related to state SNAP drug ban policies. States have shifted away from overtly punitive policies denying access to welfare toward policies that increase supervisory requirements, especially for SNAP. This shows that punitiveness extends beyond work activation programs like TANF. Additionally, poverty among people with drug convictions is almost half in no ban states compared to those in full ban states. While poverty is lower in states that include supervisory requirements than in those for which a drug conviction fully blocks access to welfare, this difference was not statistically significant

    Ambiguity in the Law: The Habilitative Services Regulation Under the Affordable Care Act

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    The influence of environment on growth and development in the forage legume sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science in Botany at Massey University

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    The effect of environment on growth and development in the forage legume sainfoin is examined. A comparative study has been made between five sainfoin cultivars (Melrose, Giant, Italian, Krasnodar, Common) and also between genotypes within each cultivar. The effect of plant age on growth and development of cv. Melrose is examined. Results show that this cultivar had a juvenile phase of approximately 60 days when plants were grown in long days (LD) in a warm glasshouse (GH). When Melrose sainfoin was grown in small pots reproductive development was inhibited. After data on root-and shoot growth and development had been obtained various hypotheses are presented that might explain this result. The effect of gibberellic acid (GA3 ) on growth and development of Melrose in a warm GH is examined. Low concentrations of GA3 , caused plants with a prostrate leaf and rosette habit to change to a erect leaf and rosette habit in short days (SD). Application of higher concentrations of GA3 to plants in SD made plants elongate stems, although, inflorescence initiation did not occur. GA3 , when applied to warm LD grown plants, decreased the juvenile period, lowered the critical photoperiod for inflorescence initiation and possibly helped to overcome this observed root growth/small pot size inhibition on reproductive development, however, GA3 did not cause an increase in the percentage of plants with macroscopically visible inflorescences (mvi) with only 30-50% having mvi. Results on the effects of low temperature on growth and development are presented for all cultivars. Those plants that did not flower in long days when held in the warm glasshouse did so after low temperature treatment. Plants held in natural cool short days initiated inflorescences, although, these inflorescences did not develop to anthesis while held under these environmental conditions. Result? on the effect of critical day length on continued inflorescence development after SD low temperature treatment show that a daylength of approximately 14 hours was necessary for inflorescences to reach anthesis. Data Is also presented on inflorescence initiation and development for Melrose plants grown in the natural cool environment with various extended photoperiods. The relative importance of these environmental and hormonal factors, and the Interactions between them, in controlling growth and development is discussed

    Kinematics and timing of normal faulting in a metamorphic core complex: Grouse Creek Mountains, Utah

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    The Middle Mountain shear zone (MMSZ) and the brittle Upper detachment, two west-dipping normal fault systems, and the 25.3 Ma Red Butte stocks are exposed in a metamorphic core complex in northwest Utah, in the central Grouse Creek Mountains. 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology and kinematic studies indicate two periods of motion along the MMSZ in Eocene and Late Oligocene to Early Miocene time and motion along the sub-parallel Upper detachment in Middle Miocene time. Eocene fabrics record top-to-the-305 noncoaxial shear and are cut by the Red Butte stock and associated leucocratic dikes and sills. The Oligo-Miocene fabric exhibits a foliation parallel to the first, records top-to-the-275 noncoaxial shear, deforms the Red Butte stocks and overprints the Eocene fabric within 50 meters beneath the Middle detachment fault. Improvements are proposed to an existing model depicting roughly simultaneous bivergent exhumation and support is given to \u27thermally triggered\u27 models of extension for metamorphic core complexes

    Theoretical Study of the Effects of Di-Muonic Molecules on Muon-Catalyzed Fusion

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    This document presents a theoretical study di-muonic hydrogen and helium molecules that have the potential of enhancing the muon-catalyzed fusion reaction rate. In order to study these di-muonic molecules a method of non-adiabatic quantum mechanics referred to as a General Particle Orbital (GPO) method was developed. Three mechanisms that have the possibility of enhancing the muon-catalyzed fusion rate were discovered. Two involve the formation of di-muonic hydrogen molecules, and the other uses di-muonic molecules to liberate muons stuck to 3He nuclei. The effects of muon spin on dimuonic hydrogen molecules was studied. The nuclear separation in di-muonic hydrogen molecules with parallel muon spin is too great for the molecules to have a fusion rate which can enhance the fusion yield. The possibility of these molecules transitioning to single muon molecules or triatomic oblate symmetric top molecules which may fuse faster is examined. Using two muons to catalyze 3He-3He fusion is shown to be impractical; however, using two muons to catalyze 3He-d fusion is possible. While studying the physical properties of di-muonic hydrogen and helium molecules some unique properties were discovered. Correlation interactions in these molecules result in an increase in the calculated nuclear bond length
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