903 research outputs found

    Linkages between fishermen and researchers in marine fisheries-an analysis

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    Fisheries play an important role in our country's economic development. In India one million active fishermen are engaged in marine fishing, with about 0.2 million in mechanized sector, 0.17 million in motorized sector and the rest in the artisanal sector. Among the fisher folk engaged in marine fisheries, about 0.7 million work as labourers of whom 65.00 per cent are engaged in artisanal fishin

    Financial Performance of Pharmaceutical Industry in India using DuPont Analysis

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    This study attempts basically to measure the financial performance of the Pharmaceutical Industry taking top three companies like Cipla, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, Ranbaxy for the period 2003-2012. In order to achieve our goals in this paper we have  measured  the  ratios  of  ROE,  ROA  applying  the  DuPont  analyses, which have been demonstrated with the aim of tables to show the change periodically. DuPont analysis (ROI and ROE)) is an important tool for judging the operating financial performance. It is an indication of the earning power of the firm. DuPont Model which is based on analysis of Return on Equity (ROE) & Return on Investment (ROI). The return on equity disaggregates performance into three components: Net Profit Margin, Total Asset Turnover, and the Equity Multiplier. Return on Investment consists of Assets Turnover and Profit Margin. The return on investment consists of Assets Turnover (Operating Income X Total Assets) and Profit Margin (EBIT X Operating Income). From the study it if found that Cipla pharmaceutical Financial performance is high followed by Dr.Reddy’s Laboratories and then Ranbaxy Pharmaceutical. The three companies are significant at their level. In conclusion, ROE & ROI is the most comprehensive measure of profitability of a firm. It considers the operating and investing decisions made as well as the financing and tax-related decisions Keywords: DuPont Analysis, Return on equity, Return on Investment, Financial Performance, Pharmaceutical Industry

    Analysis of the linkages between fishermen and extension personnel in marine fisheries in Kerala

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    In marine fisheries the linkages between the fishermen and the extension system play an important role in technology transfer and its adoption. Research studies on linkages in marine fisheries are very limited. So thls study was taken up to find out the linkage activities through which both the systems are contacting each other. It was found that 60 % of the fishermen had medium level of linkage of with the extension personnel followed by low (21.33%) and high (19.34%) linkage level. The paper also highlights the frequency of linkage and the level of perception about linkages between the two systems. The paper implies that the linkage activities need to be enhanced so as to derive an overall development in the fisheries sector

    Biometric Authentication using Nonparametric Methods

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    The physiological and behavioral trait is employed to develop biometric authentication systems. The proposed work deals with the authentication of iris and signature based on minimum variance criteria. The iris patterns are preprocessed based on area of the connected components. The segmented image used for authentication consists of the region with large variations in the gray level values. The image region is split into quadtree components. The components with minimum variance are determined from the training samples. Hu moments are applied on the components. The summation of moment values corresponding to minimum variance components are provided as input vector to k-means and fuzzy kmeans classifiers. The best performance was obtained for MMU database consisting of 45 subjects. The number of subjects with zero False Rejection Rate [FRR] was 44 and number of subjects with zero False Acceptance Rate [FAR] was 45. This paper addresses the computational load reduction in off-line signature verification based on minimal features using k-means, fuzzy k-means, k-nn, fuzzy k-nn and novel average-max approaches. FRR of 8.13% and FAR of 10% was achieved using k-nn classifier. The signature is a biometric, where variations in a genuine case, is a natural expectation. In the genuine signature, certain parts of signature vary from one instance to another. The system aims to provide simple, fast and robust system using less number of features when compared to state of art works.Comment: 20 page

    Evaluation of outcome of mode of delivery in severe preeclampsia

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    Background: Preeclampsia is new onset hypertension of more than 140/90 mmHg on 2 occasions, 4 hours apart in pregnancy, which occurs after 20 weeks of gestation and frequently near term. If there are other symptoms like as headache, blurred vision from end organ damage, and thrombocytopenia, it is characterized as severe preeclampsia. Regardless of the foetal outcome, treatment for severe preeclampsia is immediate delivery. The goal of the current study is to assess how different delivery methods affect individuals with severe preeclampsia.Methods: It is a retrospective study conducted in RL Jalappa hospital, Kolar from January 2021 to February 2022. Out of 2568 deliveries at our facility throughout the study period, 150 singleton pregnancies complicated by severe preeclampsia delivered at 24-34 weeks of gestation were chosen for the study. Women who had additional obstetric, foetal, or medical difficulties were not included in the study.Results: 110 study participants had an LSCS form of delivery out of the total. Among them, non-reassuring fetal heart rate, obstructed labor, and malpresentation were the most typical indicators for LSCS. The difference between Bishop's score and the mode of delivery was statistically significant. There was no discernible difference between the newborn's APGAR score immediately following delivery and the method of delivery.Conclusions: There are strong chances of a normal vaginal birth if the Bishop score at the time of admission and induction is more than 4

    Effectiveness of Nursing Care on Patients with Mania

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    The present study was conducted to elicit the effectiveness of Nursing care of patients with Mania. A total number of 30 patients with Mania selected who met the inclusion criteria in Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research. The investigator first introduced herself to the patients and established good rapport with them. After selection of sample, assessment process had been conducted by Young Mania Rating Scale, among 30 patients 10 were in severe mental health deterioration and 20 were in moderate mental health deterioration. Based on the assessment a comprehensive nursing care was provided for the 30 patients. After a Nursing care 9 were in mild mental health deterioration, 18 were in moderate mental health deterioration and 3 were in severe mental health deterioration. In evaluated the Nursing care to the patient had improved thought process, prevented injury to self and others, reduced environmental stimuli, improved the social interaction and communication skills, improved nutritional status and improved the individual and family coping through individual psychotherapy, group therapy, family therapy and cognitive therapy. There was statistically significant improvement in mental health status of the patients with Mania in relation to the effectiveness of Nursing care. FINDINGS OF THE STUDY: The study findings showed that the following result. 1. When compared “S” value with “K”, statistically was a significant improvement in Mental health status of the patients with Mania. 2. The effectiveness of nursing care for the patients with Mania was associated with demographic variables It showed that there was significant association between demographic variables and the nursing care of patients with Mania. Hence the effectiveness of Nursing care was dependent of demographic variables. NURSING IMPLICATION: . Nursing intervention for patients focus helping the individual, family and community to achieve the optimum level of health status. NURSING EDUCATION: 1. The holistic health care approach should be emphasized more during the training period of nursing students. 2. Conference, workshops, seminars can be given for nurses to impart education towards the assessment of Mania patients. 3. Journals should be made available in nursing colleges and schools related to mental health. Nursing students should be made aware of importance of educating the public about promotion of mental health and prevention of mental illness. 4. Special nursing training course should be conducted in community health to impart specific knowledge. NURSING SERVICE: 1. Special training courses can be conducted to the mental health workers to handle the patients with Mania. 2. Nurse who are working in psychiatric ward should have enough knowledge about disease and care of patients with Mania. 3. Community mental health nurse can organize Mental health awareness camp to promote Mental health. 4. Nurse, as a counsellor should provide counselling and guidance to the patients and family members of the patients with Mania. 5. Nurse working in community should participate in National Mental health programme. NURSING ADMINISTRATION: 1. Nurse administrator should come forward to conduct health camps. 2. Organizing in service education Programmes for training health professionals in care of patients with Mania. 3. Organization of Mental health awareness programme in community setup. 4. Nurse Administrators can make necessary policies to implement of the counseling services for the Mania patients. NURSING RESEARCH: 1. The findings of the study help the psychiatric nurses and students to develop the inquiry by providing baseline. The general aspect of the study result can be made by further replications of the study. 2. A nurse researcher can provide supportive care measures which may improve psychological well being for the Mania patients and their families. 3. The nursing discipline must follow the evidence based practice, this will provide quality of nursing care. RECOMMENDATIONS: Keeping in view the finding of this study the following recommendations are made; 1. The study can be done in large sample size. 2. A comparative study can be conducted in community setup. 3. A explorative study can be conducted to identify the predisposing factors for Mania. 4. A study can be conducted to assess knowledge and skills of nurses regarding care of patients with Mania

    Determinants and outcomes of caesarean delivery: elective versus emergency in a tertiary care teaching institute in Kerala, India

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    Background: Globally, the caesarean delivery rate is rising continuously, making caesarean one of the most common surgical procedures. The purpose was to analyse the determinants and maternofoetal outcomes in elective versus emergency caesarean sections in a tertiary care centre.Methods: All women, who gave birth by Caesarean deliveries done over a period of 1 year (January 2018-December 2018), were studied in Travancore Medical College in Kerala, India. Indications of caesarean, whether emergency or elective, medical morbidities, Gestational age at decision, birthweights and extended hospital stay and new-borns needed to resuscitate were looked into. The data was collected and analysed from the hospital registry.Results: Out of the 378 selected patients, 95 patients in group of elective and 283 emergency caesarean section were studied. The indications of emergency caesarean sections were failed induction, non-progression of labour, CPD, Previous caesarean in labour, foetal distress. The most frequent indicator for elective lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) was patient with previous LSCS not willing for vaginal birth, followed by breech presentation and high risk pregnancy ( BOH and ART). Younger mothers, gestational age remote from term, low-birth weight, and extended hospital stay were statistically significant in mothers undergoing emergency caesarean delivery. Fever, urinary tract infections, need for maternal and neonatal ventilation, blood transfusion, scar dehiscence were more common in the emergency caesarean group.Conclusions: The antenatal morbidity, low birth weights, decision taken preterm for salvaging the baby, postoperative complications and extended stay were more in the emergency caesarean when compared to elective caesarean

    Fabric Texture Analysis and Weave Pattern Recognition by Intelligent Processing

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    Coimbatore is a major city in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu located on the banks of the Noyyal River surrounded by the Western Ghats. It is one of the biggest centers of textile manufacturing in India. A fast-growing metropolitan area city, it is home to over 25,000 textile and manufacturing companies and has spawned many new centers of textiles around it. Textile fabric automation and manufacturing has been of great concern over the past decade. This is a remarkable task because of the accidental changes of fabric material properties. Due to the increasing demand of consumers for high-quality textile products, an automatic and objective evaluation of the fabric texture appearance is necessary with respect to geometric structure characteristics, surface, and mechanical properties. The precise measurement of the fabric texture parameters, such as weave structure and yarn counts find wide applications in the textile industry, virtual environments, e-commerce, and robotic telemanipulation. The weave pattern and the yarn count are analyzed and determined for computer simulated sample images and also for the scanned real fabric images. 2-D integral projections are used to identify the accurate structure of the woven fabric and to determine the yarn count. They are used for segmenting the crossed areas of yarns and also to detect the defects like crossed area due to the random distribution of yarns. Fuzzy C-Means Clustering (FCM) is applied to multiscale texture features based on the Grey Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) to classify the different crossed-area states. Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is used to improve the classifier performance