43 research outputs found

    Morphological and molecular identification of <i>Neomoliniella longicorpa</i> gen. et sp. nov. (Digenea: Echinostomatidae) from the Eurasian coot <i>Fulica atra</i> (Aves: Rallidae): a taxonomic evaluation

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    The purpose of the research is the morphological and molecular identification of trematodes found in the intestines of migratory waterfowl with subsequent taxonomic evaluation.Materials and methods. Mature specimens of trematodes were collected from the intestines of waterfowl (Fulica atra and Aythya ferina) shot during the ecological-faunistic monitoring in the southern part of the Primorsky krai. Preliminary morphological analyze revealed that trematodes belong to the Echinostomatidae family. The whole-mounts of worms from F. atra were prepared using standard methods with alum carmine. Divergent domains of 28S ribosomal RNA gene were sequenced and used to determine systematic position and relationships of discovered species of echinostome by reconstructing Bayesian and Maximum likelihood trees.Results and discussion. Trematodes found in the coots' intestine, should be described as Neomoliniella longicorpa in the new genus Neomoliniella gen. et sp. nov., which is reliably confirmed by morphological and genetics data. Another cryptic echinostomatid species sister to Neomoliniella gen. nov., and probably representing the separate unknown genus, was demonstrated only on the phylogenetic reconstructions and confirmed by large genetic distances. Currently, this taxon is indicated as Echinostomatidae gen. sp. and more evidence is needed for its validation. We also report about the first detection of Echinostoma paraulum from A. ferina in the south of the Russian Far East. The biology, morphology of each life cycle stage of newly described species of worms should be investigated to test not only their scientific but also medical significance. For the first time in the history of the group, dichotomous keys for eight families of the superfamilyEchinostomatoidea and, to date, the largest of all previously known for the family Echinostomatidae identification chart – dichotomous keys for the identification of 27 Palearctic genera were compiled

    Морфологическая и молекулярная идентификация Neomoliniella longicorpa gen. et sp. nov. (Digenea: Echinostomatidae) из обыкновенной лысухи Fulica atra (Aves: Rallidae): таксономическая оценка

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    The purpose of the research is the morphological and molecular identification of trematodes found in the intestines of migratory waterfowl with subsequent taxonomic evaluation.Materials and methods. Mature specimens of trematodes were collected from the intestines of waterfowl (Fulica atra and Aythya ferina) shot during the ecological-faunistic monitoring in the southern part of the Primorsky krai. Preliminary morphological analyze revealed that trematodes belong to the Echinostomatidae family. The whole-mounts of worms from F. atra were prepared using standard methods with alum carmine. Divergent domains of 28S ribosomal RNA gene were sequenced and used to determine systematic position and relationships of discovered species of echinostome by reconstructing Bayesian and Maximum likelihood trees.Results and discussion. Trematodes found in the coots' intestine, should be described as Neomoliniella longicorpa in the new genus Neomoliniella gen. et sp. nov., which is reliably confirmed by morphological and genetics data. Another cryptic echinostomatid species sister to Neomoliniella gen. nov., and probably representing the separate unknown genus, was demonstrated only on the phylogenetic reconstructions and confirmed by large genetic distances. Currently, this taxon is indicated as Echinostomatidae gen. sp. and more evidence is needed for its validation. We also report about the first detection of Echinostoma paraulum from A. ferina in the south of the Russian Far East. The biology, morphology of each life cycle stage of newly described species of worms should be investigated to test not only their scientific but also medical significance. For the first time in the history of the group, dichotomous keys for eight families of the superfamilyEchinostomatoidea and, to date, the largest of all previously known for the family Echinostomatidae identification chart – dichotomous keys for the identification of 27 Palearctic genera were compiled.Цель исследований – морфологическая и молекулярная идентификация трематод, обнаруженных в кишечнике мигрирующих водоплавающих птиц, с последующей таксономической оценкой.Материалы и методы. Материалом служили половозрелые трематоды, изъятые из кишечника отстрелянных в ходе эколого-фаунистического мониторинга на юге Приморья водоплавающих птиц (Fulica atra и Aythya ferina). Предварительный морфологический анализ показал принадлежность трематод к семейству Echinostomatidae. Препараты гельминтов из F. atra готовили c использованием стандартной методики окрашивания в квасцовом кармине. Нуклеотидные последовательности доменов гена 28S рибосомной РНК были расшифрованы и использованы для установления систематического положения и филогенетических отношений обнаруженных эхиностом путем реконструкции байесовского дерева и дерева максимального правдоподобия.Результаты и обсуждение. В кишечнике лысухи найдены трематоды, которых следует рассматривать в составе нового рода Neomoliniella как Neomoliniella longicorpa gen. et sp. nov., что подтверждается данными морфологии и генетики. Существование другого криптического вида эхиностоматид сестринского Neomoliniella gen. nov., и вероятно представляющего собой отдельный неизвестный род, продемонстрировано только на филогенетических реконструкциях и подтверждается значениями генетических дистанций. В настоящее время этот таксон обозначен как Echinostomatidae gen. sp. и для обоснования его валидности требуется больше доказательств. Нами впервые обнаружена Echinostoma paraulum в A. ferina на юге Дальнего Востока России. Особенности биологии и морфологии каждой стадии жизненного цикла описанных видов гельминтов должны быть исследованы для оценки не только их научной, но и медицинской значимости. Впервые в истории изучения группы были составлены: определительная таблица для восьми семейств надсемейства Echinostomatoidea и на сегодняшний день самая большая из всех ранее составленных для семейства Echinostomatidae таблица для определения 27 палеарктических родов

    Verification of a case of mixed infection with Lyme disease, tick-borne encephalitis and COVID-19

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    Background. The relationship between pathogens of new diseases and tick-borne infections is an underinvestigated direction in the problem of infectious diseases.The aim. To show the features of identifying the markers of Borrelia burgdorferi, tickborne encephalitis and SARS-CoV-2 pathogens on the example of a case of a triple mixed infection (Lyme disease, tick-borne encephalitis and COVID-19) and using comprehensive studies.Methods. In 2019–2021, a comprehensive study of 7 blood samples from a patient with mixed infection was carried out. We used real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) and determined antigen, IgM, IgG antibodies, and avidity index (AI) of IgG antibodies.Results. Ixodid tick-borne borreliosis was diagnosed in a patient 5 months after contagion. Only high-avid Lyme-IgG antibodies were detected. Low-avid Lyme- IgG antibodies appeared against the background of a reduced general condition. At the same time, high-avid IgG (cut-off index (COI) – 7.8) and IgM (COI = 1.2) antibodies to the TBE virus were detected. In July 2020, the patient was infected with SARSCoV-2. TBE virus which passed into the body simultaneously with Borrelia in the fall of 2019 was activated. Although the patient did not have specific symptoms of TBE, in subsequent blood samples (No. 4, 5, 6) we found TBEV antigen (optical density (OD) – 4.3; 1.9 and 2.0 respectively) and IgM (COI = 1.3; 0,9 and 0 respectively). These results were recognized as TBEV activation, which contributed to an increase in the avidity of IgG antibodies (AI = 65 %; 100 % and 63 % respectively). IgM antibodies to SARSCoV-2 virus were not detected, as opposed to the high levels of IgG (COI = 8.2; 8.1; 8.4 and 14.7 respectively).Conclusions. Therefore, using not only the common methods of diagnosing (PCR and ELISA), but also the determination of the antibody avidity degree, we have shown that when analyzing a case of a triple mixed infection, B. burgdorferi dominates in the human body and causes a long-term chronic course of the disease

    FeLV-induced feline leukemia as a natural model for leukemia pathophysiology study (review)

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    Leukemia is alarge group of diseases different in etiopathogenetic mechanisms and common in almost all mammalian species. There view focuses on feline leukemia, a common disease of domestic and wild felids (Carnivora, Felidae), being one of the main causes of their deaths. Feline leukemia pathogenesis and etiology are described; possible methods for the infection treatment and prevention, as well as possibility of using cats as a model for feline leukemia study areassessed. Feline leukemia etiological agent is a feline leukemia virus (FeLV), having single-stranded RNA genomesurrounded with icosahedral capsidformedbyp27 capsid protein monomers. Leukemia clinical man ifestations in felids depend on high virulence of the virus and the disease is characterized with pronounced clinical picture and multipleorgan dysfunction. Treatment of leukemia in cats is ineffective and is mainly aimedat maintaining the functions of the body organs and systems. Immunomodulators and chemotherapy are alsoused. Vaccination isusedas apreventive measure, but commercially available adjuvanted and non-adjuvanted vaccinesdo not confer effective protection from the infection. The leukemia virus is reportedin wildfelids includingrare and endangeredfeline species that is undoubtedly affects their population sizes. Despite veryfew data on leukemia, the reported cases show that leukemia in large cats is also severe and fatal. Feline leukemia, despite the accumulated of data, remainsan on going serious and unresolved problem not only for veterinarians, but also for ecologists, zoologists and virologists involvedin the research related to the feline family, study of retroviruses and biodiversity conservation on the planet. Furthe rapplied and fund a mental research and verification there of in the field of feline leukemia virus study, leukemia treatment and prevention are required

    COVID-19: etiology, clinical picture, treatment

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    Whereas the XX century marked the history of acute respiratory disease investigation as a period for generating in-depth system of combating influenza viruses (Articulavirales: Orthomyxoviridae, Alpha-/Betainfluenzavirus) (based on environmental and virological monitoring of influenza A virus in its natural reservoir — aquatic and semi-aquatic birds — to supervising epidemic influenza), a similar system is necessary to build up in the XXI century with regard to especially dangerous betacoronaviruses (Nidovirales: Coronaviridae, Betacoronavirus): Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (SARS-CoV) (subgenus Sarbecovirus), Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2) (Sarbecovirus), Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (MERS-CoV) (Merbecovirus). This became particularly evident after pandemic potential has been revealed in 2020 by the SARS-CoV-2. This review provides an insight into the historic timeline of discovering this virus, its current taxonomy, ecology, virion morphology, life cycle, molecular biology, pathogenesis and clinical picture of the etiologically related COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019) as well as data available in the scientific literature on the anti-SARS-CoV-2-effectiveness of passive immunotherapy and most debated drugs used to treat COVID-19: Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine, Nitazoxanide, Ivermectin, Lopinavir and Ritonavir, Camostat mesilate, Remdesivir, Ribavirin, Tocilizumab, Anakinra, corticosteroids, and type I interferons. The pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 infection implicates decreased efficacy of artificial respiration, which, in this case might be replaced by more efficient extracorporeal membrane blood oxygenation supplemented with nitrogen oxide and/or Heliox inhalations

    Эхолокация рукокрылых (Chiroptera Blumenbach, 1779) как элемент их экологической пластичности

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    Aim. The aim of this work was to briefly summarize the current understanding of the phenomenon of echolocation in the order of bats (Chiroptera Blumenbach, 1779). Discussion. The paper discusses: The place of bats among other taxonomic groups of animals that have the ability of echolocation; the history of the discovery of "ear vision" in bats by L. Spallanzani in the 18th century; the first scientifically based assumptions regarding the use of ultrasound by bats and the discovery of this phenomenon in the middle of the last century; methods for emitting and receiving ultrasound by various taxonomic groups of bats; physical patterns underlying the propagation of ultrasonic waves; characteristics of the returned echo and algorithms for echolocation in bats; echolocation interactions between insectivorous bats and nocturnal moths and possibilities for ultrasonic monitoring of bat populations. Conclusion. The inclusion of ultrasound monitoring of bat populations in integrated ecological and virological studies could form a new point of growth in systems to ensure biological security at both national and global levels. © 2020 Kamerton. All rights reserved

    Antimicrobial peptides as promising drugs for treatment of primary viral pneumonia

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    The COVID-19 pandemic which began in March 2020 has again drawn attention to the problem of treating primary viral pneumonia (PVP), wherein damage to the tissues of the lower respiratory tract including functionally important alveolocytes occurs as a result of cell infection by pathogens of the Virae Kingdom. Whereas treatment of bacterial pneumonia is based on the basic approach related to the use of antibiotics (which effectiveness needs to be verified more often than ever due to the “curse of the resistance effect” — that, however, does not cancel the essence of the basic approach), efficient PVP treatment is feasible only in case of available etiotropic, but catastrophically few, drugs. Such drugs in case of the influenza A virus (Articulavirales: Orthomyxoviridae, Alphainfluenzavirus) have been known since the second part of the XXth century. However, no consensus was achieved among clinicians regarding particularly dangerous human coronaviruses (Nidovirales: Coronaviridae, Betacoronavirus) which threat has driven the world epidemiology in the XXIst century: SARS-CoV (subgenus Sarbecovirus), MERS-CoV (Merbecovirus), SARS-CoV-2 (Sarbecovirus). And we should be prepared to the fact that increase in population density and scaling up of anthropogenic impact on ecosystems elevates a probability of overcoming interspecies barriers by natural focal viruses and their penetration into the human population with adverse epidemic consequences. Therefore, PVP therapy should be developed systematically in the nearest future. Antimicrobial peptides (AMP) as the components of non-specific innate immunity against a wide range of infectious pathogens: bacteria (Bacteria), microscopic fungi (Fungi) and viruses (Virae) may serve as a platform for developing such system. Our review justifies a way to select such platform and provides well-known examples of successfully used AMP in treatment of PVP and related pathological conditions


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    The aim is to evaluate ecological diversity of wild birds in Siberia and the Russian Far East, which are carriers of Newcastle disease virus that belongs to potentially dangerous pathogen for poultry.Methods. Biological materials (cloacal swabs and intestinal fragments) of wild migratory birds were collected in 2008-2014. The viral isolates were propagated in the allantoic cavity of developing chicken embryos. The presence of virus was determined in hemagglutination tests and primary identification of Newcastle disease virus was confirmed by RT-PCR. Pathogenicity of the obtained isolates was determined in tests ICPI and MDT.Results. 4443 samples were obtained from wild migratory birds of 11 avian orders and were investigated. Newcastle disease virus was detected in 40 birds from 4 orders. The Duck family (Anatidae) of the Waterfowl order (Anseriformes) plays the leading role in the circulation of Newcastle disease virus in Siberia and the Far East.The main species among them - a teal (Anas crecca), a garganey (Anas querquedula), a mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and a shoveler (Anas clypeata). All studied isolatesof Newcastle disease virus are apatogenic except for two deponated strains.Main conclusions. Wild migratory birds from orders Anseriformes and Charadriiformes are capable of carrying Newcastle diseasevirus and could transfer pathogenic variants of this virus to the Russian territory

    Reconstruction of epizootic outbreak provoked the largescale death of Rhinoceros auklet on the coast of the Japan Sea in the Southern part of Primorsky Krai (July, 2021)

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    Introduction. In July 2021, a mass mortality of seabirds of unclear etiology occurred on the coast of the Sea of Japan in the Khasansky district of Primorsky Krai. According to the Department for Protection of Wildlife and Specially Protected Natural Territories of Primorsky Krai, over a thousand dead birds were found on the coast. The main case occurred in the population of birds Rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata, Alcidae), also among the dead birds were found several dozens of gulls (Larus spp.) and terns (Sterna spp.), single individuals of other species. The peak of mortality in bird populations occurred on July 13–17, 2021. This territory is a recreational area, in the summer months a large number of people rest there. The current situation has caused increased attention of the entire scientific community, as well as organizations that protect the citizens health and the environment. The aim. To establish possible etiology of the epizootic outbreak and describe the cause of birds’ death.Materials and methods. Comprehensive examination using classical methods of virology, microbiology and toxicology, as well as the most modern research methods such as MALDI TOF-mass spectrometry and NGS.Conclusion. As a result of the studies, it was determined that the cause of birds’ death was infectious peritonitis with endogenous intoxication syndrome induced by a complex of pathogenic microorganisms, such as enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Proteus mirabilis, Proteus pennery, Enterococcus faecalis and Wickerhamomyces anomalus, related to Candida pelliculosa

    Development and Testing of the Method for the Detection of Lassa virus RNA, Based on real-Time Polymerase Chain reaction with reverse Transcription

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    Abstract. Objective of the study was the development of a method for the detection and quantitative analysis (realtime RT-PCR) to identify genetic markers of Lassa virus - LASV-Fl. Materials and methods. We utilized all the available in the GenBank database (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/) Lassa virus sequences that have been aligned to identify conservative sites applying the BioEdit 7.2.5 software package (IbisBiosciences, USA). To test the developed PCR kit, the control panel of Lassa virus RNA and pseudo-viral particles, 27 viral strains belonging to different fami­lies, as well as 37 serum samples from patients with feverish diseases selected in medical institutions of the Republic of Guinea in 2016-2018 and 55 samples of organ suspensions from multi-spiked mice were used. Results and discussion. The analytical sensitivity of the method varied from 103 copies/ml to 105 copies/ml and had 96.4 % diagnostic sensitivity, while the analytical and diagnostic specificity was 100 %. It is shown that the developed technique can be successfully introduced into practice for the detection of Lassa virus in the Republic of Guinea, using various types of material from small mammals, including whole blood and organ suspensions of M. natalensis, as well as samples of human blood sera collected 3-7 days after the onset of the disease. It is also suggested that this method can be used for strains of Lassa virus, common not only in Guinea but also in other endemic areas, but this fact must be confirmed in further studies