2,461 research outputs found

    HydroShare GIS: Visualizing Spatial Data in the Cloud

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    Cloud-based data management systems are more conducive to collaborative efforts when they are integrated with cloud-computing tools that interact with their stored data. HydroShare, a web based data management system for climate and water data, has implemented an Application Programming Interface and a web application platform deployed using Tethys Platform to encourage the development of apps that interact with its data. HydroShare GIS is the result of one such development effort to provide cloud-based visualization of spatial data stored in HydroShare. It functions by accessing the spatial metadata contained within the HydroShare resource data model and overlaying datasets as layers within the OpenLayers JavaScript library. Data are passed from the app’s server to a GeoServer data server and shared as web mapping service layers. Thus, users can easily build map projects from data sources registered in HydroShare and save them back to HydroShare as map project resources, which can both be shared with others and re-opened in HydroShare GIS. This paper will describe the design of the HydroShare GIS app and the cyber-infrastructure that supports it, and evaluate its efficacy as a web based mapping tool

    Prevalence of Mental Health Disorder Symptoms and Rates of Help-seeking Among University-Enrolled, Black Men

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    Background. Black men in college represent a subgroup of emerging adults who are at increased risk of developing mental health disorders (MHDs), such as anxiety and depression. Such risk has been attributed to disproportionate experiences with everyday racial discrimination and high levels of psychological distress. Despite being at higher risk, university-enrolled, Black men are not utilizing mental health or health resources at optimal rates. The current evidence base describing prevalence of MHDs and health services utilization among Black men in college is limited. The present study addresses this by examining mental health prevalence among university-enrolled, Black men and their rates of health services utilization. Methods. We analyzed data (N ~ 2500) from a student survey, Spit for Science, a longitudinal, ongoing, research study at a mid-Atlantic, public university. Participants are given surveys in their freshman year and follow-up surveys every spring thereafter. Measures included: mental health disorders (depression and anxiety, as measured by the Symptom Checklist 90) and campus health service utilization (counseling center, health services, wellness center, and recreational sports). We conducted descriptive analyses to determine MHD symptom prevalence and utilization rates; Mann Whitney U tests to compare prevalence rates to White men and Black women; and, Chi-squared tests to compare rates of utilization among groups. Results. During their Freshman year, greater than 60% of students from each ethnic group reported at least one anxiety symptom and greater than 80% reported at least one depressive symptom. By senior year, reporting rates decreased significantly for Black men (49.6%) but remained high for White men (69.1%) and Black women (63%); p \u3c0.000. For depression, results were similar; however, only significant differences between Black men (72.7%) and Black women (87.1%); p\u3c0.000. Black men (20.4%), though reporting high levels of symptoms, still utilized counseling services at lower rates compared to White men (37.76%); p = 0.024. Conclusion. Findings suggest that Black men underutilize available campus health resources despite reporting one or more symptoms associated with anxiety and depression. Further research and prevention efforts are needed to improve help-seeking among this vulnerable population.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/gradposters/1077/thumbnail.jp

    A Simplified Approach for Estimating Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks in Semi-Arid Complex Terrain

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    We investigated soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) distribution and developed a model, using readily available geospatial data, to predict that distribution across a mountainous, semi-arid, watershed in southwestern Idaho (USA). Soil core samples were collected and analyzed from 133 locations at 6 depths (n=798), revealing that aspect dramatically influences the distribution of C and N, with north-facing slopes exhibiting up to 5 times more C and N than adjacent southfacing aspects. These differences are superimposed upon an elevation (precipitation) gradient, with soil C and N contents increasing by nearly a factor of 10 from the bottom (1100 m elevation) to the top (1900 m elevation) of the watershed. Among the variables evaluated, vegetation cover, as represented by a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), is the strongest, positively correlated, predictor of C; potential insolation (incoming solar radiation) is a strong, negatively correlated, secondary predictor. Approximately 62% (as R2) of the variance in the C data is explained using NDVI and potential insolation, compared with an R2 of 0.54 for a model using NDVI alone. Soil N is similarly correlated to NDVI and insolation. We hypothesize that the correlations between soil C and N and slope, aspect and elevation reflect, in part, the inhibiting influence of insolation on semi-arid ecosystem productivity via water limitation. Based on these identified relationships, two modeling techniques (multiple linear regression and cokriging) were applied to predict the spatial distribution of soil C and N across the watershed. Both methods produce similar distributions, successfully capturing observed trends with aspect and elevation. This easily applied approach may be applicable to other semi-arid systems at larger scales

    Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations and Bioactivity in the Hyporheic Zone

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    Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations and consumption rates are primary indicators of heterotrophic respiration and redox conditions in the hyporheic zone (HZ). Due to the complexity of hyporheic flow and interactions between hyporheic hydraulics and the biogeochemical processes, a detailed, mechanistic, and predictive understanding of the biogeochemical activity in the HZ has not yet been developed. Previous studies of microbial activity in the HZ have treated the metabolic DO consumption rate constant (KDO) as a temporally fixed and spatially homogeneous property that is determined primarily by the concentration of bioavailable carbon. These studies have generally treated bioactivity as temporally steady state, failing to capture the temporal dynamics of a changeable system. We demonstrate that hyporheic hydraulics controls rate constants in a hyporheic system that is relatively abundant in bioavailable carbon, such that KDO is a linear function of the local downwelling flux. We further demonstrate that, for triangular dunes, the downwelling velocities are lognormally distributed, as are the KDO values. By comparing measured and modeled DO profiles, we demonstrate that treating KDO as a function of the downwelling flux yields a significant improvement in the accuracy of predicted DO profiles. Additionally, our results demonstrate the temporal effect of carbon consumption on microbial respiration rates

    Evolution of a Canada Basin ice-ocean boundary layer and mixed layer across a developing thermodynamically forced marginal ice zone

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    A comprehensive set of autonomous, ice-ocean measurements were collected across the Canada Basin to study the summer evolution of the ice-ocean boundary layer (IOBL) and ocean mixed layer (OML). Evaluation of local heat and freshwater balances and associated turbulent forcing reveals that melt ponds (MPs) strongly influence the summer IOBL-OML evolution. Areal expansion of MPs in mid-June start the upper ocean evolution resulting in significant increases to ocean absorbed radiative flux (19 W m−2 in this study). Buoyancy provided by MP drainage shoals and freshens the IOBL resulting in a 39 MJ m−2 increase in heat storage in just 19 days (52% of the summer total). Following MP drainage, a near-surface fresh layer deepens through shear-forced mixing to form the summer mixed layer (sML). In late summer, basal melt increases due to stronger turbulent mixing in the thin sML and the expansion of open water areas due in part to wind-forced divergence of the sea ice. Thermal heterogeneities in the marginal ice zone (MIZ) upper ocean led to large ocean-to-ice heat fluxes (100–200 W m−2) and enhanced basal ice melt (3–6 cm d−1), well away from the ice edge. Calculation of the upper ocean heat budget shows that local radiative heat input accounted for at least 89% of the observed latent heat losses and heat storage (partitioned 0.77/0.23). These results suggest that the extensive area of deteriorating sea ice observed away from the ice edge during the 2014 season, termed the “thermodynamically forced MIZ,” was driven primarily by local shortwave radiative forcing

    Transpulmonary thermodilution for hemodynamic measurements in severely burned children

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    Abstract Introduction Monitoring of hemodynamic and volumetric parameters after severe burns is of critical importance. Pulmonary artery catheters, however, have been associated with many risks. Our aim was to show the feasibility of continuous monitoring with minimally invasive transpulmonary thermodilution (TPTD) in severely burned pediatric patients. Methods This prospective cohort study was conducted in patients with severe burns over 40% of the total body surface area (TBSA) who were admitted to the hospital within 96 hours after sustaining the injury. TPTD measurements were performed using the PiCCO system (Pulsion Medical Systems, Munich, Germany). Cardiac Index (CI), Intrathoracic Blood Volume Index (ITBVI) (Stewart-Hamilton equation), Extravascular Lung Water Index (EVLWI) and Systemic Vascular Resistance Index (SVRI) measurements were recorded twice daily. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way repeated measures analysis of variance with the post hoc Bonferroni test for intra- and intergroup comparisons. Results Seventy-nine patients with a mean age (±SD) of 9 ± 5 years and a mean TBSA burn (±SD) of 64% ± 20% were studied. CI significantly increased compared to level at admission and was highest 3 weeks postburn. ITBVI increased significantly starting at 8 days postburn. SVRI continuously decreased early in the perioperative burn period. EVLWI increased significantly starting at 9 days postburn. Young children (0 to 5 years old) had a significantly increased EVLWI and decreased ITBVI compared to older children (12 to 18 years old). EVLWI was significantly higher in patients who did not survive burn injury. Conclusions Continuous PiCCO measurements were performed for the first time in a large cohort of severely burned pediatric patients. The results suggest that hyperdynamic circulation begins within the first week after burn injury and continues throughout the entire intensive care unit stay

    Patching up the No-Boundary Proposal with virtual Euclidean wormholes

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    In quantum cosmology, one often considers tunneling phenomena which may have occurred in the early universe. Processes requiring quantum penetration of a potential barrier include black hole pair creation and the decay of vacuum domain walls. Ideally, one calculates the rates for such processes by finding an instanton, or Euclidean solution of the field equations, which interpolates between the initial and final states. In practice, however, it has become customary to calculate such amplitudes using the No-Boundary Proposal of Hartle and Hawking. A criticism of this method is that it does not use a single path which interpolates between the initial and final states, but two disjoint instantons: One divides the probability to create the final state from nothing by the probability to create the initial state from nothing and decrees the answer to be the rate of tunneling from the initial to the final state. Here, we demonstrate the validity of this approach by constructing continuous paths connecting the ingoing and outgoing data, which may be viewed as perturbations of the set of disconnected instantons. They are off-shell, but will still dominate the path integral as they have action arbitrarily close to the no-boundary action. In this picture, a virtual domain wall, or wormhole, is created and annihilated in such a way as to interface between the disjoint instantons. Decay rates calculated using our construction differ from decay rates calculated using the No-Boundary Proposal only in the prefactor; the exponent, which usually dominates the result, remains unchanged.Comment: 23 pages REVTeX plus 7 figure

    Long-Term PIT and T-Bar Anchor Tag Retention Rates in Adult Muskellunge

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    Mark-recapture studies require knowledge of tag retention rates specific to tag types, fish species and size, and study duration. We determined the probability of tag loss for passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags implanted into dorsal musculature, T-bar anchor tags attached to dorsal pterygiophores, and loss of both tags in relation to years post-tagging for double-marked adult muskellunge Esox masquinongy over a 10 year period. We also used PIT tags as a benchmark to assess the interactive effects of fish length at tagging, sex, and years post-tagging on T-bar anchor tag loss rates. Only five instances of PIT tag loss were identified; the calculated probability of a fish losing its PIT tag was consistently \u3c 1.0% for up to 10 years post-tagging. The probability of T-bar anchor tag loss by muskellunge was related to the number of years post-tagging and total length of fish at tagging. T-bar anchor tag loss rate one year after tagging was 6.5%. Individuals \u3c 750 mm total length at tagging had anchor tag loss rates \u3c 10% for up to 6 years after tagging. However, the proportion of fish losing T-bar anchor tags steadily increased with increasing years post-tagging (~30% after 6 years) for larger muskellunge. Fish gender did not influence probability of T-bar anchor tag loss. Our results indicate that T-bar anchor tags are best suited for short-term applications (≀ 1 year duration) involving adult muskellunge. We recommend use of PIT tags for longer-term tagging studies, particularly for muskellunge \u3e 750 mm total length
