30,208 research outputs found

    The Local Effects of Cosmological Variations in Physical 'Constants' and Scalar Fields I. Spherically Symmetric Spacetimes

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    We apply the method of matched asymptotic expansions to analyse whether cosmological variations in physical `constants' and scalar fields are detectable, locally, on the surface of local gravitationally bound systems such as planets and stars, or inside virialised systems like galaxies and clusters. We assume spherical symmetry and derive a sufficient condition for the local time variation of the scalar fields that drive varying constants to track the cosmological one. We calculate a number of specific examples in detail by matching the Schwarzschild spacetime to spherically symmetric inhomogeneous Tolman-Bondi metrics in an intermediate region by rigorously construction matched asymptotic expansions on cosmological and local astronomical scales which overlap in an intermediate domain. We conclude that, independent of the details of the scalar-field theory describing the varying `constant', the condition for cosmological variations to be measured locally is almost always satisfied in physically realistic situations. The proof of this statement provides a rigorous justification for using terrestrial experiments and solar system observations to constrain or detect any cosmological time variations in the traditional `constants' of Nature.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figures; corrected typo

    Critical behavior at de-pinning of a driven disordered vortex matter in 2H-NbS2

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    We report unusual jamming in driven ordered vortex flow in 2H-NbS2. Reinitiating movement in these jammed vortices with a higher driving force, and halting it thereafter once again with a reduction in drive, unfolds a critical behavior centered around the de-pinning threshold via divergences in the lifetimes of transient states, validating the predictions of a recent simulation study, which also pointed out a correspondence between plastic de-pinning in vortex matter and the notion of random organization proposed in the context of sheared colloids undergoing diffusive motion.Comment: Phys. Rev. B (in press, 2012). The paper has 14 pages of Text+ Refs. with 4 figures. (Note as some of the figure files are large in size, to enable faster download, the file size has been kept small and the figure resolution are low. The online version of the paper to appear in PRB will contain the higher resolution figures

    Mathematical modelling of ethanol metabolism in normal subjects and chronic alcohol misusers

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    The time course of ethanol disappearance from the blood has been examined in normal males and females and in alcohol misusers. Blood alcohol estimations were made over a period of 3 hr, following an oral dose of ethanol (0.8 g/kg body weight) administered in the form of whisky. Attempts were made to fit the data to zero order, first order and mixed zero + first order kinetics. In the majority (75%) of normal females the blood ethanol concentration was still increasing at 30 min. This was only seen in 50% of normal males and in 50% of non-dependent alcohol misusers, but not in dependent alcohol misusers. In all of the normal females the disappearance of ethanol could be adequately described by zero order kinetics. However, in the normal male group only 20% could be described by zero order kinetics, 10% fitted first order kinetics and the remainder required a mixed model of zero + first order. The rate constant for the zero order component of the control male group was identical to zero order rate constant obtained for the female control group. In the female alcohol misuser group, 40% of the curves could not be described by zero order kinetics and fitted best to a mixed model. The zero order component of the entire group was significantly increased (by 35%) compared to that obtained for the female control group. In the male dependent and non-dependent alcohol misuser groups, all blood alcohol concentration curves fitted best to mixed zero and first order kinetics. However, no significant differences were noted in the values of the kinetic parameters when compared with the male control group. It is suggested that the zero order component of the blood alcohol concentration curves is due to the action of liver alcohol dehydrogenase and the first order component represents redistribution to the tissues. The presence or absence of a first order component is attributed to differences in absorption rates from the gut

    Activation of the P2Y2 receptor regulates bone cell function by enhancing ATP release

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    Bone cells constitutively release ATP into the extracellular environment where it acts locally via P2 receptors to regulate bone cell function. Whilst P2Y2 receptor stimulation regulates bone mineralisation, the functional effects of this receptor in osteoclasts remain unknown. This investigation used the P2Y2 receptor knockout (P2Y2R−/−) mouse model to investigate the role of this receptor in bone. MicroCT analysis of P2Y2R−/− mice demonstrated age-related increases in trabecular bone volume (≤48%), number (≤30%) and thickness (≤17%). In vitro P2Y2R−/− osteoblasts displayed a 3-fold increase in bone formation and alkaline phosphatase activity, whilst P2Y2R−/− osteoclasts exhibited a 65% reduction in resorptive activity. Serum cross-linked C-telopeptide levels (CTX, resorption marker) were also decreased (≤35%). The resorption defect in P2Y2R−/− osteoclasts was rescued by the addition of exogenous ATP, suggesting that an ATP deficit could be a key factor in the reduced function of these cells. In agreement, we found that basal ATP release was reduced up to 53% in P2Y2R−/− osteoclasts. The P2Y2 receptor agonists, UTP and 2-thioUTP, increased osteoclast activity and ATP release in wild-type but not in P2Y2R−/− cells. This indicates that the P2Y2 receptor may regulate osteoclast function indirectly by promoting ATP release. UTP and 2-thioUTP also stimulate ATP release from osteoblasts suggesting that the P2Y2 receptor exerts a similar function in these cells. Taken together, our findings are consistent with the notion that the primary action of P2Y2 receptor signalling in bone is to regulate extracellular ATP levels

    The geomorphological setting of some of Scotland's east coast freshwater mills: a comment on Downward and Skinner (2005) ‘Working rivers: the geomorphological legacy...’

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    Many of the water mills on Scotland's east coast streams, unlike those discussed recently by Downward and Skinner (2005 Area 37 138–47), are found in predominantly bedrock reaches immediately downstream of knickpoints (i.e. bedrock steps). Bedrock knickpoints in the lower reaches of Scottish rivers are a widespread fluvial response to the glacio-isostatic rebound of northern Britain. These steps in the river profile propagate headward over time, but for intervals of a few centuries or so they are sufficiently stable to be exploited for the elevational fall necessary to power the mill wheel. Many of these mills were apparently powered by ‘run-of-the-river’, as are some today that formerly had mill dams. The typical lack of sediment storage along the erosional lower reaches of many Scottish rivers means that failure of mill structures in Scotland will probably have less dramatic geomorphological and management implications than those suggested by Downward and Skinner for southern English rivers

    Electrical coupling of neuro-ommatidial photoreceptor cells in the blowfly

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    A new method of microstimulation of the blowfly eye using corneal neutralization was applied to the 6 peripheral photoreceptor cells (R1-R6) connected to one neuro-ommatidium (and thus looking into the same direction), whilst the receptor potential of a dark-adapted photoreceptor cell was recorded by means of an intracellular microelectrode. Stimulation of the photoreceptor cells not impaled elicited responses in the recorded cell of about 20% of the response elicited when stimulating the recorded cell. This is probably caused by gap junctions recently found between the axon terminals of these cells. Stimulation of all 6 cells together yielded responses that were larger and longer than those obtained with stimulation of just the recorded cell, and intensity-response curves that deviated more strongly from linearity. Evidence is presented that the resistance of the axon terminal of the photoreceptor cells quickly drops in response to a light flash, depending on the light intensity. Incorporating the cable properties of the cell body and the axon, the resistance of the gap junctions, and the (adapting) terminal resistance, a theoretical model is presented that explains the measurements well. Finally, it is argued that the gap junctions between the photoreceptor cells may effectively uncouple the synaptic responses of the cells by counteracting the influence of field potentials.

    Delayed Insemination of Non-Estrual Beef Heifers in 7-day CO-Synch Timed Artificial Insemination

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    Reproductive performance in cattle is considered to be the most economically important trait and is essential for the success of an operation. In the last decade, timed artificial insemination (AI) in the beef cattle industry has increased in popularity due to the decreased amount of labor required for estrous detection. To increase the use of AI; however, cost and time inputs need to be further decreased. The objective of this study was to determine if fertility could be improved in beef heifers that are not expressing estrus before timed AI by delaying insemination

    Neural superposition and oscillations in the eye of the blowfly

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    Neural superposition in the eye of the blowfly Calliphora erythrocephala was investigated by stimulating single photoreceptors using corneal neutralization through water immersion. Responses in Large Monopolar Cells (LMCs) in the lamina were measured, while stimulating one or more of the six photoreceptors connected to the LMC. Responses to flashes of low light intensity on individual photoreceptors add approximately linearly at the LMC. Higher intensity light flashes produce a maximum LMC response to illumination of single photoreceptors which is about half the maximum response to simultaneous illumination of the six connecting photoreceptors. This observation indicates that a saturation can occur at a stage of synaptic transmission which precedes the change in the post-synaptic membrane potential. Stimulation of single photoreceptors yields high frequency oscillations (about 200 Hz) in the LMC potential, much larger in amplitude than produced by simultaneous stimulation of the six photoreceptors connected to the LMC. It is discussed that these oscillations also arise from a mechanism that precedes the change in the postsynaptic membrane potential.