691 research outputs found

    Reductive Perturbation Method in Magnetized Plasma and Role of Negative Ions

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    An analysis of reductive perturbation method (RPM) is presented to show that why the solitary structures of nonlinear ion acoustic waves (IAWs) cannot be obtained in magnetized electron ion plasma by employing this technique. In RPM, the nonlinear Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation is derived using stretched coordinates in the reference frame of the wave phase speed, considering the dispersion to be a higher-order effect which balances the nonlinearity to produce a solitary structure. The maximum amplitude ∣Φm∣\mid \Phi_m \mid of the nonlinear solitary wave turns out to be larger than one which contradicts the small amplitude approximation. In the presence of negative ions, the maximum amplitude satisfies the condition ∣Φm∣<1\mid\Phi_m\mid <1. To elaborate these points, the results have been applied to an experimental plasma consisting of positive ions of xenon (Xe+)(Xe^{+}) and negative ions of fluorene (F−)(F^{-}) along with electrons. The amplitude and width of the solitary structures depend upon the ratio of the electron to positive ion density (ne0ni0\frac{n_{e0}}{n_{i0}}). Since the nonlinear coefficient turns out to be negative, rarefied (dip) solitons are formed in the magnetized Xe+−F−−eXe^{+}-F^{-}-e plasma

    Novel inner monolayer fusion assays reveal differential monolayer mixing associated with cation-dependent membrane fusion

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    AbstractThe ability to specifically monitor the behavior of the inner monolayer lipids of membranous vesicles during the membrane fusion process is useful technically and experimentally. In this study, we have identified N-NBD-phosphatidylserine as a reducible probe particularly suitable for inner monolayer fusion assays because of its low rate of membrane translocation after reduction of the outer monolayer probes by dithionite. Data are presented on translocation as a function of temperature, vesicle size, membrane composition, and serum protein concentration. Translocation as a result of the fusion event itself was also characterized. We further show here that a second membrane-localized probe, a long wavelength carbocyanine dye referred to a diI(5)C18ds, appears to form a membrane-bound resonance energy transfer pair with N-NBD-PS, and its outer monolayer fluorescence can also be eliminated by dithionite treatment. Lipid dilution of these probes upon fusion with unlabeled membranes leads to an increase in NBD donor fluorescence, and hence is a new type of inner monolayer fusion assay.These inner monolayer probe mixing assays were compared to random lipid labeling and aqueous contents mixing assays for cation-dependent fusion of liposomes composed of phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylethanolamine. The results showed that the inner monolayer fusion assay eliminates certain artifacts and reflects fairly closely the rate of non-leaky mixing of aqueous contents due to fusion, while outer monolayer mixing always precedes mixing of aqueous contents. In fact, vesicle aggregation and outer monolayer lipid mixing were found to occur over very long periods of time without inner monolayer mixing at low cation concentrations. Externally added lysophosphatidylcholine inhibited vesicle aggregation, outer monolayer mixing and any subsequent fusion. The state of vesicle aggregation and outer monolayer exchange that occurs below the fusion threshold may represent a metastable intermediate state that may be useful for further studies of the mechanism of membrane fusion

    The geometric role of symmetry breaking in gravity

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    In gravity, breaking symmetry from a group G to a group H plays the role of describing geometry in relation to the geometry the homogeneous space G/H. The deep reason for this is Cartan's "method of equivalence," giving, in particular, an exact correspondence between metrics and Cartan connections. I argue that broken symmetry is thus implicit in any gravity theory, for purely geometric reasons. As an application, I explain how this kind of thinking gives a new approach to Hamiltonian gravity in which an observer field spontaneously breaks Lorentz symmetry and gives a Cartan connection on space.Comment: 4 pages. Contribution written for proceedings of the conference "Loops 11" (Madrid, May 2011

    Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase maintains glycolysis-driven growth in Drosophila tumors

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    Published online: 14 September 2017Tumors frequently fail to pass on all their chromosomes correctly during cell division, and this chromosomal instability (CIN) causes irregular aneuploidy and oxidative stress in cancer cells. Our objective was to test knockdowns of metabolic enzymes in Drosophila to find interventions that could exploit the differences between normal and CIN cells to block CIN tumor growth without harming the host animal. We found that depleting by RNAi or feeding the host inhibitors against phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) was able to block the growth of CIN tissue in a brat tumor explant model. Increasing NAD+ or oxidising cytoplasmic NADH was able to rescue the growth of PEPCK depleted tumors, suggesting a problem in clearing cytoplasmic NADH. Consistent with this, blocking the glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle blocked tumor growth, as well as lowering ROS levels. This work suggests that proliferating CIN cells are particularly vulnerable to inhibition of PEPCK, or its metabolic network, because of their compromised redox status.Rashid Hussain, Zeeshan Shaukat, Mahwish Khan, Robert Saint and Stephen L. Gregor

    The Pharm.D. in Pakistan: A Curricular Innovation in Health Systems Instruction

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    The Pharm.D. in Pakistan: A Curricular Innovation in Health Systems Instructio

    Phenylacetic acid-producing rhizoctonia solani represses the biosynthesis of nematicidal compounds in vitro and influences biocontrol of meloidogyne incognita in tomato by pseudomonas fluorescens strain cha0 and its gm derivatives

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    Aims: The aim of the present investigation was to determine the influence of Rhizoctonia solani and its pathogenicity factor on the production of nematicidal agent(s) by Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 and its GM derivatives in vitro and nematode biocontrol potential by bacterial inoculants in tomato. Methods and Results: One (Rs7) of the nine R. solani isolates from infected tomato roots inhibited seedling emergence and caused root rot in tomato. Thin layer chromatography revealed that culture filtrates of two isolates (Rs3 and Rs7) produced brown spots at Rf-values closely similar to synthetic phenylacetic acid (PAA), a phytotoxic factor. Filtrates from isolate Rs7, amended with the growth medium of P. fluorescens, markedly repressed nematicidal activity and PhlA'-'LacZ reporter gene expression of the bacteria in vitro. On the contrary, isolate Rs4 enhanced nematicidal potential of a 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol overproducing mutant, CHA0/pME3424, of P. fluorescens strain CHA0 in vitro. Therefore, R. solani isolates Rs4 and Rs7 were tested more rigorously for their potential to influence biocontrol effectiveness of the bacterial agents. Methanol extract of the culture filtrates of PAA-producing isolate Rs7 resulting from medium amended with phenylalanine enhanced fungal repression of the production of nematicidal agents by bacteria, while amendments with zinc or molybdenum eliminated such fungal repression, thereby restoring bacterial potential to cause nematode mortality in vitro. A pot experiment was carried out, 3-week-old tomato seedlings were infested with R. solani isolates Rs4 or Rs7 and/or inoculated with Meloidogyne incognita, the root-knot nematode. The infested soil was treated with aqueous cell suspensions (10(8) CFU) of P. fluorescens strain CHA0 or its GM derivatives or left untreated (as a control). Observations taken 45 days after nematode inoculation revealed that, irrespective of the bacterial treatments, galling intensity per gram of fresh tomato roots was markedly higher in soil amended with isolate Rs4 than in Rs7-amended soils. Soil amendments with R. solani and the bacterial antagonists resulted in substantial reductions of the number of galls per gram of root. These results are contradictory to those obtained under in vitro conditions where culture filtrates of PAA-positive Rs7 repressed the production of nematicidal compounds. Plants grown in Rs7-amended soils, with or without bacterial inoculants, had lesser shoot and root weights than plants grown in nonamended or Rs4-amended soils. Moreover, amendments with Rs7 substantially retarded root growth and produced necrotic lesions that reduced the number of entry sites for invasion and subsequent infection by nematodes. Populations of P. fluorescens in the tomato rhizosphere were markedly higher in Rs7-amended soils. Conclusions: PAA-producing virulent R. solani drastically affects the potential of P. fluorescens to cause death of M. incognita juveniles in vitro and influences bacterial effectiveness to suppress nematodes in tomato roots. Significance and Impact of the Study: As most agricultural soils are infested with root-infecting fungi, including R. solani, it is likely that some PAA-producing isolates of the fungus may also be isolated from such soils. The inhibitory effect of PAA-producing R. solani on the biosynthesis of nematicidal agent(s) critical in biocontrol may reduce or even eliminate the effectiveness of fluorescent pseudomonads against root-knot nematodes, both in nursery beds and in field conditions. Introduction of bacterial inoculants, for the control of any plant pathogen, should be avoided in soils infested with PAA-producing R. solani. Alternatively, the agents could be applied together with an appropriate quantity of fungicide or chemicals such as zinc to create an environment more favourable for bacterial biocontrol action

    Chromosomal instability triggers cell death via local signalling through the innate immune receptor Toll

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    Chromosomal instability (CIN) is a hallmark of cancer and has been implicated in cancer initiation, progression and the development of resistance to traditional cancer therapy. Here we identify a new property of CIN cells, showing that inducing CIN in proliferating Drosophila larval tissue leads to the activation of innate immune signalling in CIN cells. Manipulation of this immune pathway strongly affects the survival of CIN cells, primarily via JNK, which responds to both Toll and TNFα/Eiger. This pathway also activates Mmp1, which recruits hemocytes to the CIN tissue to provide local amplification of the immune response that is needed for effective elimination of CIN cells.Dawei Liu, Zeeshan Shaukat, Robert B. Saint, and Stephen L. Gregor

    A Screen for selective killing of cells with chromosomal instability induced by a spindle checkpoint defect

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    BACKGROUND: The spindle assembly checkpoint is crucial for the maintenance of a stable chromosome number. Defects in the checkpoint lead to Chromosomal INstability (CIN), which is linked to the progression of tumors with poor clinical outcomes such as drug resistance and metastasis. As CIN is not found in normal cells, it offers a cancer-specific target for therapy, which may be particularly valuable because CIN is common in advanced tumours that are resistant to conventional therapy. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we identify genes that are required for the viability of cells with a CIN phenotype. We have used RNAi knockdown of the spindle assembly checkpoint to induce CIN in Drosophila and then screened the set of kinase and phosphatase genes by RNAi knockdown to identify those that induce apoptosis only in the CIN cells. Genes identified include those involved in JNK signaling pathways and mitotic cytoskeletal regulation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The screen demonstrates that it is feasible to selectively kill cells with CIN induced by spindle checkpoint defects. It has identified candidates that are currently being pursued as cancer therapy targets (e.g. Nek2: NIMA related kinase 2), confirming that the screen is able to identify promising drug targets of clinical significance. In addition, several other candidates were identified that have no previous connection with mitosis or apoptosis. Further screening and detailed characterization of the candidates could potentially lead to the therapies that specifically target advanced cancers that exhibit CIN.Zeeshan Shaukat, Heidi W.S. Wong, Shannon Nicolson, Robert B. Saint and Stephen L. Gregor
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