1,003 research outputs found

    Extremely Correlated Fermi Liquid Description of Normal State ARPES in Cuprates

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    The normal state single particle spectral function of the high temperature superconducting cuprates, measured by the angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES), has been considered both anomalous and crucial to understand. Here we show that an unprecedentedly detailed description of the data is provided by a spectral function arising from the Extremely Correlated Fermi Liquid state of the t-J model proposed recently by Shastry. The description encompasses both laser and conventional synchrotron ARPES data on optimally doped Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta}, and also conventional synchrotron ARPES data on the La1.85_{1.85}Sr0.15_{0.15}CuO4_4 materials. {\em It fits all data sets with the same physical parameter values}, satisfies the particle sum rule and successfully addresses two widely discussed "kink" anomalies in the dispersion.Comment: Published version, 5 figs; published 29 July (2011

    Hubbard Model on Decorated Lattices

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    We introduce a family of lattices for which the Hubbard model and its natural extensions can be quasi-exactly solved, i.e. solved for the ground and low energy states. In particular, we show rigorously that the ground state of the Hubbard model with off-site Coulomb repulsions on a decorated Kagom\`{e} lattice is an ordered array of local currents. The low energy theory describing this chiral state is an S=1/2S=1/2 XY model, where each spin degree of freedom represents the two possible chiralities of each local current.Comment: Accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Universal features of Thermopower in High Tc systems and Quantum Criticality

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    In high Tc superconductors a wide ranging connection between the doping dependence of the transition temperature Tc and the room temperature thermopower Q has been observed. A "universal correlation" between these two quantities exists with the thermopower vanishing at optimum doping as noted by OCTHH (Obertelli, Cooper, Tallon, Honma and Hor). In this work we provide an interpretation of this OCTHH universality in terms of a possible underlying quantum critical point (QCP) at Tc. Central to our viewpoint is the recently noted Kelvin formula relating the thermopower to the density derivative of the entropy. Perspective on this formula is gained through a model calculation of the various Kubo formulas in an exactly solved 1-dimensional model with various limiting procedures of wave vector and frequency.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Solution of Some Integrable One-Dimensional Quantum Systems

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    In this paper, we investigate a family of one-dimensional multi-component quantum many-body systems. The interaction is an exchange interaction based on the familiar family of integrable systems which includes the inverse square potential. We show these systems to be integrable, and exploit this integrability to completely determine the spectrum including degeneracy, and thus the thermodynamics. The periodic inverse square case is worked out explicitly. Next, we show that in the limit of strong interaction the "spin" degrees of freedom decouple. Taking this limit for our example, we obtain a complete solution to a lattice system introduced recently by Shastry, and Haldane; our solution reproduces the numerical results. Finally, we emphasize the simple explanation for the high multiplicities found in this model

    Microscopic mechanism for the 1/8 magnetization plateau in SrCu_2(BO_3)_2

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    The frustrated quantum magnet SrCu_2(BO_3)_2 shows a remarkably rich phase diagram in an external magnetic field including a sequence of magnetization plateaux. The by far experimentally most studied and most prominent magnetization plateau is the 1/8 plateau. Theoretically, one expects that this material is well described by the Shastry-Sutherland model. But recent microscopic calculations indicate that the 1/8 plateau is energetically not favored. Here we report on a very simple microscopic mechanism which naturally leads to a 1/8 plateau for realistic values of the magnetic exchange constants. We show that the 1/8 plateau with a diamond unit cell benefits most compared to other plateau structures from quantum fluctuations which to a large part are induced by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions. Physically, such couplings result in kinetic terms in an effective hardcore boson description leading to a renormalization of the energy of the different plateaux structures which we treat in this work on the mean-field level. The stability of the resulting plateaux are discussed. Furthermore, our results indicate a series of stripe structures above 1/8 and a stable magnetization plateau at 1/6. Most qualitative aspects of our microscopic theory agree well with a recently formulated phenomenological theory for the experimental data of SrCu_2(BO_3)_2. Interestingly, our calculations point to a rather large ratio of the magnetic couplings in the Shastry-Sutherland model such that non-perturbative effects become essential for the understanding of the frustrated quantum magnet SrCu_2(BO_3)_2.Comment: 24 pages, 24 figure

    Resonant Two-Magnon Raman Scattering and Photoexcited States in Two-Dimensional Mott Insulators

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    We investigate the resonant two-magnon Raman scattering in two-dimensional (2D) Mott insulators by using a half-filled 2D Hubbard model in the strong coupling limit. By performing numerical diagonalization calculations for small clusters, we find that the Raman intensity is enhanced when the incoming photon energy is not near the optical absorption edge but well above it, being consistent with experimental data. The absence of resonance near the gap edge is associated with the presence of background spins, while photoexcited states for resonance are found to be characterized by the charge degree of freedom. The resonance mechanism is different from those proposed previously.Comment: REVTeX4, 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Exact solution and spectral flow for twisted Haldane-Shastry model

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    The exact solution of the spin chain model with 1/r21/r^2 exchange is found for twisted boundary conditions. The spectrum thus obtained can be reproduced by the asymptotic Bethe ansatz. The spectral flow of each eigenstate is determined exactly as a function of the twist angle. We find that the period 4π4\pi for the ground state nicely fits in with the notion of fractional exclusion statistics.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 1 figure available on request, to appear in PR