18 research outputs found

    Awareness about cervical cancer, HPV and HPV vaccine.

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    <p>*Number indicate participants who had knowledge about cervical cancer and know the causative agent.</p><p>**Number indicate participants who had both knowledge and know the causative agent.</p><p>***General opinion among all participants.</p><p>Awareness about cervical cancer, HPV and HPV vaccine.</p

    Relationship between clinico-pathological characteristics and hr- HPV Positivity.

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    <p>* Statistically Significant OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval;</p><p><sup>†</sup> Reference group for OR calculation</p><p>Relationship between clinico-pathological characteristics and hr- HPV Positivity.</p

    Relationship of betel nut, tobacco, smoking, and alcohol and status of hr-HPV in Oral cavity patients only.

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    <p>* Statistically Significant OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval;</p><p><sup>†</sup> Reference group for OR calculation</p><p>Relationship of betel nut, tobacco, smoking, and alcohol and status of hr-HPV in Oral cavity patients only.</p

    Demographic profiles and association with hr- HPV Positivity-.

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    <p>* Statistically Significant; OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval;</p><p><sup>†</sup> Reference group for OR calculation. Since only one variable is significant that will be significant in multivariate analysis also</p><p>Demographic profiles and association with hr- HPV Positivity-.</p

    Relation of HPV -16 and HPV-18 with clinico-pathological characteristics.

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    <p>* Statistically Significant, OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval;</p><p><sup>†</sup> Reference group for OR calculation</p><p>Relation of HPV -16 and HPV-18 with clinico-pathological characteristics.</p