3 research outputs found

    Capture of aqueous radioiodine species by metallated adsorbents from wastestreams of the nuclear power industry : a review

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    Iodine-129 poses a significant challenge in the drive towards lowering radionuclide emissions from used nuclear fuel recycling operations. Various techniques are employed for capture of gaseous iodine species, but it is also present, mainly as iodide anions, in problematic residual aqueous wastestreams, which have stimulated research interest in technologies for adsorption and retention of the radioiodine. This removal effort requires specialised adsorbents, which use soft metals to create selectivity in the challenging chemical conditions. A review of the literature, at laboratory scale, reveals a number of organic, inorganic and hybrid adsorbent matrices have been investigated for this purpose. They are functionalised principally by Ag metal, but also Bi, Cu and Pb, using numerous synthetic strategies. The iodide capacity of the adsorbents varies from 13 to 430 mg g−1, with ion-exchange resins and titanates displaying the highest maximum uptakes. Kinetics of adsorption are often slow, requiring several days to reach equilibrium, although some ligated metal ion and metal nanoparticle systems can equilibrate in < 1 h. Ag-loaded materials generally exhibit superior selectivity for iodide verses other common anions, but more consideration is required of how these materials would function successfully in industrial operation; specifically their performance in dynamic column experiments and stability of the bound radioiodine in the conversion to final wasteform and subsequent geological storage

    Functionality screening to help design effective materials for radioiodine abatement

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    This paper is part of a growing body of research work looking at the synthesis of an optimal adsorbent for the capture and containment of aqueous radioiodine from nuclear fuel reprocessing waste. 32 metalated commercial ion exchange resins were subjected to a two-tier screening assessment for their capabilities in the uptake of iodide from aqueous solutions. The first stage determined that there was appreciable iodide capacity across the adsorbent range (12–220 mg·g−1). Candidates with loading capacities above 40 mg·g−1 were progressed to the second stage of testing, which was a fractional factorial experimental approach. The different adsorbents were treated as discrete variables and concentrations of iodide, co-contaminants and protons (pH) as continuous variables. This gave rise to a range of extreme conditions, which were representative of the industrial challenges of radioiodine abatement. Results were fitted to linear regression models, both for the whole dataset (R2 = 59%) and for individual materials (R2 = 18–82%). The overall model determined that iodide concentration, nitrate concentration, pH and interactions between these factors had significant influences on the uptake. From these results, the top six materials were selected for project progression, with others discounted due to either poor uptake or noticeable iodide salt precipitation behaviour. These candidates exhibited reasonable iodide uptake in most experimental conditions (average of >20 mg·g−1 hydrated mass), comparing favourably with literature values for metallated adsorbents. Ag-loaded Purolite S914 (thiourea functionality) was the overall best-performing material, although some salt precipitation was observed in basic conditions. Matrix effects not withstanding it is recommended that metalated thiourea, bispicolylamine, and aminomethylphosphonic acid functionalized silicas warrant further exploration

    Ethylenediamine-funtionalized ion exchange resin for uranium recovery from acidic mixed sulphate-chloride media: initial column loading studies

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    A renewed interest in nuclear power around the world to reduce greenhouse gas emission is going to increase demand for uranium as fuel. This increased demand will result in more uranium being mined, which will in turn increase associated environmental pressures, such as fresh water use. A move to lower quality waters containing impurities such as chloride would help alleviate these pressures. In this work uptake characteristics of weakly basic anion exchange resin Ps-EDA towards uranium from saline solutions in a dynamic flow column have been determined. Breakthrough curves were produced, with suppression of uptake being observed for chloride concentrations above 5 g L-1. Calculated resin saturation capacities at 0 and 5 g L-1 chloride are comparable with literature values for strong base anion exchange resins, and exceed those published for weak base resins up to 20 g L-1 chloride. Data has been fit to multiple breakthrough models, with the Modified Dose-Response model most effectively predicting uranium recovery. The results presented show that the ethylenediamine functionality could be suitable for use in future uranium processing flowsheets where a high saline lixiviant is used