260 research outputs found

    The complexities and challenges of introducing electronic Ongoing Achievement Records in the pre-registration nursing course using PebblePad and hand-held tablets

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    This paper reports on a small pilot study aimed at eliciting the lecturer and student experience of using PebblePad to record the students' Ongoing Achievement Record (OAR) using hand-held tablets, at one university in England. Android tablets were purchased and attempts were made to transfer the OAR into the PebblePad system in an attempt to enhance the student experience of feedback from their via PebblePad, embed PebblePad learning technology in the practice component of the curriculum, enable the student to more readily engage in reflection and feedback with their personal tutor, practice education link and mentor, develop skills in the use of PebblePad and pilot the use of PebblePad in developing the Ongoing Achievement Record. Focus groups were carried out with students nurses (n=6) and lecturers (n=5) where participants were asked to discuss the successes and challenges of using PebblePad for the Ongoing Achievement Record, and suggest ways in which this strategy may be implemented more widely. Through a thematic analysis of the focus groups three broad themes of 'timing', 'technology literacy' and 'the technology' were identified. The findings from the study indicated that whilst this was not a positive experience on the whole for a number of reasons, there are lessons that can be learnt when attempting to introduce new ways of engaging with technology to enhance the student experience. Recommendations for implementing such an approach in the future are also presente

    Using Poetry to Teach about Minerals in Earth Science Class

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    This article describes how a high school earth science teacher and a college education professor team-taught a lesson to ninth graders on using poetry to learn about minerals. The professor, a geologist, shared an electronic slide show of poems she had composed about gem minerals that incorporated physical properties, formation, uses, and other information. After instruction, students researched a mineral of choice and wrote poems that contained facts and a personal reaction to the mineral. Some students reported difficulties in finding words to express their ideas in rhyme, but expressed satifaction in the sense of accomplishment in producing a scientific poem. Educational levels: Graduate or professional


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    New Orleans Morning

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    The Face of a Child

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    My Escape

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