10 research outputs found

    Labonté's 1993 Description of a Holosphere of Healthy Communities, with Health at the Centre (Derived from [8]).

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    <p>The interacting environmental spheres include a viable and sustainable natural environment and a sustainable economy.</p

    Separate and joint effects of education and wealth on obesity. Egyptian DHS 1992/95 and 2005/08.

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    a<p>Odds ratio of obesity associated with an increase in one wealth quintile in each education group estimated from the model including an interaction between education and wealth (estimates adjusted for age group and area of residence).</p>b<p><i>P</i>-value from the LR test for an interaction between education level and wealth quintile in its continuous form.</p

    Interaction between women’s education level and household wealth on obesity risk using the Egyptian DHS a. 1992/95; b. 2005/08.

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    <p>Each point represents the log OR of that combination of education level and wealth quintile compared with the reference category (education level  =  none/primary and wealth quintile  =  poorest). Error bars represent the standard error of the log OR. All plotted estimates are adjusted for age group and area of residence.</p

    Prevalence of obesity by subgroups – Egyptian DHS 1992/95 and 2005/08.

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    a<p>Difference in prevalence between the two time periods (prevalence<sub>(2005/08)</sub> – prevalence<sub>(1992/95)</sub>).</p>b<p>SE calculated as square root of ((SE<sub>2005/08)</sub><sup>2</sup> + (SE<sub>1992/95</sub>)<sup>2</sup>).</p>c<p>Based on the chi-squared test for the difference in prevalence.</p>d<p>There are only three women in this group so no estimate of prevalence is given.</p

    HE<sup>2</sup> causal loop diagram of the determinants of inequities in healthy eating.

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    <p>The HE<sup>2</sup> diagram is structured according to accepted principles of system dynamics [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0188872#pone.0188872.ref048" target="_blank">48</a>]. The arrows indicate the direction and polarity of influence. The solid lines indicate positive polarity and the dashed lines indicate negative polarity. Positive polarity means that the initiating variable influences the receiving variable in the same direction of change (e.g. as the ‘distance between households and food retailers’ goes up, so does the ‘time spent travelling to food retailers’). Negative polarity means that the initiating variable influences the receiving variable in the opposite direction (e.g. when the ‘level of misinformation about unhealthy foods’ falls, an individual’s ‘ability to sort through conflicting health related messages’ rises). Polarities do not indicate the rate of influence, and it is important to note that change may occur at uneven rates within the diagram.</p