275 research outputs found

    Complexity in surfaces of densest packings for families of polyhedra

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    Packings of hard polyhedra have been studied for centuries due to their mathematical aesthetic and more recently for their applications in fields such as nanoscience, granular and colloidal matter, and biology. In all these fields, particle shape is important for structure and properties, especially upon crowding. Here, we explore packing as a function of shape. By combining simulations and analytic calculations, we study three 2-parameter families of hard polyhedra and report an extensive and systematic analysis of the densest packings of more than 55,000 convex shapes. The three families have the symmetries of triangle groups (icosahedral, octahedral, tetrahedral) and interpolate between various symmetric solids (Platonic, Archimedean, Catalan). We find that optimal (maximum) packing density surfaces that reveal unexpected richness and complexity, containing as many as 130 different structures within a single family. Our results demonstrate the utility of thinking of shape not as a static property of an object in the context of packings, but rather as but one point in a higher dimensional shape space whose neighbors in that space may have identical or markedly different packings. Finally, we present and interpret our packing results in a consistent and generally applicable way by proposing a method to distinguish regions of packings and classify types of transitions between them.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Shape and symmetry determine two-dimensional melting transitions of hard regular polygons

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    The melting transition of two-dimensional (2D) systems is a fundamental problem in condensed matter and statistical physics that has advanced significantly through the application of computational resources and algorithms. 2D systems present the opportunity for novel phases and phase transition scenarios not observed in 3D systems, but these phases depend sensitively on the system and thus predicting how any given 2D system will behave remains a challenge. Here we report a comprehensive simulation study of the phase behavior near the melting transition of all hard regular polygons with 3≤n≤143\leq n\leq 14 vertices using massively parallel Monte Carlo simulations of up to one million particles. By investigating this family of shapes, we show that the melting transition depends upon both particle shape and symmetry considerations, which together can predict which of three different melting scenarios will occur for a given nn. We show that systems of polygons with as few as seven edges behave like hard disks; they melt continuously from a solid to a hexatic fluid and then undergo a first-order transition from the hexatic phase to the fluid phase. We show that this behavior, which holds for all 7≤n≤147\leq n\leq 14, arises from weak entropic forces among the particles. Strong directional entropic forces align polygons with fewer than seven edges and impose local order in the fluid. These forces can enhance or suppress the discontinuous character of the transition depending on whether the local order in the fluid is compatible with the local order in the solid. As a result, systems of triangles, squares, and hexagons exhibit a KTHNY-type continuous transition between fluid and hexatic, tetratic, and hexatic phases, respectively, and a continuous transition from the appropriate "x"-atic to the solid. [abstract truncated due to arxiv length limitations]
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